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Why the lib-dems are shit

...or a matter of there not being enough affordable housing, inflating the market, putting unscrupulous landlords in the driving seat, so let's have program of well funded building of social housing, instead of cutting the budget for precisely this sort of activity. The benefits would be enormous and immediate. Forget all this Victorian betterment crap from kids books from 150 years ago.
I ideologicaly oppose cuts in services that help ensure poor people have a fair start in life, but accept that due to the current economic situation we have to reduce spending.

Personally I would scrap trident, reduce all IT spending on major projects and shrink the armed forces by 50%.

So you do support the cuts and especially those ones that mean the poorest are hit hardest. Do make your mind up. Have you even bothered to look at What's happening in Ireland where your mad extremists measures were imposed? Have you compared how they're doing to those countries that rejected such ideological dogmatism? Spain for example? What would that tell you?
They are being cut to help prevent an economic disaster that would result in even less money to spend. Spending as a % of GDP is not varying hugely as disscussed elsewhere.

Jesus wept. How do you propose this "betterment" to be carried out then, if the things we have been describing here are being cut?
...or a matter of there not being enough affordable housing, inflating the market, putting unscrupulous landlords in the driving seat, so let's have program of well funded building of social housing, instead of cutting the budget for precisely this sort of activity. The benefits would be enormous and immediate. Forget all this Victorian betterment crap from kids books from 150 years ago.

Labour's attempts to make it easy for first-time buyers didn't help in terms of inflating the housing market.
Labour's attempts to make it easy for first-time buyers didn't help in terms of inflating the housing market.

So what? How does that undermine my point and the proposed program of massively expanded affordable house-building? Because labour fucked up you think you should fuck up on an even bigger scale too but with the added bonus of hitting the poorest hardest and earliest? What sort of logic is that? How about neither of you fucking up or offering support for fucked up policies - how's that sound?
I ideologicaly oppose cuts in services that help ensure poor people have a fair start in life, but accept that due to the current economic situation we have to reduce spending.

Personally I would scrap trident, reduce all IT spending on major projects and shrink the armed forces by 50%.

Why do we have to reduce spending when there is a tax gap of £120bn? Could we not just employ a couple of hundred thousand more tax men and make the rich pay their way?
So you do support the cuts and especially those ones that mean the poorest are hit hardest. Do make your mind up. Have you even bothered to look at What's happening in Ireland where your mad extremists measures were imposed? Have you compared how they're doing to those countries that rejected such ideological dogmatism? Spain for example? What would that tell you?

Interesting, I shall ask Mark Littlewood and see what his take on this articule is.
Why do we have to reduce spending when there is a tax gap of £120bn? Could we not just employ a couple of hundred thousand more tax men and make the rich pay their way?

The rich generate economic activity, punishing them is a mistake.
Interesting, I shall ask Mark Littlewood and see what his take on this articule is.

Never mind Mark Littlewood or your desperate name-dropping. Tell me what you think. Tell me what you think about it's evidence based questioning of the assumptions behind your program. Tell me why you didn't have this sort of info about international comparisons as the basis for your positions before now.
The rich generate economic activity, punishing them is a mistake.

The rich hamper restrain and retard economic activity and production by their irrational pursuit of profit (the relations of production come into conflict with the forces of production) - whilst simultaneously wrecking social life by making everything worthwhile about financialisation.
Frightening to think the economy is in the hands of people whose followers think like this. They're gonna get away with premeditated econocide, and these fools won't lift a finger to stop them. My only hope is that moon is one day wandering around the ruins of an abandoned library and picks up a decent book about the New Deal, and ends his days in an agony of guilt for having been such an ignorant fool who never bothered to do his homework until long, long after it mattered.
Never mind Mark Littlewood or your desperate name-dropping. Tell me what you think. Tell me what you think about it's evidence based questioning of the assumptions behind your program. Tell me why you didn't have this sort of info about international comparisons as the basis for your positions before now.

I think the articule draws a simplistic and flawed anaology between two different countries and is wrong to assume the reason Ireland has economic difficulties is becuase it's tried to reduce it's defecit.
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