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Why the lib-dems are shit

No it's not. There's been a drip drip lib-dem led media attack on universal benefits (under the guise of 'middle class benefits') all summer and Clegg was at it again over this bloody weekend. What on earth makes you say it's ring-fenced? It's not.

"Middle class benefits" is the most startling piece of newspeak that the cunts have come up with so far.
quite right, i don't understand all these people moaning about losing their jobs and not being able to pay the mortgage. these things happen its a fact of life. chin up you'll probably get somewhere else to live eventually. you might even get a minimum wage job too if you're lucky.

laying the sarcasm on a little thick there.

people who get a loan, used it as a deposit for a house, then expect someone to buy the property 6 months later for 40k more than they paid for it are the people i'm refering to.
should i really shed a tear for greedy BTL'ers or the property speculators? i think not.
laying the sarcasm on a little thick there.

people who get a loan, used it as a deposit for a house, then expect someone to buy the property 6 months later for 40k more than they paid for it are the people i'm refering to.
should i really shed a tear for greedy BTL'ers or the property speculators? i think not.

Yeah because that's the only people it affects...
laying the sarcasm on a little thick there.

people who get a loan, used it as a deposit for a house, then expect someone to buy the property 6 months later for 40k more than they paid for it are the people i'm refering to.
should i really shed a tear for greedy BTL'ers or the property speculators? i think not.

You said "people who can't afford their homes, lose them". Is that not what you meant then? What about the closure of nurseries, libraries, social services, the attack on pay and conditions?
You said "people who can't afford their homes, lose them". Is that not what you meant then? What about the closure of nurseries, libraries, social services, the attack on pay and conditions?

would you rather whole counties go bankrupt, like what's happening to states in the U.S.?

owning a property isn't a right it's a privilege. most people knew when taking out a mortgage they couldn't afford the repayments, yet did it anyway. there's
nearly 1 million on interest only mortgages and a vast majority of these have no savings to pay off the outstanding balance once the mortgage matures.

these people could rent, and those with families will get properties to live in if they can't afford rental deposits. it's not as though people are being thrown onto the streets.

p.s. what does homeowners have to do with social services and pay conditions in the public service. the piece your quoting makes no mention of these.
would you rather whole counties go bankrupt, like what's happening to states in the U.S.?

owning a property isn't a right it's a privilege. most people knew when taking out a mortgage they couldn't afford the repayments, yet did it anyway. there's
nearly 1 million on interest only mortgages and a vast majority of these have no savings to pay off the outstanding balance once the mortgage matures.

these people could rent, and those with families will get properties to live in if they can't afford rental deposits. it's not as though people are being thrown onto the streets.

p.s. what does homeowners have to do with social services and pay conditions in the public service. the piece your quoting makes no mention of these.

WTF? Bizarre. The lib-dems and Tories policies are going to make many homeless whilst social cleansing many half decent areas and leaving even working families seriously out of pocket as regards HB. Do read some reports from housing experts on this instead of weird waffling.

WTF? Bizarre. The lib-dems and Tories policies are going to make many homeless whilst social cleansing many half decent areas and leaving even working families seriously out of pocket as regards HB. Do read some reports from housing experts on this instead of weird waffling.

has it ever crossed your mind, some of these working families you mention, voted for the tories and the liberal democrats?

i talked about america because the opposite of cutting the deficit, is to increase it. the U.S. government is doing just that,
throwing hundreds of billions into the economy in the vain hope it stimulates the various sectors into growth. it's not working as unofficial
(real) unemployment figures in america is 22%.

butch, maybe you could try posting some links and some facts, instead of your usual half arse opinions (disguised as fact).
Even more bizarre - and on even more levels.

First point - so what? Why on earth should the fact that lib-dems and tories managed to mug off a load of people mean that i should support attacks on either them or the wider targets of these ridiculous extremists attacks on our social conditions?

Second and third point - i've shown now countless times, with 'facts' that these cuts are not needed, that there was a massive con that took place at the birth of the coalition about a sovereign debt crisis and 'what the markets wanted' in order to push through this extremist agenda - one that the same sacrosanct markets have now clearly and repeatedly indicated they neither sought nor want.
Even more bizarre - and on even more levels.

First point - so what? Why on earth should the fact that lib-dems and tories managed to mug off a load of people mean that i should support attacks on either them or the wider targets of these ridiculous extremists attacks on our social conditions?

