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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

Actually, that's something that can only be properly judged from a perspective of fairly distanced hindsight. To blithely claim it "served no useful purpose" is an opinion, no more and no less. For all either of us know, cumulative property damage might trigger pressure from the business sector on government.

It did serve a useful purpose, it allowed the right-wing media to distract all attention away from any legitimate point the protesters may have had.
Where in there does it say he's stuck-up (whatever that is)?

Its another internet wannabe twonk.

Degree educated, privileged background, every thing on a silver platter, speaks with a plumb in his mouth etc etc.

Daddy must have upset him or he is angry that he's just another minion and wants his fifteen.
Aye, says me and anyone else in the world outside of the protest forums of U75.

Ah, another poster whose posts make implicit claims about how "the world outside" thinks.

If you're going to go around smashing stuff up then you'd better have a good reason for it and I haven't heard one yet.

Why would I, for example, bother to give you any reasoning when your attitude makes it obvious that you'd at best listen with only one ear? You've already made your mind up, going by your previous writings.

But the spotlight is a wonderfull thing and creates a form of art under certain circumstances.

Did the anarchists really go to the march in support of showing disdane towards the cuts? or was it for their little itsy bit of tinternet fame?

You tell me treacle. maybe it was A BIT OF BOTH *gasp* Did any of the peaceful marchers want a but of the limelight or are they let off?

Did you say you were on the march btw??
Its another internet wannabe twonk.

Degree educated, privileged background, every thing on a silver platter, speaks with a plumb in his mouth etc etc.

Daddy must have upset him or he is angry that he's just another minion and whats his fifteen.

You didn't read anything on that website, did you? But you're determined to stick with what you've made up because it suits you better.
Southside doesn't read, or even attempt to learn. That wouldn't be so bad if he had the courage of at least some of his convictions. But he hasn't got those either.
okay just to clarify, it's the criminal justice and public order act 1994? S68 is aggravated trespass (or disruptive tresspas if you like)

s68(1) outlines the nature of the offence which is:
A person commits the offence of aggravated trespass if he trespasses on land [this could be inside a building] and, in relation to any lawful activity which persons are engaging in or are about to engage in on that or adjoining land , does there anything which is intended by him to have the effect—

(a)of intimidating those persons or any of them so as to deter them or any of them from engaging in that activity,

(b)of obstructing that activity, or

(c)of disrupting that activity.

s68(3) is just the sentencing guideline

You can be arrested for something and charged with something else but having seen the video i'd say you won't make it to trial. And yes unquestionably you should sue the police.

Ah ok, cheers for clarifying that for me, I was starting to wonder whether I was actually being charged with aggravated trespass, but tbh the actual naming of the offence sounds less serious so I'll stick to that when talking to my employer :)
I am thinking of suing the police, legal advice pending of course, if I have a case I will definitely do it and put any compo into a solidarity fund for protestors, as I'm sure everyone else will
all fuckin avee yoo! prove me rong...scush me luv I fink you are gorgeouse

yeah fighht me!

Go bed southside. And take your salty rags with you please.
You tell me treacle. maybe it was A BIT OF BOTH *gasp* Did any of the peaceful marchers want a but of the limelight or are they let off?

Did you say you were on the march btw??

No I didn't go, I was in trouble with my car and had to flush the engine and fit a new timing chain and tensioner, it flys now and no more noise from the cam chain hitting the rocker cover.
Actually, that's something that can only be properly judged from a perspective of fairly distanced hindsight. To blithely claim it "served no useful purpose" is an opinion, no more and no less. For all either of us know, cumulative property damage might trigger pressure from the business sector on government.

So let's go around smashing things up because we might be able to justify it one day. Ffs.

And what, cumulative business pressure on government to pursue less right wing policies because a few shop fronts got done over??
Ah, another poster whose posts make implicit claims about how "the world outside" thinks.

Why would I, for example, bother to give you any reasoning when your attitude makes it obvious that you'd at best listen with only one ear? You've already made your mind up, going by your previous writings.

Ok VP, indulge me and pretend I'm some bright and fresh faced kid from the sticks who wants to get involved in fighting the cuts. Explain to me why smashing up a few shop fronts could be a useful thing to do.
There's a big fucking issue here,

I know lets go to Oxford Street and smash some windows ffs.

If that isn't dumb then fuck me sideways.

Anyway I'm tired now, its very draining posting your opinion when it goes against the grain on an anarchists forum.

What amazes me, its a bit like saying I have no talent.........

I know, I'll become an anarchist and smash a few windows., that'll make a difference, yeah right.
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