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Why the lib-dems are shit

What? To do in 50 years what took the the UK over 200 years? You're not serious.

Yes but the UK was developing the technology when it developed, Russia did not have to invent steam power along the way for instance. It's stupid of you to compare the two, what you should compare is another countries that have industrialised since the industrial revolution. Also millions of people died during Russia's transition! People were shipped off to Siberia FFS!
We were talking about the UK you tool. The only examples you can give me of a succesful privatisations are a Japanese rail network and the improvements in farming since fuedalism? Do me a favour. What does this tell you? It quite clearly says to me that privatisation is always an abject failure.

No the only examples I have given you thus far! You asked for only one example, you can't then claim becuase I gave you just one example this is evidence that there are no other examples. :facepalm:
Yes but the UK was developing the technology when it developed, Russia did not have to invent steam power along the way for instance. It's stupid of you to compare the two, what you should compare is another countries that have industrialised since the industrial revolution. Also millions of people died during Russia's transition! People were shipped off to Siberia FFS!

What other examples of such rapid transition can you provide? Here's a clue - China won't support your case...
No the only examples I have given you thus far! You asked for only one example, you can't then claim becuase I gave you just one example this is evidence that there are no other examples. :facepalm:

Earlier I provided a list of privitised industries from this country which I percieve to be total failures. Can you think of any (from this country) that have been a success?
Yes but the UK was developing the technology when it developed, Russia did not have to invent steam power along the way for instance. It's stupid of you to compare the two, what you should compare is another countries that have industrialised since the industrial revolution. Also millions of people died during Russia's transition! People were shipped off to Siberia FFS!

Russia was not able to access most of the world's economy. Yet you think 50 years was slow. :facepalm: :eek:
bum faced tory in a liberal dress. I'm sure he feels very important being wheeled out to soft soap us everytime Satan announces another method he has found to fuck us.
every time my (nearly) 3 year old daughter sees Cameron on the telly she shouts out "bumface! bumface! bumface!" :D
Earlier I provided a list of privitised industries from this country which I percieve to be total failures. Can you think of any (from this country) that have been a success?

Earlier I provided a list of privitised industries from this country which I percieve to be total failures. Can you think of any (from this country) that have been a success?


Are you for real? Seriously are you on a wind up?

You believe the privitisation of the utilities and travel (by which I assume you mean rail, BA and BAA) has been a success?

My god, I'm going to have to duck out of this conversation due to the possibility of having a seizure through incredulity.
What other examples of such rapid transition can you provide? Here's a clue - China won't support your case...

Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Since the 1960s Korea has developed from one of Asia's poorest countries to one of the world's richest.
Russia was not able to accfess most of the world's economy - There lies the problem with protectionism and planned economies.

That is a circular argument. Surely it is just as easy to say the fault lies with the hostility of capitalist nations towards societies attempting to put people before profit?
Are you for real? Seriously are you on a wind up?

You believe the privitisation of the utilities and travel (by which I assume you mean rail, BA and BAA) has been a success?

My god, I'm going to have to duck out of this conversation due to the possibility of having a seizure through incredulity.

From a perspective of the actual industry, yes they have all been a success. Some of the actual companies that were previous state owned have not so fared as well as the new competitors who are better able to operate in the market. For instance Vodaphone has risen and now has a huge market share. There are thriving private companies in all these industries now, whilst in the 70s there were inefficient state run public companies. This has resulted in much cheaper products for consumers and available consumer goods.

Utilities? Lol.

Travel was never nationalised unless you mean public transport, which is a shambles.. Telecommunications has developed due to new technologies, largely funded by public monies, not because of privatisation.
This guy is great comedy. I must have missed all the utilities and travel (do you mean rail?) costs plummeting since privatisation.
Russia was not able to accfess most of the world's economy - There lies the problem with protectionism and planned economies.

What? Are you even following the discussion we're having? You seem to be just bashing random keys while flailing about wildly.
Is this really happening? Am I just having another lib dem nightmare?

Is this guy really arguing that the privitisation of travel and utilities has been good for consumers? Nope I think I must be going mad, time to review the meds.

Nurse nurse!
That is a circular argument. Surely it is just as easy to say the fault lies with the hostility of capitalist nations towards societies attempting to put people before profit?

No it's not just as easy as capitalist nations support free trade with each other for mutual benifet, whereas protectionist socieities like the USSR shut themselves off.
Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Since the 1960s Korea has developed from one of Asia's poorest countries to one of the world's richest.

South Korea lol.

What is even sadder is that you have clearly just copied this from some random website...

You do realise none of these come close to the rapid transformation of either russia or china?
Is this really happening? Am I just having another lib dem nightmare?

Is this guy really arguing that the privitisation of travel and utilities has been good for consumers? Nope I think I must be going mad, time to review the meds.

There were strikes, blackouts and piles of rotting rubbish in the 70s when public companies ran most of these things. Now it is much better
From a perspective of the actual industry, yes they have all been a success. Some of the actual companies that were previous state owned have not so fared as well as the new competitors who are better able to operate in the market. For instance Vodaphone has risen and now has a huge market share. There are thriving private companies in all these industries now, whilst in the 70s there were inefficient state run public companies. This has resulted in much cheaper products for consumers and available consumer goods.

Oh mate, I liked some of the stuff you wrote on civil liberties and the id cards, but I just can no longer take you seriously. On that, I'll have to leave.
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