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Why the lib-dems are shit

I don't think working class people are inherently nasty and thick, but if poor ghettoes take hold you do get a culture void of learning, betterment or societies civilising affect. You only have to look around some slum council estates to appreciate the problems arising from a culture of degradation and poverty.
you ignorant patronising wanker!:mad:
oh sorry, my
culture void of learning, betterment or societies civilising affect
means I've no right to coment, I'm just an ignorant pleb who needs to do whatever a stockbroker tells me to do:facepalm:
you ignorant patronising wanker!:mad:
oh sorry, my means I've no right to coment, I'm just an ignorant pleb who needs to do whatever a stockbroker tells me to do:facepalm:

I know it's not very fashionable to talk about cultural betterment, as opposed to say health betterement of health which has funds to encourage poor fat people to walk and run around.
Except for the books the (ex)chartists who formed the backbone of the public library movement wanted - they weren't allowed in and they were refused employment at them.

At least you've come out explicitly in favour of elite paternalism now and exposed a whole raft of your core assumptions to fresh air. I wonder how this tallies with your parties energetic destruction of any historical legacy of Chamberlain style local authorities? At least those people recognised in some form that civil liberties are set within wider social relations/conditions and that inequality fundamentally and fatally undermines them. Unlike you crude orange bookers.
Do people here think it's wrong that I’d want to try and help ensure those in poor areas have opportunities to better themselves?
Do people here think it's wrong that I’d want to try and help ensure those in poor areas have opportunities to better themselves?
I don't need you to educate me, 'better me' or civilise me, you arrogant, ignorant knobend:mad:
e2a: we don't need you to inflict your condescending ideas of the 'better' people we should be. We need you to ensure our communities have the resources so that we can do it ourselves.
Except, with the huge cuts you're pushing through, you are going to do precisely the opposite - wage economic war on hard-pressed, inner-city communities
Except for the books the (ex)chartists who formed the backbone of the movement wanted - they weren't allowed in and they were refused employment at them.

The powers that be at the time probably feared everyone going to libraries filled with subversive material. I’m suggesting people have access to free and open libraries .
I know it's not very fashionable to talk about cultural betterment, as opposed to say health betterement of health which has funds to encourage poor fat people to walk and run around.

No, it's not fashionable to portray social prejudice as a coherent political philosophy. Actually, it is. It's what's holding you and the historical tories together
Do people here think it's wrong that I’d want to try and help ensure those in poor areas have opportunities to better themselves?

Do people here really oppose Crozier's attempts to modernise Royal Mail? British Airways attempts to be flexible? The EU's attempts to rationalise? How could anyone oppose them - the words alone are enough surely?
The powers that be at the time probably feared everyone going to libraries filled with subversive material. I’m suggesting people have access to free and open libraries .

...and i'm suggesting that your historical knowledge leaves a lot to be desired and that the same sort of gaps and ignorance applies to your understanding of the full social implications of modern day politics - esp those that your extremist party is imposing.
The powers that be at the time probably feared everyone going to libraries filled with subversive material. I’m suggesting people have access to free and open libraries .

That would be why education and local services such as public libraries are being cut so drasticlaly then. Silly me.
I don't need you to educate me, 'better me' or civilise me, you arrogant, ignorant knobend:mad:

No, but you needed an education system and access to sources of public knowledge. I'm just saying that the risk of creating ghettoes is a valid point raised when considering lowing housing benefit. I don't see what is so wrong about arguing that you should pool poor people together.

It's pretty obvious that lot's of problems like teenage pregnancy come from a 'benefits culture' where quite a few generations of people living in the same poor estate have really low expectations and access to culture or education.

It’s our responsibility to help these people, it’s not patronizing, it’s simply being civil & kind.
The powers that be at the time probably feared everyone going to libraries filled with subversive material. I’m suggesting people have access to free and open libraries .

If the Lib Dems want to save libraries, they shouldn't have shacked up with the Tories and u-turned on the harshness of cuts.
I don't think you'd understand betterment for those in poor areas moon23 if it hit you with a privatised bus service.

I think free enterprise helps, part of the problem in many poor areas is a total reliance on the state. I think you need free enterprise but also a socially liberal helping hand in the form of universal eduction etc.
No they are areas where opportunites have been stolen from people who never had the fortune to be exposed to a positive middle-class attitude of learning, working and culture.

There is nothing wrong about wanting to try and help give people the opportunities for learning and improvement. The Victorians had a wonderful sense of wanting to do this, many great works of public art and general civic improvement have stemmed from that spirit.

They had the workhouse ffs!

The govt plans for council housing are basically to try and make the ghettoes of complete poverty, so anyone with a job etc gets moved out ASAP and no sense of community because they will be so temporary.
back to safe labour stomping ground. egalitarianism and class struggle! it's funny how for most of this decade alot of you were armed with your
credit cards and living a life of ease. none of you can really claim to know real poverty. even the merest hint of it, (with these fiscal cuts) has this forum's
members breaking a sweat and screaming foul.
no doubt worried about their fake bourgeois lifestyles and propensity for free money.
not so much working class as entitlement class
That would be why education and local services such as public libraries are being cut so drasticlaly then. Silly me.

They are being cut to help prevent an economic disaster that would result in even less money to spend. Spending as a % of GDP is not varying hugely as disscussed elsewhere.
They had the workhouse ffs!

The govt plans for council housing are basically to try and make the ghettoes of complete poverty, so anyone with a job etc gets moved out ASAP and no sense of community because they will be so temporary.

I'm not saying that the workhouses were a good idea, obviously Victorian society is not some ideal model. It just had some good aspects to it.
back to safe labour stomping ground. egalitarianism and class struggle! it's funny how for most of this decade alot of you were armed with your
credit cards and living a life of ease. none of you can really claim to know real poverty. even the merest hint of it, (with these fiscal cuts) has this forum's
members breaking a sweat and screaming foul.
no doubt worried about their fake bourgeois lifestyles and propensity for free money.
not so much working class as entitlement class

Excuse me? What are you on about??
back to safe labour stomping ground. egalitarianism and class struggle! it's funny how for most of this decade alot of you were armed with your
credit cards and living a life of ease. none of you can really claim to know real poverty. even the merest hint of it, (with these fiscal cuts) has this forum's
members breaking a sweat and screaming foul.
no doubt worried about their fake bourgeois lifestyles and propensity for free money.
not so much working class as entitlement class
i_got_poison said:
i need my prescription filling
There are many people on benefits through no fault of their own, there are others who are work shy and some who have never had the benefits of being exposed to a culture of betterment, learning or working.

I'm agreeing with Blagsta that creating ghettoes is a bad idea, I want people on benefits to be a part of society and have a chance to get back into work and regain their self-esteem.
newsflash: people on benefits are part of society
I think there is a danger that problems with housing are seen simply as a matter of targets and state provision. Ultimately I don't think the state can resolve all of these problems on it's own, and it requires people who have pride in themselves and are capable enough of providing the means to be resourceful and fend for themselves.
I think there is a danger that problems with housing are seen simply as a matter of targets and state provision. Ultimately I don't think the state can resolve all of these problems on it's own, and it requires people who have pride in themselves and are capable enough of providing the means to be resourceful and fend for themselves.
what i think you mean is you're a social darwinist.
So you oppose the budget and the cuts to come then. Finally - some sense.

I ideologicaly oppose cuts in services that help ensure poor people have a fair start in life, but accept that due to the current economic situation we have to reduce spending.

Personally I would scrap trident, reduce all IT spending on major projects and shrink the armed forces by 50%.
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