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Why the lib-dems are shit

Little bit of local (to me) bother for the loathsome LDs that might cheer the spirits in these dark times....

Basically a residents association of a new-build estate have agreed to ban the LDs from campaigning or canvassing on their (privately owned) estate. :D
They've even agreed a fine structure for any transgressions!:D:D

The context is that the (ever so) green LD controlled council have built this monstrosity of an enviro-crime just up the road from the estate:


...and, as with all incinerators, the local authorities have to prove some form of energy recovery (ERF) to get permission. So, the residents of said estate (NewMillQuarter) are compelled to take district heating from the incinerator at about 4X conventional costings.

They've got nowhere with their FoIs/campaigning etc so far...so banning the vile LDs looks good to me:thumbs:


Not been enough activity on this thread recently.
The Liberal Democrat election campaign last year was “a high-speed car crash” worsened by structural failures, poor tactics, and an inexperienced inner circle around Jo Swinson, an internal party review has concluded.
The party, concluded the report, suffered from “an optimism that was to maintain itself even when the evidence started to turn against it”.
You don't say.
Incidentally re-reading the first pages of this thread is rather interesting.

Of course I'm sure that those posters that invoke the principle that a vote for a party makes one responsible for the actions of that party are consistent in applying such a principle.
Still bent:

A Liberal Democrat peer criticised for furloughing himself to get a government subsidy while continuing to claim a daily allowance from the House of Lords has apologised and promised to pay the money back.

Lord Fox admitted placing himself on leave so he could receive a subsidised income as the director of his own communications company via the coronavirus job retention scheme.

The 62-year-old Lib Dem spokesman for business was accused by MPs of “milking” the state by claiming around £1,000 a month from the Treasury and taking the £162 daily allowance for his work in the Lords.
Observer practically wetting themselves over this, as no doubt some prats on here will be.

Lib Dem leadership hopeful Layla Moran hints at closer links with Labour
She called on activists within the two parties to consider forming a “huge campaigning force” to help each other at the next election. She said she wanted a “Paddy plus” arrangement with Labour, in reference to the close relationship between former Lib Dem leader Paddy Ashdown and Tony Blair before the 1997 election.

"We need to be really smart about it,” she said. “I would like to get to the point where at the very least, in those seats where we stand a chance of defeating the Tories, [activists] aren’t fighting each other, because that just defeats the purpose. But even better, if we can inspire a progressive movement of activists to take those seats off Boris Johnson’s Tories, that’s where I’d like to get to. ‘Paddy plus’ is kind of what we’re aiming for, but it’s not a pact and it’s not anything formal.”
Kiss of death for the Northern seats but will go down well in London
not around here it fucking won't

They say this every so often anyway, and it always turns out to be "would definitely co-operate if you changed this policy, oh and this one, oh and your leader, and..." - they don't really have any intention of doing it, it's just sabotage. (ETA: obviously, no matter how many times it happens, the Guardserver never ever keeps its pants dry.)
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Though never commanding the numbers of followers that Labour and the Conservatives could, have the LDs perhaps become almost completely surplus in this increasingly left win/ right wing devisive world?
Though never commanding the numbers of followers that Labour and the Conservatives could, have the LDs perhaps become almost completely surplus in this increasingly left win/ right wing devisive world?
You seem to like talking about division and polarisation so it's best you know this place is one of the poles.
You seem to like talking about division and polarisation so it's best you know this place is one of the poles.

That you respond in this confrontational way is sort of my point, you have percieved I have a certain view that is distant from yours and feel the need to mouth off even though its adding nothing to the subject
something I have now done in my response...shame on me.

I think there are probably nuances here even if their is an overall Bias, like most places.

Humberto, perception is everything
Though never commanding the numbers of followers that Labour and the Conservatives could, have the LDs perhaps become almost completely surplus in this increasingly left win/ right wing devisive world?
Do you mean that they were sort of in the sensible centre - not left or right - and increasing left/right polarisation has sidelined them? Bu they were and are right-wing extremists. Their surplus-ness is due to people who thought they weren't, that they were in the centre/non-extremist, realising what a nonsense that idea is and was when their extremism was put into horribly damaging real life action.
That you respond in this confrontational way is sort of my point, you have percieved I have a certain view that is distant from yours and feel the need to mouth off even though its adding nothing to the subject
something I have now done in my response...shame on me.

I think there are probably nuances here even if their is an overall Bias, like most places.

Humberto, perception is everything
Confrontational? Wtf?
That you respond in this confrontational way is sort of my point, you have percieved I have a certain view that is distant from yours and feel the need to mouth off even though its adding nothing to the subject
something I have now done in my response...shame on me.

I think there are probably nuances here even if their is an overall Bias, like most places.

Humberto, perception is everything
I think you'll find that as uhtred says destiny is all
Do you mean that they were sort of in the sensible centre - not left or right - and increasing left/right polarisation has sidelined them? Bu they were and are right-wing extremists. Their surplus-ness is due to people who thought they weren't, that they were in the centre/non-extremist, realising what a nonsense that idea is and was when their extremism was put into horribly damaging real life action.

Back to the thread, cheers.

No I don't see the Lib Dems as being the sensible centre but they present as such which is why I see imcreased polarisation will tend to lower the parties standing.
I dont believe that centrist is any more a nonsense term than Left/Right, but as a political concept it will always fail as Humans seem to veer one way or the other partly down to being indoctrinated into one side or the other at a young age and partly due personal life experiences
Back to the thread, cheers.

No I don't see the Lib Dems as being the sensible centre but they present as such which is why I see imcreased polarisation will tend to lower the parties standing.
I dont believe that centrist is any more a nonsense term than Left/Right, but as a political concept it will always fail as Humans seem to veer one way or the other partly down to being indoctrinated into one side or the other at a young age and partly due personal life experiences
What polarization? In the political parties?
Back to the thread, cheers.

No I don't see the Lib Dems as being the sensible centre but they present as such which is why I see imcreased polarisation will tend to lower the parties standing.
I dont believe that centrist is any more a nonsense term than Left/Right, but as a political concept it will always fail as Humans seem to veer one way or the other partly down to being indoctrinated into one side or the other at a young age and partly due personal life experiences
Well, you certainly gave an indication of how "personal life experiences" have determined your own "veer" when you took a great big bigoted shit over the Cardiff photos thread:

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