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Why the lib-dems are shit

Stood there with a cardboard box covered in bollocks to brexit stickers, plastic yukka plant poking out of the top, light drizzle across his face 'Well done lads' he shouts to a small group walking past with their heads down, shortly before a double decker smashes a puddle all over him

i think hes in this compilation somewhere ...

Clegg, Farron, Swinson .... who is the shittest? Its a tough call - I think swinson is the possibly the most disastrous/hilarious. Events had put the libdems in the perfect position to be reborn after the debacle of the coalition - and she single handedly utterly fucked it up via heroic levels of self delusion.
Stood there with a cardboard box covered in bollocks to brexit stickers, plastic yukka plant poking out of the top, light drizzle across his face 'Well done lads' he shouts to a small group walking past with their heads down, shortly before a double decker smashes a puddle all over him

“I’m sorry Mr. Brake but we’ll have to ask you to move on, sir” says fresh-faced young PC who has just completed his “dealing professionally with upset members of the public” course at Bramshill Police College
Clegg, Farron, Swinson .... who is the shittest? Its a tough call - I think swinson is the possibly the most disastrous/hilarious. Events had put the libdems in the perfect position to be reborn after the debacle of the coalition - and she single handedly utterly fucked it up via heroic levels of self delusion.

That is tough. I think it depends on the criteria. Clegg did the most damage but by his own standards he was a success - he got to hang around the government for a bit and now he's coining it in from Facebook. While Swinson was a disaster for the Lib Dems but quite entertaining for the rest of us. And Tim Who?
That is tough. I think it depends on the criteria. Clegg did the most damage but by his own standards he was a success - he got to hang around the government for a bit and now he's coining it in from Facebook. While Swinson was a disaster for the Lib Dems but quite entertaining for the rest of us. And Tim Who?
Christian bore tim
They have only got 11 MPs, will they actually find one that even wants the job?
This is all of them..

piss vermin libdems.jpg

Well he would say that.

Similarly, on the left, there are vague hopes being expressed that if Jeremy Corbyn is replaced by a fresh face (preferably female), it will produce some form of political alchemy, turning unelectable dross into gold. We still hear the plaintive cry that “popular” policies – such as offering lots of things free of charge – are the route to power.
Isn't there a consensus backed up by polling that the policies were popular while Corbyn was not? Cable is engaging in ye olde liberal jiggery pokery.
Ed Davey on Today just now blaming Corbyn for the Lib Dems losing - "because he was so unpopular so people were voting Tory not us to keep him out".
Ed Davey on Today just now blaming Corbyn for the Lib Dems losing - "because he was so unpopular so people were voting Tory not us to keep him out".
After last week both the Labour and LibDems need to step up and own their fuckups, Labour isn't doing it yet so it's not surprising that LibDems aren't either.
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