Second and third point - i've shown now countless times, with 'facts' that these cuts are not needed, that there was a massive con that took place at the birth of the coalition about a sovereign debt crisis and 'what the markets wanted' in order to push through this extremist agenda - one that the same sacrosanct markets have now clearly and repeatedly indicated they neither sought nor want.

the first point is nonsensical, (even for you). if someone voted for the tories they knew to expect public sector cuts. obviously this impact others who didn't voted for them
but labour would've had to implement similar cuts. worse than thatcher's is one imfamous quote. political agreement across all 3 main parties suggest the cuts were necessary.
your second and third point support my belief you're not all there. a decade of reckless consumer spending, a property bubble and 2 wars is going to give rise to huge deficits.
how can you say it doesn't exist or isn't a problem when all the evidence points the other way, is quite frankly astounding.
Agreement across all 3 main parties (which there isn't even) suggests the exact opposite as it goes. When all the main parties of the state and capital say somethings needed you can be damn sure it's not. You've not shown me how it's nonsensical to reject attacks and cuts on the mass of the population - focused on the poorest and those least able to deal with them - because some people voted lib-dem. Would you do that for me now please?

I don't know what you think you're doing in the rest of the post. I presume it's an example of the exemplary debate you want me to engage in? I don't quite get it if it is, because all you've actually done is crudely describe a few surface 'facts' without saying how or why they arose (for example the link between expanded use of personal credit and attacks on the wage) and that there's now a deficit and OMG this is a problem the EVIDENCE says so - without pausing to outline either the problem or the evidence. Would you like to do that now? Have a go at explanation.
butchers, what you've been doing is denying there's a problem (despite evidence to the contrary). a mentality one might expect of kindergardeners.

it a pity you haven't left those days behind you.
butchers, what you've been doing is denying there's a problem (despite evidence to the contrary). a mentality one might expect of kindergardeners.

it a pity you haven't left those days behind you.

What is the problem, spell it out and present some evidence. You haven't actually said anything on this thread at all so far.
poison - you are taking the arguments for massive immediate cuts at face value and ignoring the fact that there is a profound and clear ideological position underpinning the logic.

Freidmanite neo-liberalism argues for reducing the public sector (the 'state' in their parlance) to its bare minmum as a way of 'generating wealth' - which it does, for the already wealthy and at the expense of everybody else.

The majority of the tory party and many seniros lib dems sign up to this ideology in part or in whole - e.g many tories would like to dismantle the NHS. By gerneating talk of an economic rises they give themselves the polictical cover for slashing back the public sector.
THe county is not broke, the economy is not about to collapse, the defict is large - but not chronically so. It it entriely possible to rebalance the economy through other much farier methods.

The facts - and recent history - show that these cuts will hit the poorest and most vunerable the hardest. Where I live (social housing estate in leeds) vital services have already been slashed back and I fully expect the area to go rapidly downhill over the next few years as already depreate people have their benfits slashed, as unemployemnt goes up, local investement in housing improvemnts and repairs grinds to a halt and servcies are further cut back.

Anyone whos defends this assualt on the people at the very bottom when in posession of the facts is a cunt.
It's all our fault:

Political culture in Britain had not yet caught up with coalition politics. "Britain still suffered from the machismo of the highly confrontational political culture, which has been aided and abetted by the near state of apoplexy and hysteria on the part of the Labour party," he said.

When oh when will the backwards public catch up with Nick and Dave and their plans for needed modernisations!
What is the problem, spell it out and present some evidence. You haven't actually said anything on this thread at all so far.
Isn't the problem that the country is in massive debt. As in, we owe shit loads of money to other countries (China?). Also that, as individuals, we are all massively in debt- like mortgages 5x salaries, loads of hire purchase. We've borrowed loads of money to live our (comparatively) luxury western lifestyles and now we're fucked.

Sorry for the lack of links, but that's my general understanding of why we have to cut Government spending by 25% in most departments. We have to pay back a big debt or we go bankrupt like Greece.
I see they've kept one election promise at least - the infamous Give paedos the vote! demand:

Nick Clegg's officials said last night that the blanket ban on Britain's 88,000 prisoners taking part in elections cannot continue. The Deputy Prime Minister took responsibility for the issue from Kenneth Clarke, the Justice Secretary, in July.
Isn't the problem that the country is in massive debt. As in, we owe shit loads of money to other countries (China?). Also that, as individuals, we are all massively in debt- like mortgages 5x salaries, loads of hire purchase. We've borrowed loads of money to live our (comparatively) luxury western lifestyles and now we're fucked.

Sorry for the lack of links, but that's my general understanding of why we have to cut Government spending by 25% in most departments. We have to pay back a big debt or we go bankrupt like Greece.

No, that isn't the problem.
Isn't the problem that the country is in massive debt. As in, we owe shit loads of money to other countries (China?). Also that, as individuals, we are all massively in debt- like mortgages 5x salaries, loads of hire purchase. We've borrowed loads of money to live our (comparatively) luxury western lifestyles and now we're fucked.

Sorry for the lack of links, but that's my general understanding of why we have to cut Government spending by 25% in most departments. We have to pay back a big debt or we go bankrupt like Greece.


Try reading the full article linked to in [URL="http://www.urban75.net/vbulletin/threads/332293-Cameron-s-economic-policies-will-kill-not-cure-look-what-s-happened-to-Ireland]this thread[/URL].
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