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Why the lib-dems are shit

LibDems in Westminster Coalition

Why is it good for the country that the LibDems are in coalition with the Conservatives at Westminster?
No one party ‘won’ the General Election in 2010. So it was right that the Government should be formed from a coalition of two or more parties to address the dire financial situation inherited from the Labour administration of the previous thirteen years.
Households have to balance their budgets and nations are no different – spending more than you are receiving ends in disaster sooner or later. What the Liberal Democrats have done is to focus cuts as far as possible on those most able to bear them – the fact that the Tory right feels hard done by is a tribute to the success of the moderating influence of the LibDems.
Two million low-paid people taken out of paying tax altogether, the tax bill for anyone paying basic rate cut by £45 a month. Taxes on the wealthy raised so that those on annual incomes of over £150,000 will be paying on average an additional £1,300 a year in tax.
LibDems championed the Pupil Premium, which will provide £600 a year in the next school year for every schoolchild qualifying for free school meals or who has been on free school meals in the last six years. LibDems have extended free early years education to all disadvantaged two-year-olds.
Caring for the environment and reducing climate change are LibDem concerns – the Green Deal to be launched in the autumn will see the biggest home insulation programme ever, reducing energy bills and providing over 65,000 new jobs.
Of course as a junior partner we cannot get everything our own way – but the country is the better for having LibDems in government.
"What the Liberal Democrats have done is to focus cuts as far as possible on those most able to bear them "

Jesus :(
If the LibDems, in future elections, were stupid enough to put out a leaflet anything like the one above, they'd get slaughtered to a point beyond that already on the cards ....
Lordy. Remember, Reeves wrote in 2009:

There are signs that the Conservatives are sincere about creating a fairer society.


The progressive Conservative vehicle is still on the road, albeit badly dented by the need for recessionary economics. Glaring old Toryisms remain – most obviously in the proposal to financially reward marriage – and there is a huge challenge to be progressive and prudent with a ballooning deficit. There are many areas of policy where the slate is still too blank to form a judgment. But while the prospect of a Conservative government was once a chilling one to any progressive, there is now the possibility that Cameron, supported by his small band of cutlery-rattling progressives, really has changed his party, as Peel, Disraeli and Thatcher did before him. We'll know soon enough.

The he fucked offtoa high paid elite job in the US. Cheers for that Reeves.
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Lib Dem members in a poll by Lib Dem Voice, its main web presence, fairly strongly support the key regressive Osborne measures:

Cutting main rate of corporation tax by extra 1% to 21% from April 2014

Strongly support 16%
Support 44%
60% Total Support
Oppose 21%
Strongly oppose 10%
31% Total Oppose
Don’t know 8%

Increasing most working-age benefits by 1%, below the rate of inflation, for each of the next three years

Strongly support 12%
Support 36%
48% Total Support
Oppose 27%
Strongly oppose 19%
46% Total Oppose
Don’t know 7%

Increasing child benefit by 1%, below the rate of inflation, for two years from April 2014

Strongly support 11%
Support 40%
51% Total Support
Oppose 27%
Strongly oppose 15%
42% Total Oppose
Don’t know 7%
Implementing the School Teachers’ Review Body’s recommendation to allow individual schools to set pay in line with performance

Strongly support 17%
Support 33%
50% Total Support
Oppose 17%
Strongly oppose 18%
35% Total Oppose
Don’t know 15%
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Lib Dem members in a poll by Lib Dem Voice, its main web presence, fairly strongly support the key regressive Osborne measures:

I wonder what the results would have been if the same questions had been asked two or three years ago. Rather different, I suspect, given that it seems logical to suppose that a lot of the members the Lib Dems have haemorrhaged have been from the left of the party.

What a fucking cunt, neckshot the scumbag.

That was roughly my first reaction, but then I just thought 'fuck it - they've made their bed, and now they've got to lie in it.' Reeves and Cleggy and the rest of them can huff and puff all the like, but the reality is that they made a suicidal political miscalculation going into coalition with the Tories, and recovering from it will take decades, not years, if it's even possible.

