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Why the lib-dems are shit

I see the Lib Dems are getting their betrayal in early - before the election - apparently PR is "not now a precondition of any agreement" with the other parties. The only point of the Lib Dems for many on the left who might vote for them is to force through the introduction of PR so that minority voices might get a platform on which to support extraparliamentary and workplace activity.
Vote Green! (And prepare for the big fights over jobs, services, pensions, railroading through of planning decisions etc etc)
Richard Reeves, John Kampfner, Professor Noreena Hertz, Susie Orbach, Shazia Mirza, Camilla Toulmin, Brian Eno, John le Carré, Henry Porter, Alex Layton, Gordon Roddick, Yasmin Alibhai Brown, Philip Pullman, David Aukin, Nick Harkaway, Lisa Appignanesi, Francis Wheen, Alan Ryan, Raymond Tallis, Julian Baggini, Jeanette Winterson, Rodric Braithwaite, Richard Dawkins, George Monbiot, Ken Macdonald, Philippe Sands, Misha Glenny, Anthony Barnett, Richard Sennett, David Marquand

What a list - hertz has gallons of Russian blood on her hands, and that's a long way for Sennet to fall (and he's a yank).
What a list - hertz has gallons of Russian blood on her hands, and that's a long way for Sennet to fall (and he's a yank).

How so re: hertz (i take an interest in eastern european politics and ive never heard of her before now). Sorry if this sounds very ignorant of me.
How so re: hertz (i take an interest in eastern european politics and ive never heard of her before now). Sorry if this sounds very ignorant of me.

Wiki is your friend

she then went to Russia to work for the World Bank and played a role in setting up the Russian stock exchange and in advising the Russian government on its privatisation programmes

I was going to abstain but I'm even voting for Tessa fucking Jowell to keep these smug cunts off the gravy train.
I've just read that the Lib Dems support road pricing. :facepalm:

Major negative for me. It may even force me to vote Tory.
Sarah Teather. God she got on my goat on the radio this morning. And she's their only woman front bencher, that's progressive from the LD's eh?

Minor prediction : she'll lose her seat (close but no yellow banana). The boundaries at Brent Central have been changed a lot, and her patch now includes a lot of Dawn Butler's more Labourish territory.
I hate lib dems and their fucking graphs. Labour/Tories cant win here! etc.

In almost all places and elections, perhaps especially local elections, the Lib Dems are absolutely unscrupulous at ultra 'selective' use of statistics like that. To the point of out and out lying in several past elections that I remember.
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