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When precisely does the war crimes trial of Anthony Charles Lynton Blair begin in the Hague?


Happy go licky
Is he polishing up his defence case as we speak? And is Alistair 'Claret' Campbell polishing up his or is he drunk and depressed again? And how is Bismarckain Iron Chancellor James Gordon Brown keeping up with developments now the Tyrant Coin he so poorly managed is disappearing into the history books? Did he ever manage to read a syllable of Hannah Arendt on the Eichmann trial in Jerusalem or was he too busy getting drunk and watching pornography? Did he ever read Leo Abse's "Tony Blair: The Man Behind the Smile" which should be mandatory on the university curriculum so it never happens again in the Republic of Britain? And will he slip away and evade justice like Josef Mengele in Argentina? And what on earth are the police force doing with their time?

Goodbye Hopeless Failed Evil Britain. Goodbye forever.
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I campagined against him in the Battle of Sedgefiled and met Reg Keys and Martin Bell and above all Brian Eno and family and I promised to myself that we would succeed in the task. I promised myself when millions of us marched in London and he ddin'tlisten because he was busy fraternising with George W. Bush. Anthony Charles Lynton Blair lost the argument comprehensively in that decisive battle. He has been amazingly quiet since he left 'office' - as quiet as a dormouse. The poor old Blair Must Go party got only 103 votes. The poor Pensioners Party only got 82. What on earth were the voters in the Battle doing with their time? Were they all drunk and deluded by the Orwellian telescreen and listening to Rupert Murdoch? Or busy counting their Jurassic era junk hyperinflated rubbish Tyrant fiat currency and thinking they were rich when actually they were utter paupers the whole time?

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Victors write the history books. I have my book "The History and Evolution of Ecosocialism" to write. Enjoy every second of life in the Republic of Brtiain. And hopefully the New Left coalition government afer an absolute landslide election for parties such as the Alliance for Green Socialism and Left Unity and the NHA Party. I can finally live in some peace and do my vocation - reading and writing without living in perpetual fear and anxiety. Enjoy your battles and Viva the 21st century Roundheads! Long live the Republic!
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Any minute now surely. I can almost hear the sound of sirens and the handcuffs being put on. Almost. Good old David Lawley Wakelin nearly managed to citizen;s arrest him but didn't quite finish the job. What on earth have the police been doing with their time this whole time? Too busy being racist and corrupt and arresting political dissidents like me for no reason whatsoever?

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I mean, if Ballymurphy and Bloody Sunday are the standard for prosecutions of British war crimes, I think you might have a while to wait just yet.

Any minute now. Poor old Anthony Charles Lynton Blair has a hell of a lot of explaining to do. Will he run away to Argentia? And who on earth has the gruelling and difficult task of judging him? Simply not my problem anymore. I wash my hands of the whole thing.
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He searches for the words to stop this table in mid-turn, like “we are but old men” and “we only did what we were told,” but the laughter from the gallery drowns out these vestiges of a profession’s oldest defense. The court will direct the record to reflect compliments from the bench; you sir, are central casting’s crowning achievement. And for your outstanding performance in a comedic role, I’d like to dedicate the findings of the jury to the dead. But how can one man ever repay a debt so appalling? Can’t gouge 10,000 eyes from a single head so I think we should observe a sentence that will serve to satisfy both a sense of function and poetry: so you will spend the rest of your days drenched in sweat, with your face drawn in a rictus of terror as you remove another buried land mine fuse.
I've simply lost all patience. I am off to read good old Franz Kafka's "The Trial" as I did in Pewley Down in Guildford in the 1990s before I just finally got awarded the Nobel Prize for Literatrure from the slumbering Nobel Prize Committee. I want to focus on beauty like Paul Dirac's mathematics not hideous ugliness.
If he's concentrating I think he will slip away to Argentina and live under an assumed name but then I think he's probably as drunk as Winston Churchill and Boris Yeltsin and so busy watching pornography that he might not after all.
I am Matt. Citizen of the Free City of Woking. Nice to meet you here. My brother is called William. He wrote a book called "Oppression" which nobody has read but should be mandatory on the school curriculum so it never happens again here.It's a tough and gruelling read like Shakespeare's "Titus Androndicus". I hope when it sells millions of copies he cheers up a bit and writes his "King Lear"> It's time for rewards to go to the decent citizens for once and all. In a new currency - the Britcoin. Long live the Republic!

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I thought it had already happened. What was that thing when he started crying?
Did he cry at last? I remember playing chess at school (whcih was once called the Royal Grammar School in Guildford but should just be renamed the Grammar School) and I managed to beat a better player than me using my tricks and the sudden surprise attack from the LEFT, the Nimzowitsch-Larsen Attack (1.b3) and the poor chap started to cry!

