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Why the lib-dems are shit

Road pricing would be a disaster for the economy. Not to mention a huge Big Brother exercise.

Just be yet another tax wouldn't it, like ID cards - another way to bring in taxation unrelated to income to keep the rich happy, dressed up as progressive or green or a counter-terrorist measure or anti-immigration etc.

The only tax should be income tax.
Just be yet another tax wouldn't it, like ID cards - another way to bring in taxation unrelated to income to keep the rich happy, dressed up as progressive or green or a counter-terrorist measure or anti-immigration etc.

The only tax should be income tax.

Well now which party is it in the last 13 years that has not had the guts to raise income for big earners? I wonder. We've had more stealth taxes than seemed humanly possible.
Well now which party is it in the last 13 years that has not had the guts to raise income for big earners? I wonder. We've had more stealth taxes than seemed humanly possible.

Labour. Why the well now?

I'm no Labour supporter you numpty. All three of them are in love with the snide taxes.
Well that went well for them didn't it? :D

There was an interesting little compendium of pro-Liberal/LibDem editorials from the papers going back to the 1980s in the most recent Private Eye. All variations on the breakthrough/transforming British politics theme, with the number of seats won underneath. :)
Well, clegg looks set to remain in position. Cameron too. Brown, well Brown will be doing the walk of shame soon IMHO
22.9% of the votes; 8% of the seats.





Clegg has to be seen to at least try and form an alliance with the Tories. But, and I am hoping a lot, they tell him to go and fuck himself then he can say that at least he tried.

Only real issue as I see it is whether Brown stays as PM. Given that the Lib-Dems lost seats I think their position on him having to stand down is weakened.
Clegg has to be seen to at least try and form an alliance with the Tories. But, and I am hoping a lot, they tell him to go and fuck himself then he can say that at least he tried.

Only real issue as I see it is whether Brown stays as PM. Given that the Lib-Dems lost seats I think their position on him having to stand down is weakened.

Clegg and Cameron have just released almost idntical statements with the same telling phrases 'national interest' - looks like a long planned stich up.
Clegg and Cameron have just released almost idntical statements with the same telling phrases 'national interest' - looks like a long planned stich up.

Lets see what happens. But I would have thought a phrase such as 'national interest' would be pretty much one that all parties will use over the coming hours.

Really dont want a Con-Lib alliance. Think it has far more potential to back fire on the Conservatives mid to long term than a Lab-Lib one.
Lets see what happens. But I would have thought a phrase such as 'national interest' would be pretty much one that all parties will use over the coming hours.

Really dont want a Con-Lib alliance. Think it has far more potential to back fire on the Conservatives mid to long term than a Lab-Lib one.

2 statements within 5 minutes of each other, Camerons following Clegg's and saying pretty much what Clegg said needed to be heard. That shit was written together ages ago.
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