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Why the lib-dems are shit


There were some people, particularly around the height of the Iraq war, who gave up on the Labour party and turned to the Liberal Democrats as a sort of left-wing conscience of the Labour party.

I totally understand that some of these people are not happy with what the Lib Dems are doing in coalition with the Conservatives. The Lib Dems never were and aren't a receptacle for leftwing dissatisfaction with the Labour party. There is no future for that; there never was.
Yes there was. They actively recruited on that basis and that happened at my uni and in my local area but at many other places across the country. I remember my last year of uni when I went to a debate organised by the LGBT between political parties and the lib dems protrayed themselves as the most left wing. One of them asked if I wanted to join and I said that I preferred something a bit more left wing, they looked at me as if I was an alien.

the lib dem organised themselves as the party of students, the "mainstream" left wing party opposed to the iraq war. This shameful barefaced lying by Clegg is in total contradiction to everything ive and many others observed obver the last few years
The mainstream party opposed to the Iraq war yes, as for leftwing Im not sure how much they ever pretended to be that.

The greater lies were in the past, hes actually being more honest here, especially when he says 'enjoy power' lol.
Yes there was. They actively recruited on that basis and that happened at my uni and in my local area but at many other places across the country. I remember my last year of uni when I went to a debate organised by the LGBT between political parties and the lib dems protrayed themselves as the most left wing. One of them asked if I wanted to join and I said that I preferred something a bit more left wing, they looked at me as if I was an alien.

the lib dem organised themselves as the party of students, the "mainstream" left wing party opposed to the iraq war. This shameful barefaced lying by Clegg is in total contradiction to everything ive and many others observed obver the last few years

They were doing that right up until this election, we had the same approach around here. Quite a few younger types fell for it too.
the lib dem organised themselves as the party of students, the "mainstream" left wing party opposed to the iraq war. This shameful barefaced lying by Clegg is in total contradiction to everything ive and many others observed obver the last few years
I was tempted to vote for them, over the Gary Mckinnon issue. They were certainly presenting themselves as the party that was going to defend our freedoms.
That doesn't surprise me at all. A mate of mine from my sp branch said that he had had heard lib dem activists saying "you don't vote lib dem and you're a student? if your a student you have to support the lib dems " :facepalm:
I was tempted to vote for them, over the Gary Mckinnon issue. They were certainly presenting themselves as the party that was going to defend our freedoms.

I did vote for them before (in local elections). I even did some voluntary work for them in 2005 putting stamps on envelopes - mind you, i was still at school then :oops: (im 22 now)

Again their whole approach was about being presenting themselves as a left wing party, which i fell for :oops:
I did vote for them before (in local elections). I even did some voluntary work for them in 2005 putting stamps on envelopes - mind you, i was still at school then :oops: (im 22 now)

Again their whole approach was about being presenting themselves as a left wing party, which i fell for :oops:

thier ideas about the welfare system, seemed O.k too, at at time when G. Brown was suggesting forcing teenage mums into rehabiltion hostels. The lib dems were speaking out about polices that punish the poor.
Now look what Clegg is saying

The welfare reforms that will be brought forward by a Conservative Cabinet Minister in our Coalition Government are profoundly liberal in intent and effect and underpinned by three liberal beliefs.


He's actively trying to drive supporters away from his party isn't he? I can see them dropping another two points after that interview.

What an utterly useless cunt.
He's actively trying to drive supporters away from his party isn't he? I can see them dropping another two points after that interview.

What an utterly useless cunt.

I don't think he believes the Lib Dems have a future as an independent party at all; he doesn't seem very bothered by the idea either.
They're really on a roll right now - little Danny Alexander this morning:

I know there are a minority in the trade unions who will deliberately misrepresent what this government stands for because they are spoiling for a fight. Please don't allow their political motivations to push you into doing the wrong things for the country.
Oh yeah, IOS/ COMRES poll finds that 40% of lib-dem voters will now never vote lib-dem again. I estimated the lib-dem vote at around 30% anti-tory labour protest, 30% anti-labour tory and and 40% actual pro-lib dem extremists. I think i may have over-estimated the last figure.
I love these principles of Clegg's - especially when allied to such firm decisiveness:

Meanwhile extraordinary new details of how Clegg negotiated the coalition deal with Cameron in the days following the election are revealed tomorrow by the Observer's chief political commentator, Andrew Rawnsley, in two additional chapters of his book, The End of the Party.