How good a chess player is Anthony Charles Lynton Blair I wonder? Did he ever get round to a thorough study of the game?
I once played a series of games against someone who was much better than I was, and beat him two or three times after which he went through the games saying "if you hadn't done that and that I'd have had you by doing this and this". None of which I'd seen because I was stoned as a kipper.
I once played a series of games against someone who was much better than I was, and beat him two or three times after which he went through the games saying "if you hadn't done that and that I'd have had you by doing this and this". None of which I'd seen because I was stoned as a kipper.
We're legalising. I don't want to eulogise him too much (I remember the 1926 General Strike) but Churchill would not have done a job on Adolf without cannabis. What on earth would Winston Churchill or Wonderful Clement Attlee or for that matter Benjamin Disraeli or William Ewart Gladstone have made of Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson or 'Sir' Edward Davery or 'Sir; Keir Starmaggedon?
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Brushing up on my Japanese. Studied at Daiichi Keizai University in Fukuoka, Kyushu, between 1999 to 2000. The university fed us, housed us, taught us the beautiful language, and took us on trips to Beijing and Pusan in South Korea - allf ro free. I owe them a lot. Temporary exile from Britain on my own private Mayflower for being a political dissident before returning to try to sort out all the fucking mess. Why on earth is it the everyday citizens forced into the underclass and the precariat and the working class who have to clean up all the mess as per usual?

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Socialism and indeed Ecosocialism is no longer illegal and abused and treated as a mental health disorder. It is in control of the Game. Power has now passed to people.

Bring on the landslide and let the new Clement Attlee and Aneurin Bevan sort all the mess out brick by brick.
Socialism and indeed Ecosocialism is no longer illegal and abused and treated as a mental health disorder. It is in control of the Game. Power has now passed to people.

Bring on the landslide and let the new Clement Attlee and Aneurin Bevan sort all the mess out brick by brick.
Do you mean the new CA and AB should throw bricks at the current cabinet till the Tory scum are dead?
Do you mean the new CA and AB should throw bricks at the current cabinet till the Tory scum are dead?

The vile Tory Titanic is going down and all the chumps are falling into the cold bracing freezing water and drowning in their own filth like the Erfurt Latrine disaster, They think they are so rich but they just have units of dead Jurassic era hyperinflating Tyrant coin. They're all as drunk as Churchill and spending their time philandering and committing adultery and having the world's worst sprogs. Poor old Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson doesn't know what on earth is happening to him he is so drunk and watching so much pornography. Is he ready for his criminal trial or is he not paying attention? Has he forgotten the names of his 540,182,381 children again? Is he so busy working on his dreadfully inaccurate biography of dear old William Shakespeare that he isn't polishing up his defence case? And why on earth did he think he was Winston Churchill?
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The Nobel Prize Committee are the sleepiest chumps I have ever played chess against. I sent them a letter commanding them to give me the Nobel Prize for Literature and they didn't muster up a response. I've been waiting eight years in this abject country. When will they read some David Hume and Immanuel Kant and awaken from their dogmatic slumbers?
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Poor old Anthony Charles Lynton Blair. He might never see Cherie again. Bet there will be millions of poor old Iraqis and Afghans tuning in if it's televised.

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I wonder if poor old George W Bush will slip away to Argentina and escape justice. Perhaps he and Anthony Charles Lynton Blair would like to share a cell together and slop out with each other in Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon prison? Maybe they could discuss why it was that Harold Wilson kept us out of Vietnam but Anthony Charles Lynton Blair didn't manage to keep us out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Has poor old George W Bush ever heard of Harold Wilson I wonder? I am sure that proud socialist Anthony Charles Lynton Blair would be more than happy to enlighten him in great deal from his extensive knowledge of Harold Wilson and Harold's double starred first at Oxford. Maybe he'll tell him about Sunny James Callaghan as well and Callaghan's trade union reforms. What delicious fun they could have together Perhaps Anthony will tell little George about his golden days at Fettes college where he first learnt of Michael Foot and discovered his vocation and calling to be a proud crusader for socialism. As proud as the Jarrow marchers and the Orgreave miners. The conversations between the pair will meander on for hour after hour until it's time for their little microwavable meal before slopping out time and ready for beddy byes on their cold hard bunk beds with bed bugs. I am sure that Anthony will tell little George about the programme Porridge with Ronnie Baker and golly how they laugh together like absolute leaking drains. What utter utter utter fun.

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In answer to to the the thread title about the same time you end up putting every UK serviceman on the hook, which, given the evisceration of "only following orders" as a defence at Nuremburg would be a problem.
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