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Who does Urban think (not hope) will win the November US Presidential Election? (The Poll)

Who will win the popular vote and who will get a majority in the electoral college?

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What are the odds that I won’t be paying for the restaurant?
I suppose you could just pretend you left your wallet at home by mistake. Is that what you mean?
It’s over. The only way you can cling to this now is by going down some seriously dark rabbit holes and fwiw I hope you don’t.
Are we yet at the point where the leader gathers his credulous followers for the flight to the Guyana rainforest clearing to create the Peoples Temple Democracy project?

Top tip for the Marty folk; don't drink the 'disinfectant'.
I suppose you could just pretend you left your wallet at home by mistake. Is that what you mean?
It’s over. The only way you can cling to this now is by going down some seriously dark rabbit holes and fwiw I hope you don’t.
Where on earth do you think he's been all this time. Are his links to holocaust denying sites and fascist stuff when first arrived here now forgotten in his new role as loon-funster or something?
I don’t know him but if he’s a fully committed Great Awakening antisemite already he’s hidden it skilfully so far and I think he’s too stupid to pull that off.
I suppose you could just pretend you left your wallet at home by mistake. Is that what you mean?
It’s over. The only way you can cling to this now is by going down some seriously dark rabbit holes and fwiw I hope you don’t.

Lol - but no, if Biden gets in the WH then I’ll pay for the restaurant of her choice, though I’m not sure when that will be due to Covid.

As for ‘dark rabbit holes’ - I’ll leave that to you, you’ve posted enough excerpts of those already.

ps - any news on Sidney the Kraken yet?
Rudy Giuliani lays out Trumps pathways to victory:

It’s a long presentation but very compelling to listen to for anyone interested.

The short version: the most compelling evidence of voter fraud is certain districts having 3.5x ballots cast than actual registered voters and all in Democrat controlled cities without exception.

There is absolutely ZERO hard evidence in anything he has put up there. Just wild, baseless allegations.
Give it up, you're making a complete fool of yourself.
If? Fucking if? So, even now the penny hasn't dropped for you? :facepalm: :D

What are your thoughts on Emily Murphy from the GSA having threats made against her and her family?

Or the Republicans in Wayne County who were doxed with threats made against their kids - and in that case the threats were made by Democrats, openly on zoom?
What are your thoughts on Emily Murphy from the GSA having threats made against her and her family?

Or the Republicans in Wayne County who were doxed with threats made against their kids - and in that case the threats were made by Democrats, openly on zoom?
Fuck all compared to the threats from your hero. He has actually killed people.

You’ve lost, now fuck off back to your neo fascist websites and fictional girlfriend.
What are your thoughts on Emily Murphy from the GSA having threats made against her and her family?

Or the Republicans in Wayne County who were doxed with threats made against their kids - and in that case the threats were made by Democrats, openly on zoom?

Not sure why you are asking me?

Whilst I don't approve of these threats, I can understand why they were made towards people trying to steal the election.
What are your thoughts on it Marty? Do you have any? I haven't seen you express many that weren't just regurgitated hard-right shit from conspiraloon sites. But do feel free to share what you actually think, so we can hopefully see you banned forever
This whole shitshow with Sidney Powell and her epic global communist plot being headlined and then suddenly dropped by the trump machine, will it push more people like Marty to become conspiracy theory extremists or wake more of them up to the fact that they’ve been taken for a ride.?
This whole shitshow with Sidney Powell and her epic global communist plot being headlined and then suddenly dropped by the trump machine, will it push more people like Marty to become conspiracy theory extremists or wake more of them up to the fact that they’ve been taken for a ride.?

CNN broke info in 2006 that Sidney Powell reiterated recently.

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CNN broke info in 2096 that Sidney Powell reiterated recently.

You really trust CNN? It's the worst of the MSM - fake news all of it :mad:

ah no that was you saying that wasn't it :(
CNN broke info in 2006 that Sidney Powell reiterated recently.

Sorry, thought you said CNN were completely fake news and untrustworthy?
CNN/MSM are only fake news and untrustworthy when they report the truth that the likes of Marty1 are in denial about.


The point is - serious concerns have been risen in the past. Afaik CNN today are saying - everything is fine - what’s changed?

Do you have any comment on that or are you just going to wander off into the long weeds?
for fucks sake you are exhausting.
You posted a link to fucking Lou Dobbs when he briefly worked for cnn a long time ago.
He didnt stay long because he's .. a massive conspiracy theorist and xenophobic nutcase.
Sidney Powell is going to be live on his show TOINiGHT! On fox. Srsy she is.
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