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Why the lib-dems are shit

So are you for a maximum wage in the public sector now? I hope so.

What type of extra benefits in kind do you want mangers to be given?

Fewer days per week, more multiple jobs, cars, better pensions, earlier retirements.


You dish it out, but failed to answer Proper Tidy or Teaboy.

Don't dishonour your FA-cup winning namesake - be honest, please.
But surely that is down to improved technology?

There hasn't been a major technological leap in basic land phone use, with digital exchanges being around in the time of when it was just BT. Also one argument for economic liberalisation is that it leads to technological advances as competitors develop their systems to gain an edge over each other. One reason why it’s said Russia lost the cold war is that it couldn’t keep up with the technological advancement of the economically liberal west.
The internet is also another example of a very successful private industry that started life as a state run enterprise, mobile phones are hugely successful with their private networks too.
Not a waste the Cable and Broadcasting Act and the Telecommunications Act, were enacted in 1984 and enabled the establishment of the Cable TV network which now used for telephony and internet.

Hurrah, we now have 2 companies! :facepalm:
The internet is also another example of a very successful private industry that started life as a state run enterprise, mobile phones are hugely successful with their private networks too.

The internet, as a service available to the public, has never been a nationalised industry. Neither have mobiles.

Come on Mr Neo Liberal, give us one single example!
There hasn't been a major technological leap in basic land phone use, with digital exchanges being around in the time of when it was just BT. Also one argument for economic liberalisation is that it leads to technological advances as competitors develop their systems to gain an edge over each other. One reason why it’s said Russia lost the cold war is that it couldn’t keep up with the technological advancement of the economically liberal west.

Russia went from a peasant agrarian economy to fully industrial in 50 years.
There hasn't been a major technological leap in basic land phone use, with digital exchanges being around in the time of when it was just BT

Arghhh, mobile fucking phones. They may not be land lines but they have completly taken a massive chunk of the market share. Of course land lines are much cheaper now, they're hardly used outside of business.
The internet is also another example of a very successful private industry that started life as a state run enterprise, mobile phones are hugely successful with their private networks too.

Interesting point here. So many technologies are actually developed by state industry. Without initial state investment, we wouldn't have the internet.
What type of extra benefits in kind do you want mangers to be given?

Fewer days per week, more multiple jobs, cars, better pensions, earlier retirements.


You dish it out, but failed to answer Proper Tidy or Teaboy.

Don't dishonour your FA-cup winning namesake - be honest, please.

er fewer days a week might be OK as long as it was for everyone.
What questions didnt i answer/miss ?
There hasn't been a major technological leap in basic land phone use, with digital exchanges being around in the time of when it was just BT. Also one argument for economic liberalisation is that it leads to technological advances as competitors develop their systems to gain an edge over each other. One reason why it’s said Russia lost the cold war is that it couldn’t keep up with the technological advancement of the economically liberal west.

It may be one argument but it is a bollocks one. The private sector does not seek to pursue new or improved technology per se; rather, they seek profit, which means the vast bulk of private enterprise is bringing socially useless products or services to market to compete against already existing products and services. It is a shite argument. In fact, it is a strong argument for a planned economy - for socially useful work for all and for the development of new technology on its own merit and not in the pursuit of profits.

You are shit at this.
Interesting point here. So many technologies are actually developed by state industry. Without initial state investment, we wouldn't have the internet.

Get state to pay for intial expense and then when profitable sell off to rich mates on the cheap. Its funny that Moon should mention cable because as we know it was a disaster at first with all the companies going bust and it being sold off for a peppercorn to Richard Branson.

Nah, capital made that mistake once it won't again, which is why we are all going to have to pay for the braodband upgrades through our taxes.
Get state to pay for intial expense and then when profitable sell off to rich mates on the cheap. Its funny that Moon should mention cable because as we know it was a disaster at first with all the companies going bust and it being sold off for a peppercorn to Richard Branson.

Nah, capital made that mistake once it won't again, which is why we are all going to have to pay for the braodband upgrades through our taxes.

It was a disaster due to the absurd franchise system setup. The manner in which privatization occurs is relevant.
It may be one argument but it is a bollocks one. The private sector does not seek to pursue new or improved technology per se; rather, they seek profit, which means the vast bulk of private enterprise is bringing socially useless products or services to market to compete against already existing products and services. It is a shite argument. In fact, it is a strong argument for a planned economy - for socially useful work for all and for the development of new technology on its own merit and not in the pursuit of profits.

You are shit at this.

Yes but profit arises from useful economic activity, for instance new green technology is developed becuase people want to be more green and thus it becomes profitable to research and produce green technology.
Yes but profit arises from useful economic activity, for instance new green technology is developed becuase people want to be more green and thus it becomes profitable to research and produce green technology.

But, what about all the socially useless economic activity? You know, the stuff that makes up almost all economic activity? What about the huge investment that goes into cosmetics, whilst hundreds of thousands die every year of easily curable diseases, because there is more money in make up than in third world health?

"Even stopped clocks are right twice a day"
Yeah, they're massive in the UK you tit.

You didn't specifiy you wanted examples of succesfull privatisation in the UK, you said just one example and I gave you one.
Stop trying to change the paramenters of what you asked just becuase I proved you wrong.
In most cases they should manage themselves, in this instance the state attempted to manage the market which led to problems. Communications companies should be free to develop their own networks.

Why are markets able to regulate themselves so effectively? Are they magic?
It was a disaster due to the absurd franchise system setup. The manner in which privatization occurs is relevant.

No, it was a disaster because there was a massive outlay in capital to put the cables down which burdoned them with hugue debts, and then they never really attracted anything close to the amount of customers needed, mostly because of Sky.
You didn't specifiy you wanted examples of succesfull privatisation in the UK, you said just one example and I gave you one.
Stop trying to change the paramenters of what you asked just becuase I proved you wrong.

We were talking about the UK you tool. The only examples you can give me of a succesful privatisations are a Japanese rail network and the improvements in farming since fuedalism? Do me a favour. What does this tell you? It quite clearly says to me that privatisation is always an abject failure.
We were talking about the UK you tool. The only examples you can give me of a succesful privatisations are a Japanese rail network and the improvements in farming since fuedalism? Do me a favour. What does this tell you? It quite clearly says to me that privatisation is always an abject failure.

Wait, StOP PropER TIDy,

MOON"£ will explain that Britain was better off with privatised food and the end of rationing after the war :rolleyes:
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