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When precisely does the war crimes trial of Anthony Charles Lynton Blair begin in the Hague?

All I think is dross is when I slipped up and said Boris should go to trial. It was a hot day when I wrote that. I don't think he should - I think he should go into opposition. I can't edit it for some reason and I reported it twice to editor but it didn't get deleted. As for Blair, he has to go to trial right away.
I deleted one of your posts but I haven't got time to go around personally tidying up people's posts what with me having Covid and all that.
All I think is dross is when I slipped up and said Boris should go to trial. It was a hot day when I wrote that. I don't think he should - I think he should go into opposition. I can't edit it for some reason and I reported it twice to editor but it didn't get deleted. As for Blair, he has to go to trial right away.
you have things arse over tit, he should be sentenced straightaway and the trial can wait until later
Now that it appears good old wonderful kind 1000 women bedding Prince Andrew appears to be possibly off on a Richard Branson flight to the Big Apple to completely fluff his lines faced with poor old Virginia it is surely only a matter of minutes before good old Anthony is on that Royal Yacht to the Hague to begin his exciting new life.

Sitting pretty thanks Edie, enjoying the show. If Andrew makes it to the Big Apple I'll get a massive bumper bag of popcorn from Asda and watch it live on Channel 5 roaring with laughter (although one shouldn't laugh, poor Virginia).
Okay well glad all’s well with you. And yeh, poor Virginia Giuffre, and all the other victims those vile people used their power over and hurt.
Ooh lovely have a fantastic time
Thanks. On the newly nationalised British Rail train now which is going so fast like a Japanese bullet train that it is actually looping through a Stephen Hawking wormhole in a black hole and arriving in inverse time so I arrived at my cheap B&B on the seafront yesterday afternoon like J.M.W.Turner on the promedade in the masterpiece biopic of him by Mike Leigh.

I appear to now be a military historian which is a most bizarre development as I hate war more than anything on earth and would be a conscientious objector and end up in prison in Brixton like Bertrand Russell in 1918.

I trust you will be my only customer as I will give you free signed copies of the 3 books and you can read them at your leisure and criticise every concept I come up with for being poorly sourced and attack the footnotes which will be loose and incorrect and then when you've finished reading them you can take a leaf out of Adolf's books and chuck them into a massive bonfire like in the film The Book Thief.

See you in 3 days time for more fun! Take care Edie!
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If good old Tony doesn't make the Hague and that prison cell if found guilty why not use his immense wealth for a quick sight-seeing tour of Kabul to eat ice-creams with the government forces whose sadly utterly doomed President no doubt studied Clausewitz with care like incredible genius Tony who made a thorough study of Clausewitz before he launched his little imperial adventures in Afghanistan and Iraq as the Taliban take ten cities in a week and close in on the capital faster than a man who has just ingested 500,000 MDMA pills and is breakdancing at the Wigan Casino? I am sure Thomas Cook would do him a cut price deal on a helicopter into Kabbers where he could enjoy buying mangoes in the markets and haggle over the prices in his utterly fluent Pashtun whilst hearing the sound of relentlessly approaching rocket fire and approaching humvees going faster than Usain Bolt
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Oh dear. How very sad. Even Blair's progeny has lost faith in his legacy. I hate to go on and on like a person with monomania at Speaker's Corner but that massive landslide in 1997 could have led to such excellent balanced moderate pragmatic reforms and instead it let to utter King Lear tragedy and chaos and oppression and the fast tracking of people with little talent and the utter marginalisation of the brightest and best.

Tony Blair's university pledge has failed, says his son​

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I feel so sorry for the police. They must have real trouble locating socialist Blair with his 10 houses and 27 flats worth £27 million. They must be so busy going door to door that no wonder none of them has put him in handcuffs and shepherded him into the police van yet.

