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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Not only his supporters, but all the people who ever say 'he delivered brexit' as if that has any meaning at all. They're all at it, even usually decent media people.
Because he did. It may still be a bit messy around some edges, but he did.

You may have noticed it’s caused some issues in six counties in particular.
When it comes to the success or otherwise of the incoming shite, part of that will be about their ability to attribute fuck ups and surplus Covid deaths to Johnson
Surplus covid deaths are a total non-issue to most people - the consensus is mostly that they did their best etc etc. Depressing, but there it is - it's not going to be something any incoming PM will have to give much thought to, as long as there isn't a large body of evidence placing them at wild parties that were happening at the time the surplus covid deaths were accruing.
Not only his supporters, but all the people who ever say 'he delivered brexit' as if that has any meaning at all. They're all at it, even usually decent media people.

Several people I know who've stated they'll never vote Tory again after witnessing the Johnson shitshow still say "...but he got Brexit done". They do genuinely think it was a simple act of cutting the rope and that's that, couldn't understand why everyone else was prevaricating about it and do not see it as an interminably complicated issue that'll have ramifications for decades.

TBH I think this is mostly to do with Johnson's complete lack of effort in understanding any detail whatsoever, so I assume it was portrayed to the blue base in this fashion.
There's not really any viable definition of 'surplus' Covid deaths is there? Certainly not that's been put out there. I mean it seems to me and most on here that it's obvious that the government made a total balls up of it but what does that mean if you want a charge sheet? It's not the maximal version you see people leaning towards on here a bit, I don't think that speaks to people in general. There's not really a case being made and there's not much of a comparable exemplar nation out there who have obviously done miles better that could be used as a yardstick. So yeah I agree that it's unlikely to be much of a live issue tbh.
There's not really any viable definition of 'surplus' Covid deaths is there? Certainly not that's been put out there. I mean it seems to me and most on here that it's obvious that the government made a total balls up of it but what does that mean if you want a charge sheet? It's not the maximal version you see people leaning towards on here a bit, I don't think that speaks to people in general. There's not really a case being made and there's not much of a comparable exemplar nation out there who have obviously done miles better that could be used as a yardstick. So yeah I agree that it's unlikely to be much of a live issue tbh.
for me, it's the way in which a proper emergency wasn't taken seriously by the government in the way that johnson absented himself from the first four or five cobra meetings about it. the way he spread covid through handshakes and so on. the way in which the entire pandemic was something tory mates got billions from. the corruption and incompetence. sure, they didn't do really well abroad. but the reasons this country did so badly were active decisions by the government, eg sending ill people back into old people's and nursing homes. other places didn't do much better isn't real a great answer to where was johnson when he should have been working on the response early in the pandemic.
There's not really any viable definition of 'surplus' Covid deaths is there?

I'm pretty sure Elbows has posted a lot about this in the covid forum, but yes the viable definition is called "excess mortality" and is used in insurance as well as medical reporting e.g.


As you say though there's not been a huge comparison to other countries - as it's often difficult to correlate differences across geographical populations even within the same country. MD in Private Eye has done a series of excellent articles on the difference, as well as excoriating the government's handling of it (esp. cronyism in track and trace and PPE contracts).

Also as you say, it seems many people don't really care about it though.
for me, it's the way in which a proper emergency wasn't taken seriously by the government in the way that johnson absented himself from the first four or five cobra meetings about it. the way he spread covid through handshakes and so on. the way in which the entire pandemic was something tory mates got billions from. the corruption and incompetence. sure, they didn't do really well abroad. but the reasons this country did so badly were active decisions by the government, eg sending ill people back into old people's and nursing homes. other places didn't do much better isn't real a great answer to where was johnson when he should have been working on the response early in the pandemic.PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Sure, I wouldn't disagree with any of that. I think his handling of the whole thing was downright criminal and he (and Hancock) should be in prison for it.

That doesn't mean there's some sort of incoming reckoning on surplus deaths that the next Tory leader will have to deal with though.

I'm pretty sure Elbows has posted a lot about this in the covid forum, but yes the viable definition is called "excess mortality" and is used in insurance as well as medical reporting e.g.


As you say though there's not been a huge comparison to other countries - as it's often difficult to correlate differences across geographical populations even within the same country. MD in Private Eye has done a series of excellent articles on the difference, as well as excoriating the government's handling of it (esp. cronyism in track and trace and PPE contracts).