There are some spectacularly deluded people around at the grassroots, though. I was talking recently with someone - not a fool, by any means - who worked for Tim Farron briefly a couple of years back. When I made some cynical remark about that being just as the Lib Dem collapse started he came back with a pile of clichés about how the situation on the ground actually wasn't too bad, and people would respect them for taking tough but necessary decisions, and so on and so forth. He also suggested that people in cities such as Hull (where this conversation took place) must be 'stupid' if they won't vote Lib Dem again. I took umbrage at that one and demanded to know why people should be expected to carry on voting for a party that had ditched all of its manifesto commitments, and allowed a right-wing Tory government to inflict the worst of the spending cuts on the poorest areas of the country, including a lot of former Lib Dem strongholds. He didn't have much answer to that, and still less when I pointed out the UKIP-esque opinion poll ratings, two rounds of disastrous local elections and Farron's own admission that the Lib dems will not be able to fight another election as a national political force if things don't improve for them. He still didn't seem to get it. Didn't stop us ending up in bed tbh. :oops:
That was roughly my first reaction, but then I just thought 'fuck it - they've made their bed, and now they've got to lie in it.' Reeves and Cleggy and the rest of them can huff and puff all the like, but the reality is that they made a suicidal political miscalculation going into coalition with the Tories, and recovering from it will take decades, not years, if it's even possible.

On this point, if you go back and look at the threads on here from around elction time they were full of people saying just that, that a coalition with the tories would likely destroy them, but their paid political/electoral experts couldn't manage to arrive at the same conclusion as the rest of us stinking norms.
Hang on:


Do you live in Werrington and/or Gunthorpe? Are you retired and looking for something fun and different to do? Then this new club for “older people” is just what you need!
On this point, if you go back and look at the threads on here from around elction time they were full of people saying just that, that a coalition with the tories would likely destroy them, but their paid political/electoral experts couldn't manage to arrive at the same conclusion as the rest of us stinking norms.

Oh I can well believe that. And then they wonder why no bugger will vote for them. And get paid for it.
There are some spectacularly deluded people around at the grassroots, though. I was talking recently with someone - not a fool, by any means - who worked for Tim Farron briefly a couple of years back. When I made some cynical remark about that being just as the Lib Dem collapse started he came back with a pile of clichés about how the situation on the ground actually wasn't too bad, and people would respect them for taking tough but necessary decisions,
I have had one tell me that if they had not gone into coalition with the tories, a LibLab government or Tory with only LibDem confidence and supply would have collapsed in a year and a tory majority would have come from the following election.

People just dont understand the sacrifice they have made for the good of the country to prevent a tory government.

A tear may have trickled down my face at the thought of such self sacrifice.
I think this speech (made to mark five years of Clegg being lib-dem leader) shows that their electoral strategy will be fought on right-wing territory. They seem to get that any left vote they managed to attract is gone. That's good news fro MIliband and labour strategists as it opens up a gap that they would have had to work and fight to open (or at least make it appear as if there is a gap). The tories will eat them (lib-dems not labour) alive on that ground. They're even fucking up their death.
On this point, if you go back and look at the threads on here from around elction time they were full of people saying just that, that a coalition with the tories would likely destroy them, but their paid political/electoral experts couldn't manage to arrive at the same conclusion as the rest of us stinking norms.

There looks like some history re-writing going on in that Reeves article, apparently

Clegg and the wiser heads among his parliamentary colleagues knew there would be a price to pay.

when they plainly hadn't got a clue.

If anyone needs any evidence of just how politically inept the LDs were, they only need look at the decision to have a referendum on AV. Referendums are a Politics A level topic now, since New Labour were so keen on them. If you do a Politics A level you will almost certainly know that the answer to a referendum question is "no" - the exceptions being when the whole political/media elite line up behind a policy (eg membership of the EEC etc). This truth is so well known that when that crook Berlusconi found himself facing a vote on nuclear power in Italy he reversed it so that "no" meant "yes". And even that didn't work either, although fair play for trying it on so blatantly.

Little Cleggy and his advisors fixed bayonets and marched straight into the AV referendum. They are political idiots, simple as that.
It really is astonishing just how inept they are - it's normal to see people or parties destroyed by venality or just being behind the times - but to be destroyed by basic ineptness, to be destroyed by what you're supposed to be good at....
Yep - its almost as if the senior lib dems only concern was to get themselves ministerial seats and not care if the party got fucked as a result.
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