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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

well spotted. If you look just a few seconds before that he pushes the crowd back aggressively and does a calm down motion with his hands. He takes refuge behind the phone boxes. We'll have to have some more of him. White trainers, blue jeans, not black bloc.

Yes, that is very well spotted.
Apparently two Sky News journalists were caught paying people to smash windows in Tunbridge Wells. The Scum has a number to call them 020 7782 4104 or email exclusive@the-sun.co.uk.Does anyone know their names if so I think they should be shopped inciting criminal offences is in itself a criminal offence. I'd gladly shop the bastards.
well spotted. If you look just a few seconds before that he pushes the crowd back aggressively and does a calm down motion with his hands. He takes refuge behind the phone boxes. We'll have to have some more of him. White trainers, blue jeans, not black bloc.

I've watched that footage a few times now.

He is actually having a fight with a few of the crowd (there are three or four throwing punches at him, at least) - the surge between the phone kiosks is people trying to have a go at him and he nearly gets pushed through between the boxes before being dragged back. It's only then that he does the aggressive push.

Possibly a few bods had twigged on who he was before he got let through police lines.
When we got kettled I saw several (3 or 4) individuals flash a card at police and get let straight through without a word. I thought it was dodge cos they were on their own, had no cameras, were all young men and didn't speak to the officers (i.e 'Im press - can I get through please? - heres my card').
recognise any of these from the student protests?

The bloke with the grey woolly hat would only have had to put his hood up to be the same one getting a clump in the earlier video.

ETA: And if I'm right about that, whoever took that last video should be very careful indeed.
I've not read this thread since page 15 (on 40 post per page) and I'm not sure if/when I'll get around to it, I'm just going add my personal story for now and one link, apologies if the link has been posted.

I took part in the ukuncut actions on oxford street, where we saw every tax avoider close, there were probably low thousands of people there but I really don't know how to tell - oxford circus was pretty rammed, anyone know how many were in the kettle there in 2001? similar number there I reckon, though it's hard to tell as the trojan horse was there taking up space..
At 3:30 followed the green umbrellas to fortnum and mason where we peacefully occupied.
Was vaguely aware of things going on outside due to twitter and a few glances out of windows from the first floor (though the police kept those of us who stayed up there in the middle).
We had meetings every half hour from 5pm to decide whether we should leave or stay and at 6pm came to a decision that we were too big a group to find a consensus and that we should go with a majority decision which was to leave, rather than hold on for a consensus - we had already made a consensus decision that we should all leave together.
We were told by the police that we would be let go and there was no kettle outside, but in fact we were kettled and all arrested - 139 people (out of 149 charged on saturday).
I was released on bail on sunday evening, I have been charged with obstruction/disruption under the CJA 1994 section 68(1) and (3), with a court date of 12th may. My only condition is that I'm not allowed in London over the royal wedding weekend..


In this video you can see the police officer in charge in the shop say that we would be allowed to leave. I'm not sure if this gives us grounds to sue for false imprisonment or wrongful arrest or anything. I also don't know if I can sue for wrongful arrest as my charge is different to the ones I was arrested for (aggravated trespass and criminal damage).. will take legal advice on that one.

Anyone who was arrested either at f&m or elsewhere on saturday should contact GBC legal - gbclegal at riseup dot net - and come to the defendants meeting on saturday, 2pm at ULU - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163019683752975
If you can't make it, pm me because I've already told one person I'll make sure notes are made and that I'll get them to him/her so I can do it for you as well.

I've had lots of support for this from everywhere, GMB have told me that the regional organiser will represent me if I get a disciplinary at work because they are supportive of the ukuncut action (I don't know if that is GMB nationally or just west mids), which is great.

I will try to read through this thread though, I would love to know everything that went on on saturday and sunday, but having missed sat evening and the whole of sunday I don't know how long that will take
What good can smashing windows lighting a few fires, spraying anarchy signs, writing Klass War in silver paint, breaking into a toff shop and being leary towards the police do?

It seems there will always be idiots at demo's.

I can't help but think it's down to having the voice of a mute mouse and being agressive towards buildings by smashing and spraying is an attention whores trick.
Good show Tom, but sorry you've had such shit from the police.

Don't know about the legalities of them originally planning to let you go, then arresting you, and also the changes now in charges, but yeah I'd get some advice about that.
Fuck off southside you prick.

Fuck you too.

Its an opinion that I and most of the country hold so ner.

Its true, most of the trouble makers looked and sounded how I'd imagine them to (Students)

The real protesters were the thousands of people who behaved themselves, not a few student types with a spray can of no hope in thier hands.
I've not read this thread since page 15 (on 40 post per page) and I'm not sure if/when I'll get around to it, I'm just going add my personal story for now and one link, apologies if the link has been posted.

