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Why the lib-dems are shit

i know. i'm really quite staggered by the swerve that these orange/yellow fuckers seem to have achieved.

vote for us, we're different, we're new blah blah fucking blah....
are you insinuating something?

Insinuating that Leon Brittan is a paedophile? That would be the very thing I would wish to avoid. I'm sure that the Fire Brigade investigators who had a good rummage through his personal affects after the housefire that took place shortly before he was suddenly and unexpectedly appointed to his EU post would be in a far better position to comment.
I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised that they're neo-liberal capitalists.

Who else would get the required level of support from the people whose money and power matters?

In Iran parties and policy are subject to veto by a bunch of nutters with beards, here they're subject to veto by Rupert Murdoch and a bunch of fucking investment bankers.

We can't really claim to be any more democratic than Iran.
What a spoilt brat -with your mighty 63 seats that might rise to 87

Nick Clegg: I want to be Prime Minister
go back to your constituencies and erm yeah. not going to happen, or even close to happen, at least not at this election. The party machinery on the ground just isn't strong enough in enough seats to capitalise properly on this swing and turn it into seats in most places AFAIK.

their election game plan was based around consolidating the seats they've got, targeting other likely marginals via regional support, and making gradual gains without too much effort elsewhere. they may have upped their game a bit because of the polls, but this is still largely the gameplan from what I'm picking up (my brother's pretty actively involved locally)
this was in today's metro


Louis Theroux has claimed he was Mr Clegg’s ‘fag’ – a younger pupil assigned as a personal servant to an older student.

lol Theroux had to warm the bog seat for Clegg. And probably suck him off as well.
I don't have anything intelligent or new to add to this thread but Nick Clegg is an annoying-as-phuk blair-cameron-miliband identikit automaton devoid of any discernable personality and he heads a party of boring, reactionary wankers who's tweeny weeny principles crumble like sand castles whenever they catch even the whiff of power.

:cool: :cool: :D :p
Cleggs lost his marbles:

The question now is not 'do you want change?' Everyone wants change. It's 'what kind of change?' That's why this campaign is now boiling down to a simple choice, a two-horse race between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservative party. Who do you trust to deliver the change and fairness that you want?

Id there no end to the freaks arrogance mixed with unworldliness? He's got 63 seats, he's the leader of a minor party that will probably end up with 87 seats if it performs to its absolute best and the others to their worst. Is this the sort of fantasist people could trust at the best of times never mind in a crisis situation? What a loon.
Not that I'd wish to defend that public relations deisaster but techincally, if you are an MP, you ARE in government, are you not?
Not that I'd wish to defend that public relations deisaster but techincally, if you are an MP, you ARE in government, are you not?
No, you are not necessarily so. MPs are members of Commons. The Opposition, by definition, are not in government. (And not only them).
Well there you go. You learn something new every day and other such trite sentiments along those lines.
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