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Why the lib-dems are shit

Is this really happening? Am I just having another lib dem nightmare?

Is this guy really arguing that the privitisation of travel and utilities has been good for consumers? Nope I think I must be going mad, time to review the meds.

Nurse nurse!

It is bizarre
South Korea lol.

What is even sadder is that you have clearly just copied this from some random website...

You do realise none of these come close to the rapid transformation of either russia or china?

It's a doubly weak argument because Southern Korea's privatised railway companies were nationalised by the US Military Government in 1946 - and run for good, or for ill -as a state-owned national industry - until the early 1990s. It was in this period that the ROK sustained growth, as privatisation was deepened the Asian crisis took over.
The ROK also massively protected its infant industries as the Soviet Union did... .

In fact I don't even know what I'm arguing against :facepalm:
It's as if random lists of three have been plucked out of Moon23's ears: Korea, Singapore, Taiwan STOP Telecommunications, utilities, travel STOP Strikes, blackouts, rotting rubbish STOP Nationalisation, State ownership, protectionism
It's a doubly weak argument because Southern Korea's privatised railway companies were nationalised by the US Military Government in 1946 - and run for good, or for ill -as a state-owned national industry - until the early 1990s. It was in this period that the ROK sustained growth, as privatisation was deepened the Asian crisis took over.
The ROK also massively protected its infant industries as the Soviet Union did... .

In fact I don't even know what I'm arguing against :facepalm:
It's as if random lists of three have been plucked out of Moon23's ears: Korea, Singapore, Taiwan STOP Telecommunications, utilities, travel STOP Strikes, blackouts, rotting rubbish STOP Nationalisation, State ownership, protectionism

I didn't know that.

Tbh, I think Moon is getting fed this shit somewhere else and is just repeating it.
Privatisation of the buses has been fucking brilliant, of course. So much better since they closed down all the less profitable routes, and I love not being able to buy a single ticket for a multi-bus journey without paying double, and waiting three times as long for a bus because of all those wonderful companies running the same routes. It's just marvellous.:rolleyes:
Privatisation of the buses has been fucking brilliant, of course. So much better since they closed down all the less profitable routes, and I love not being able to buy a single ticket for a multi-bus journey without paying double, and waiting three times as long for a bus because of all those wonderful companies running the same routes. It's just marvellous.:rolleyes:

first or stagecoach. It's not even a competition- In my area it's an agreed fucking stitch up where there are barely even a handfull of routes run by both- just enough to satisfy the illusion that 'oh no guv, we haven't just divvied up the profitable routes between us'.

Oh, privitisation works- it works if the intent to make loads of cash is the aim, rather than providing a service and making modest but above inflationary growth. But the latter doesn't make anyone richer so fuck it, fuck us is the logic. How's jack doing.
It's a doubly weak argument because Southern Korea's privatised railway companies were nationalised by the US Military Government in 1946 - and run for good, or for ill -as a state-owned national industry - until the early 1990s. It was in this period that the ROK sustained growth, as privatisation was deepened the Asian crisis took over.
The ROK also massively protected its infant industries as the Soviet Union did... .

In fact I don't even know what I'm arguing against :facepalm:
It's as if random lists of three have been plucked out of Moon23's ears: Korea, Singapore, Taiwan STOP Telecommunications, utilities, travel STOP Strikes, blackouts, rotting rubbish STOP Nationalisation, State ownership, protectionism

Yes it's all over the place as people keep asking my lot's of questions about different things! You try having a debate against about 10 people all asking you different threads at the same time :)
Yes at the cost of Million of lives, granted i'll give them the T-34

millions of lives were lost by the western allies as well. The Industrial Revolution in britain took about a century to be stabilised and killed countless numbers- capitalism doesn't count its dead. It engineers circumstances where lives are lost and then says 'what? don't blame me. I only used cheap metal for the reactor core- the shareholders need dividends!'

The transition from agrarian to technological/industrial took 20 odd years in russia and that carried out against the backdrop of devastation of wars and revolution.
Yes. I have a bus stop right outside. For a job commuting to London, it's useless: I have to leave before the first bus and I get back after the last bus.

Yep. When I was in Brum I could take the bus in to work but there were no buses home. In Oxford, it takes an hour and a quarter to get 8 miles, by any one of three different methods (two of them involving a park & ride despite the availability of bus stops close by, and the other taking even longer if I don't fork out double for an all companies bus ticket). And that's starting from a major affordable housing suburb to a major employment suburb, and the destination is a big hospital on the same site as all the other big hospitals in town. It's fucking ridiculous.
Yes but profit arises from useful economic activity, for instance new green technology is developed becuase people want to be more green and thus it becomes profitable to research and produce green technology.
actually, the single bigest reason for the growth in 'new green technology' and the sunrise industry we have developing in that sector (especially renewables) has been the far-sighted support given to this sector by the recently-departed Labour govt. Support, moreover, the condems are cutting, thus potentially killing what looked like a very promising new industry
BT? Centrica? THe Rail Network? All these organisations notorious for shit customer service, being run by fatcats who rip us off, lousy labour relations and exploiting monopoly positions?
Jesus holy cow, PLEASE tell me you're not serious.:eek:
e2a; apols for arriving on thread late and not realising half of U75 had already had a seizure at such olympiad-standard imbecility and complete denial of reality.
The postal workers are fucked. Striking will cause more people to shift to means other than post; fax got its big break during one of the strikes in the 1980s, now there's email. And if the postmen don't strike, they'll get walked over.

So much official government business is conducted by post that retaining the Royal Mail in state ownership is absolutely necessary.

But really, if the main problem is the universal service, would it really cause hardship if post were only delivered twice a week - or even once a week? Despite the job losses and the loss of services involved, that would be a far better way of dealing with the issue than privatising the Royal Mail.
And the private delivery companies who get Royal Mail to do the expensive bit at the end won't like it one bit. They might actually have to earn their money. :eek:
Problem with faxes and emails is that it isn't much use for delivering goods, see.

Very true. But for letters, the original purpose of the Royal Mail, it's a very different question. Who needs a written bill or statement when it can be emailed? And there's plenty of competition in the parcel delivery sector.
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