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Kevin Spacey trial underwhelming

Just completed BBC's 6th Commandment in which the main criminal character (Ben) is played excellently by a really sinister and psycho looking Irish guy. Found myself wondering if he will provoke strong reactions as he walks the streets of Cork. Hopefully not. He's only an actor assuming a role after all is said and done
Cork people get a lot of slagging but reckon they're sophisticated enough to tell reality apart from telly...
He's mentioned a couple of times, afaicr.

It was the weakest season but Robin Wright gave a brilliant performance.
of course it was weak, it was a scramble to try to create something without frank underwood in it, when the dynamic between those two was kind of the whole point.

eta i'm not saying that it was a mistake to fire him, i get why that happened at the time, but this was that rare thing a genuine cancellation, the key character erased overnight, like in those old soviet photos.
is this thread a tiny fragment of the cuture war?
Btw, in mentioning the good people of Cork above, my implication was not intended to be that Cork people are peculiarly susceptible to gullibility. Only to suggest that it is not unheard of that excellent and convincing actors playing the role of unpleasant people have been physically attacked in their everyday ordinary life. Cork (my own family hailed from there) just happens to be the home city of Eanna Hardwicke (Ben in 6th Commandment).
If i have understood correctly, there is some suggestion above that Spacey may be a creep because he has very effectively played roles portraying creepy types. experience has taught me to cautious before accepting any media image creations (film, social, print etc). Just a thought.
If i have understood correctly, there is some suggestion above that Spacey may be a creep because he has very effectively played roles portraying creepy types. experience has taught me to cautious before accepting any media image creations (film, social, print etc). Just a thought.

I think it's just the old "no smoke without fire" brigade, getting in there.
I think Kevin Spacey's a creep not because of the characters he plays, but because he was fired from House of Cards over sexual harassment allegations that an arbitrator determined were accurate.

The guy that played Nick Cotton in Eastenders was attacked once on the London Tube because the Character he played was an Asshole
John Altman.

Actually, this rings a bell. Distinctly recall Todd Carty (who played Mark Fowler) getting grief irl, because his character was HIV positive.

Susanna Dawson (who played his wife, Gill) also found it difficult to get work due to associations with her character's HIV status.

This was 30 years ago, when some people still weren't informed about HIV. And yes, redcogs , you're correct in that some people do get confused.

Except Corkonians ;)
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Ten people accusing and allegations that span fifty years. I recollect well stories of his behaviour at the old vic and how he was protected as was so valued for his contribution to the arts.
I guess what had have been better is if it was filmed, and right at the end he’s sat in the dock and he begins to address the camera - like Henry Hill in Goodfellas - but he begins by walking like Kendal (or whatever his name was in the Usual Suspects) then he starts to straighten it out after he lights a fag.
I guess what had have been better is if it was filmed, and right at the end he’s sat in the dock and he begins to address the camera - like Henry Hill in Goodfellas - but he begins by walking like Kendal (or whatever his name was in the Usual Suspects) then he starts to straighten it out after he lights a fag.
No, that wouldn't have been better. Certainly not for alleged victims.
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