On the Tuesday after the election, Clegg rang repeatedly to beseech Brown to stay put, telling him: "Gordon, this isn't over yet." He also demanded more time to negotiate with the Tories.

"Time for what?" demanded Brown. "Unless you can tell me you've broken off talks with the Tories in favour of discussions with us, I'll assume you're going with the Tories. I can't wait any longer. I've got to go to the palace."

Clegg insisted that a deal with Labour was still in play. "I can't be rushed," said Clegg, before asking for another three hours. "I'll give you half an hour," Brown replied. Clegg rang again. "Can I have five minutes more?" he asked. "Fine," said Brown. "Five minutes." When Clegg rang back asking for another extension, he said: "Please don't resign. Please don't go to the palace." Brown was adamant. "You've made your choice. I'm not going to hold on."

Clegg persisted. "You can't resign," he said. "This is absurd."

Of course, in public he was saying that the only way a deal could be done with labour was if Brown went straight away. New Politics comrades, new politics.
Just in case there was a single person still harbouring any illusions - from the horse's mouth itself:

Nick Clegg: There is no future for us as left-wing rivals to Labour

"There were some people, particularly around the height of the Iraq war, who gave up on the Labour Party and turned to the Liberal Democrats as a sort of left-wing conscience of the Labour Party.

"I totally understand that some of these people are not happy with what the Lib Dems are doing in coalition with the Conservatives. The Lib Dems never were and aren't a receptacle for left-wing dissatisfaction with the Labour Party. There is no future for that; there never was."

i was thoroughly worried about a tory government and thought a coalition government between conservatives and liberal democrats would never
happen, but since it has, i can't bring myself to hate it. this is more down to the fact nothing appears to have happened other than rolling back
labour's police state and the proposed cuts. on a personal level i don't like cameron, but i do find myself agreeing with some of the things he says. read
into that what you will. nick clegg's only crime is one of political expediency, which in my book doesn't make him a bad person. he'll have to do alot worse
for me to alter my opinion of him.

labour supporters need to stop attacking the lib dems and focus on the policies of the coalition. labour needs this time out of office to rediscover itself
and address it's own mistakes while in government.

on DS this whole debate is alot more balanced. less group think.
i was thoroughly worried about a tory government and thought a coalition government between conservatives and liberal democrats would never
happen, but since it has, i can't bring myself to hate it. this is more down to the fact nothing appears to have happened other than rolling back
labour's police state and the proposed cuts.

so you think all the people who lose their homes, or the pensioners who won't be able to heat their homes properly, or the hundreds of thousands likely to lose their jobs is nothing happening

maybe nothing's happened to you
so you think all the people who lose their homes, or the pensioners who won't be able to heat their homes properly, or the hundreds of thousands likely to lose their jobs is nothing happening

maybe nothing's happened to you

winter fuel allowance is being ring fenced (at least the last time cameron spoke on the topic), job loses were going to happen as a matter of course (whoever was in power). people who can't afford their homes, lose them. we live in a captalist system.
winter fuel allowance is being ring fenced (at least the last time cameron spoke on the topic)...

No it's not. There's been a drip drip lib-dem led media attack on universal benefits (under the guise of 'middle class benefits') all summer and Clegg was at it again over this bloody weekend. What on earth makes you say it's ring-fenced? It's not.
people who can't afford their homes, lose them. we live in a captalist system.

quite right, i don't understand all these people moaning about losing their jobs and not being able to pay the mortgage. these things happen its a fact of life. chin up you'll probably get somewhere else to live eventually. you might even get a minimum wage job too if you're lucky.
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