So many particulars. So many questions.
This reminds me of a military General or some such, many years ago, extolling the virtues of the enhanced-radiation-low blast tactical nuclear bomb. Its use would enable, he said, the depopulation of an enemy area without damaging the buildings. (This is true but I have no references to hand!)
I fear however DotCommunist that your proposal might cause disagreement within the ranks of Proletarian Democracy. There may be the creation of a faction of splitters who would not want to actually kill most of the proletariat in order to achieve the survival of only the Vanguard. They would say that the Bomb should be seen as an instrument of fear in the Bourgeoisie and Capitalists and its usefulness ceases if it is detonated.
Tread carefully cmrd.
I want the people who are mine to survive the day. In that fatal blaze of uranium and anger I hope to keep mine safe, theres are certain cmrds and family members who have not earned the scouring, briefly experienced, event that is the nuclear holocaust. Too many will look up with irritation and say 'what the fuck is that, has some cunt detonated a nuclear bomb or what'. And they will die 0.2 seconds later, before they even formulate why the 'or what' could be.
camps not bombs. I'll split if you cunts cannot persuade me