Also as you say, it seems many people don't really care about it though.

I don't think that's the same thing though. Excess mortality is the difference between pandemic period death rates and those of a typical year. That's not 'surplus deaths' in the sense it was being used, ie as deaths caused by failures of government policy, unless you think that should be zero - which I think even most of us would have to acknowledge as unrealistic.
There's not really any viable definition of 'surplus' Covid deaths is there? Certainly not that's been put out there. I mean it seems to me and most on here that it's obvious that the government made a total balls up of it but what does that mean if you want a charge sheet? It's not the maximal version you see people leaning towards on here a bit, I don't think that speaks to people in general. There's not really a case being made and there's not much of a comparable exemplar nation out there who have obviously done miles better that could be used as a yardstick. So yeah I agree that it's unlikely to be much of a live issue tbh.

The ‘good’ thing is the medical profession world wide love there analysis and research in a way that puts almost all other professionals to shanr. They love their evidence based practice. There will be massive evidenced studies of ‘surplus deaths’ and ‘quality years of life lost’ as international comparisons. The trouble / reality is it will take years to produce it…
Sure, I wouldn't disagree with any of that. I think his handling of the whole thing was downright criminal and he (and Hancock) should be in prison for it.

That doesn't mean there's some sort of incoming reckoning on surplus deaths that the next Tory leader will have to deal with though.

I don't think that's the same thing though. Excess mortality is the difference between pandemic period death rates and those of a typical year. That's not 'surplus deaths' in the sense it was being used, ie as deaths caused by failures of government policy, unless you think that should be zero - which I think even most of us would have to acknowledge as unrealistic.
i don't think the next tory leader will be someone from the backbenches like jeremy corbyn. pretty much everyone in the johnson administration has questions to answer about the performance of that abysmal cabal, they're all tainted with it - albeit some more than others.
There's not really any viable definition of 'surplus' Covid deaths is there? Certainly not that's been put out there. I mean it seems to me and most on here that it's obvious that the government made a total balls up of it but what does that mean if you want a charge sheet? It's not the maximal version you see people leaning towards on here a bit, I don't think that speaks to people in general. There's not really a case being made and there's not much of a comparable exemplar nation out there who have obviously done miles better that could be used as a yardstick. So yeah I agree that it's unlikely to be much of a live issue tbh.
It’s a shame Johnson didn’t personally contribute his own death to the total
i don't think the next tory leader will be someone from the backbenches like jeremy corbyn. pretty much everyone in the johnson administration has questions to answer about the performance of that abysmal cabal, they're all tainted with it - albeit some more than others.
the lack of reckoning the new PM will face over covid deaths isn't because they won't be tainted with it - Johnson wouldn't have faced a reckoning either. There's no reckoning incoming because no-one wants to think about covid anymore.
Surplus covid deaths are a total non-issue to most people - the consensus is mostly that they did their best etc etc. Depressing, but there it is - it's not going to be something any incoming PM will have to give much thought to, as long as there isn't a large body of evidence placing them at wild parties that were happening at the time the surplus covid deaths were accruing.
Probably the wrong example to give, cost of living and fuel poverty are going to be the more immediate. As to Covid payback, probably something I'm hoping for rather than expecting, though there will be a few hand grenades when the inquiries finally report. Probably goes back to the opposition - if Labour could build a 'narrative' around the vermin and their contempt for the poor, disabled and the rest, there'd be a template for the Covid report to map onto. I'm not hopeful.
Probably the wrong example to give, cost of living and fuel poverty are going to be the more immediate. As to Covid payback, probably something I'm hoping for rather than expecting, though there will be a few hand grenades when the inquiries finally report. Probably goes back to the opposition - if Labour could build a 'narrative' around the vermin and their contempt for the poor, disabled and the rest, there'd be a template for the Covid report to map onto. I'm not hopeful.
It would help if Labour didn't share in that contempt.
the lack of reckoning the new PM will face over covid deaths isn't because they won't be tainted with it - Johnson wouldn't have faced a reckoning either. There's no reckoning incoming because no-one wants to think about covid anymore.
Covid wants to think about them tho. And we'll see, maybe you're right and maybe you're wrong: people may yet see a reckoning for the industrial scale corruption of the past two years
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