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Why the lib-dems are shit

Back to the thread, cheers.

No I don't see the Lib Dems as being the sensible centre but they present as such which is why I see imcreased polarisation will tend to lower the parties standing.
I dont believe that centrist is any more a nonsense term than Left/Right, but as a political concept it will always fail as Humans seem to veer one way or the other partly down to being indoctrinated into one side or the other at a young age and partly due personal life experiences
Thank fuck we're back to the thread and its not just confrontational types mouthing off.

How do you think taking an extreme position on EU membership and the overturning of the referendum result with other policies pushed into irrelevance helped with their presentation as a sensible centre? How do you think this worked for them in the last election?
Oh joy I seem to have attracted a third rate stalker and his tag team of fellow offendees..how delightfull
Steth, I'm old and fugly enough to know the difference between someone who wants to debate and a charmless Leg Humper.
Strong politics are fine, arseholes who can't see further than reflections of their own narrow bigoted soul can fuck off
Anyone booked work off for Wednesday's close of voting in the Leadership election?

Excitement mounting?


No idea why Smithson's graphic title says 2021.
if the membership had their way there wouldn't be another leadership election, they think they do better without a permanent leader just a succession of non-entities stepping in
Here's the appropriately boring Wiki explanation:

A timetable was set at a meeting of the party's governing body, the Federal Board, on 18 January 2020. Nominations were due to open on 11 May, after the local elections which were due to be held on 7 May 2020, and close on 28 May; voting would begin on 18 June and close on 15 July.[9] The timetable allowed time for a review of the party's performance in the 2019 general election.[10]In March 2020, the election was postponed to May 2021, after the local elections which had been postponed to that month due to the coronavirus pandemic.[11] Reaction to this decision was largely negative amongst the party membership. The party's Federal Appeals Panel found that, although the Federal Board was correct to suspend the election, it did not have power to set the May 2021 date. The panel directed the board to keep the suspension under continuous review until "the exceptional circumstances that exist at present cease".[12] On 20 May 2020, the party announced that the Federal Board had reversed their decision to delay the election until 2021. Voting would take place between 30 July and 26 August so a new leader would be in place for the party's autumn conference.[13][14]

Liberal Democrat leadership elections use the alternative vote (instant run-off) system, with all party members being entitled to vote under a one member, one vote method.[15] Candidates must be an MP, and must be nominated by at least one other Liberal Democrat MP. Proposed candidates must also have 200 supporters across 20 or more local parties, including the Young Liberals.[16]
"Sadly, my press officer was sent to prison for pushing a woman onto the track of Clapham Junction Station."
What turned it round for him after his opponent's healthy early lead? Did the rescue story come out or was she revealed to have a personality thus frightening the horses?
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