Now I have just joined the police force as a hot shot rookie with big ideas and hungry for silverware and fast track promotion I am in the field on my vespa proceeding in a southerly direction on the M4 to encircle Blair's £15 million Connaught Square palace hoping to be the first man to sort out the problem and get the handcuffs on. When I manhandle him into the van for his pilgrmiage to the Hague I'll be made Chief Constable of Northumbria Police and wll do a great job of sorting out all the paedophiles and jihadis and knife murdering county lines drug gangs and incels like that chap in Plymouth the other day. Under my watch a chap like Jimmy Saville won't make it to the keys to Broadmoor.

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I feel so sorry for the police. They must have real trouble locating socialist Blair with his 10 houses and 27 flats worth £27 million. They must be so busy going door to door that no wonder none of them has put him in handcuffs and shepherded him into the police van yet.

Now I have just joined the police force as a hot shot rookie with big ideas I am in the field on my vespa hoping to be the first man to sort out the problem and get the handcuffs on.

Wow that’s an insane amount of property.

Im not sure what I think about him and New Labour overall. They got a lot right, like NHS funding and Sure Start. But a lot wrong too.

What’s your principle concern with him?
Wow that’s an insane amount of property.

Im not sure what I think about him and New Labour overall. They got a lot right, like NHS funding and Sure Start. But a lot wrong too.

What’s your principle concern with him?
Forget the politics for now. That's up to the good people of the nation to decide at the ballot box.

Just innocence or guilt on war crimes.

Take care.

Over and out.
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The breaking news on BBC 231 jusr reported by Martine Croxall and Joanna Gosling dressed up as ventriloquist's dummies is that I have just been elevated to Chief Constable of Northumbria Police operating in an undisclosed exoplanet with some aliens as my colleagues and I am now directing the operation to arrest Blair from my CCTV room. The aliens are rushing to put the keys in their police Lambourghinis and the sirens are blaring away.

I have just been told that Blair may be on the run in Tajikistan dressed as a water buffalo scattering his Samsung phone which he knows my aliens have under surveillance but on the other hand he might not. He is a bit elusive like that chap with glasses and a stripey Sarah Lund pullover in "Where's Wally" but boy oh boy are my aliens super Sherlock Holmes sleuths and they are following his footprints in the sand of the Sahara desert and observing his smoke signals as he cooks his baked beans in his ceramic pot in a complete and utter panic scattering his boxer shorts into a massive hurricane with his mind swimming in confusion as he has premonitions of people getting killed with depleted uranium and the relentless sound of Nobel Peace Prize winner Brian Haw heckling his every move.

Poor old Tony.
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Wow that’s an insane amount of property.

Im not sure what I think about him and New Labour overall. They got a lot right, like NHS funding and Sure Start. But a lot wrong too.

What’s your principle concern with him?
The really great news for you Edie is that if I get my man in the Hague I will retire from being Chief Constable of Northumbria and never write another word again so you won't have to suffer my utter nonsense at all which will ease your migraine. Nobody on the planet will ever hear a single word from me again.
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I’m a bit worried that you don’t sound mentally well. I really do wish you all the best. Best thing now I think is for you to talk to people you know and trust in your life. I mean carry on writing here by all means. But one of my brothers has psychosis and when he is unwell, I know that the best thing is being around calm people who love him. Sorry if I’ve got the wrong end of the stick. Take care xx
I’m a bit worried that you don’t sound mentally well. I really do wish you all the best. Best thing now I think is for you to talk to people you know and trust in your life. I mean carry on writing here by all means. But one of my brothers has psychosis and when he is unwell, I know that the best thing is being around calm people who love him. Sorry if I’ve got the wrong end of the stick. Take care xx
Oh Edie please don't fret. I am perfectly fine thanks.

If I can get my man to the Hague I will be the very happiest man on the planet that after all these years of work the job is finally done and disappear off to a quiet life painting and listening to good music.

Innocence until guilt is proved is the key principal of law but personally I have seen footage of people being murdered and I make my own judgments. But I am not the judges in the Hague who will have to do the job and decide the matter. I am just the Chief Constable of Northumbria Police.

Take care Edie and all the best.

The Commander.
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