I took part in the ukuncut actions on oxford street, where we closed every tax avoider, there were probably low thousands of people there but I really don't know how to tell - oxford circus was pretty rammed, anyone know how many were in the kettle there in 2001? similar number there I reckon, though it's hard to tell as the trojan horse was there taking up space..
At 3:30 followed the green umbrellas to fortnum and mason where we peacefully occupied.
Was vaguely aware of things going on outside due to twitter and a few glances out of windows from the first floor (though the police kept those of us who stayed up there in the middle).
We had meetings every half hour from 5pm to decide whether we should leave or stay and at 6pm came to a decision that we were too big a group to find a consensus and that we should go with a majority decision which was to leave, rather than hold on for a consensus - we had already made a consensus decision that we should all leave together.
We were told by the police that we would be let go and there was no kettle outside, but in fact we were kettled and all arrested - 139 people (out of 149 charged on saturday).
I was released on bail on sunday evening, I have been charged with obstruction/disruption under the CJA 1994 section 68(1) and (3), with a court date of 12th may. My only condition is that I'm not allowed in London over the royal wedding weekend..


In this video you can see the police officer in charge in the shop say that we would be allowed to leave. I'm not sure if this gives us grounds to sue for false imprisonment or wrongful arrest or anything. I also don't know if I can sue for wrongful arrest as my charge is different to the ones I was arrested for (aggravated trespass and criminal damage).. will take legal advice on that one.

Anyone who was arrested either at f&m or elsewhere on saturday should contact GBC legal - gbclegal at riseup dot net - and come to the defendants meeting on saturday, 2pm at ULU - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163019683752975
If you can't make it, pm me because I've already told one person I'll make sure notes are made and that I'll get them to him/her so I can do it for you as well.

I've had lots of support for this from everywhere, GMB have told me that the regional organiser will represent me if I get a disciplinary at work because they are supportive of the ukuncut action (I don't know if that is GMB nationally or just west mids), which is great.

I will try to read through this thread though, I would love to know everything that went on on saturday and sunday, but having missed sat evening and the whole of sunday I don't know how long that will take

okay just to clarify, it's the criminal justice and public order act 1994? S68 is aggravated trespass (or disruptive tresspas if you like)

s68(1) outlines the nature of the offence which is:
A person commits the offence of aggravated trespass if he trespasses on land [this could be inside a building] and, in relation to any lawful activity which persons are engaging in or are about to engage in on that or adjoining land , does there anything which is intended by him to have the effect—

(a)of intimidating those persons or any of them so as to deter them or any of them from engaging in that activity,

(b)of obstructing that activity, or

(c)of disrupting that activity.

s68(3) is just the sentencing guideline

You can be arrested for something and charged with something else but having seen the video i'd say you won't make it to trial. And yes unquestionably you should sue the police.
Edited for you

What good can smashing windows lighting a few fires, spraying anarchy signs, writing Klass War in silver paint, breaking into a toff shop and being leary towards the police do?

It seems there will always be idiots at demo's.

I can't help but think it's down to having the voice of a mute mouse and being agressive towards buildings by smashing and spraying is an attention whores trick

Fuck you too.

Its an opinion that I and most of the country hold so ner.

Its true, most of the trouble makers looked and sounded how I'd imagine them to (Students)

The real protesters were the thousands of people who behaved themselves, not a few student types with a spray can of no hope in thier hands.

'So ner'

Fuck you too.

Its an opinion that I and most of the country hold so ner.

Its true, most of the trouble makers looked and sounded how I'd imagine them to (Students)

The real protesters were the thousands of people who behaved themselves, not a few student types with a spray can of no hope in thier hands.

I was one of the 'real protesters' by your definition and good on the 'trouble makers' imo. If it had of just been the TUC march then nobody would have given a fuck. Resistance was demonstrated - win.
Fuck you too.

Its an opinion that I and most of the country hold so ner.

Its true, most of the trouble makers looked and sounded how I'd imagine them to (Students)

The real protesters were the thousands of people who behaved themselves, not a few student types with a spray can of no hope in thier hands.

Can you explain how you differentiate between real and not real protestors.....
I was one of the 'real protesters' by your definition and good on the 'trouble makers' imo. If it had of just been the TUC march then nobody would have given a fuck. Resistance was demonstrated - win.

In principle I love the fact it makes for an exciting news reel but sadly I don't think any marching on London what ever the intent, the government wont listen because the Tories are hell bent on their agenda.
In principle I love the fact it makes for an exciting news reel but sadly I don't think any marching on London what ever the intent, the government wont listen because the Tories are hell bent on their agenda.
The cold cynical part of me thinks you're right, but it's important to make a statement and people will draw strength from that. There was a really good turnout on Sat and not just from the unions.
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