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‘March for the Alternative’ - 26th March - London

Marches, demo's, strikes, direct action, community engagement (but IMO, this doesn't have to be in any order - they can be complimentary and organised) to make a stand and some noise to both the government and the public who seem to think that its inevitable to have cuts because there are no other ways.

Theresa May in the House of Commons just now saying she'll look at givng the police "extra powers" to prevent violence, including preventing "known troublemakers" from going to demos, wider use of stop and search, and forcing people to uncover their faces.
Let's face it, Steph. You and I both know that marches alone aren't going to cut it, that industrial and possibly societal action beyond marching is necessary, but we also know that certain workers, because of their specific work ethos or ethical code, will still provide their services during a strike. That doesn't, however (whatever Kizmet may believe to the contrary) mean that some members of that profession shouldn't take industrial action on behalf of their colleagues, "pinching" those services without closing them off completely.

Kizmet will complain that this will inevitably cost lives, but the truth is that it has never been proven (and G-d knows the Tories tried during their last reign to do so) that industrial action by emergency services caused greater loss of life than would have occurred if no industrial action had taken place.

Yeah, I do indeed and quite agree VP.
Theresa May in the House of Commons just now saying she'll look at givng the police "extra powers" to prevent violence, including preventing "known troublemakers" from going to demos, wider use of stop and search, and forcing people to uncover their faces.

Cue people then blaming it on direct activists/anarchists 'for ruining protest for everyone' rather than then pointing their fingers at the government/police for draconian measures and heavy handedness. I'm quite expecting Moon to use that line despite his constant bitching about civil liberties.
So what you saying? They did a decent job?

As good as they could have got really.

As I said on the other thread I think the day was a score draw - as Kaka says they avoided PR disaster, and got a more manageable result of property damage. On the other hand, while the mobile squads are excellent we didn't score any big goals or link up with the main march.

As a whole the organised anarchists were non existent, no coherent plan of what to do on the day, and nothing attempted. Saying that the independent, autonomous, and ultra left Marxists weren't any better. Saying that, I salute the Wombles (if they can be described so) for at least attempting something (that was fekked by the RCG, but thats another story).
mass burqa wearing for all


As reccomended by the Daily Mail.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
I was expecting an attempt at a sit down protest or something at Downing Street. Maybe there was, but we missed it, given it took several hours for all of march to go past!
I've spent the last 6 months working my arse off against any ideas of purity. I've been arguing for and working towards actions that allow people to see the commonality of their situations though joint action beyond agreement with any pre-defined ideological postion. Purity has precisely nothing to with it. You've totally picked the wrong target for this criticism here. As it goes yes i do think some people act like that and yes i think it's a problem - my experience is that these are marginalised and with little influence in the wider movement(s). Which is why they do it.

THis is excellent and an admirable state of play, I hope I have helped to forward such a line;)

The thing is I think Corax is sensitive and detects a certain hectoring tone, maybe in you, certainly in others, which may lead to such a suggestion. Just a thort.
On here! No chance. You vanished sharpish sat, i did have a proper question to ask you as well.

I do apologise Butch, if you meant 'vanished sharpish' from a certain pub we went around Traf sq and back up towards picadilly/eros having some chats along the way. Then we went for some dinner sharpish and there was some extra stuff to do by some of the party which didn't get finished till 3am. Practical excercises in anti criminology;) and thats another offline story too.

If you want to talk you should come to the Durham Miners gala on saturday 9th July, it should be a good day out with many faces there. Other than that, I have no other date where we can cuddle up;) but I am willing to listen to any suggestions you have.
forcing people to uncover their faces?

fair enough...




it wasn't that cold...

apart from night time at Trafalgar Square of course, when they all had them on.
5:48 in this video, a hooded man decides he had enough and shows something to police who let him through to escape the confrontation...

from Jody McIntyre's blog...


well spotted. If you look just a few seconds before that he pushes the crowd back aggressively and does a calm down motion with his hands. He takes refuge behind the phone boxes. We'll have to have some more of him. White trainers, blue jeans, not black bloc.
IMPORTANT - defendants meeting;

Defendants' meeting - Saturday 2nd April - 2pm - University of London Student Union, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY

Were you either charged with an offence or bailed to return to a police station soon? We know it's a worrying time and information can be difficult to come by. We also know from previous experience that it can be isolating and intimidating. The best way to deal with this is to meet others in the same position as yourself an...d stick together. The police want you to feel isolated and alone - but meeting and talking with other people facing the same pressures, and working together, can make everyone stronger.

So, we are calling a DEFENDANTS' MEETING on Saturday 2nd April - 2pm - University of London Student Union, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY

It could help your case to attend and it will definitely help your confidence. This is a meeting for DEFENDANTS ONLY. If you are not a defendant or accompanying a defendant you WILL be asked to leave.
THis is excellent and an admirable state of play, I hope I have helped to forward such a line;)

The thing is I think Corax is sensitive and detects a certain hectoring tone, maybe in you, certainly in others, which may lead to such a suggestion. Just a thort.

Behind those that are actively involved, are a great many more that have similar thoughts and aims, but won't risk the security of their families etc to fight for it - yet. There are those like me that will mobilise occasionally, turning up and getting involved in black despite having no support network, and there are those that never do, but would. Achieve a certain critical mass and I think numbers would swell exponentially.
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