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When precisely does the war crimes trial of Anthony Charles Lynton Blair begin in the Hague?

I note with interest the Tony Blair Institute have 226,000 followers at Twitter. What on earth do those poor people think they are following? I am on 583 and stuck there and can't make progress in this abject evil country no mattter how hard I work, how many books I read or how much I write.

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David Lawley Wakelin had a good go at nabbing Anthony. I befriended Wakelin at Facebook and he asked me if I had seen Anthony around so he is still hot on the trail.

Communcation today from the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Seems a lot of the police are busy abusing rather than cuffing up Anthony.

Now, over 30 people - almost all women - have contacted the Bureau to tell horrific stories of living with police officers they say abused them. A further 100 women came forward when our findings were used by the Centre for Women’s Justice to lodge a nationwide “super-complaint” with police regulators against police forces in England and Wales over their handling of domestic abuse allegations against officers and staff.

I salute your indefatigability Argonia but I don't believe the length of this thread will bring about the trial of Blair, however well meant your content might be.
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Alistair 'Claret' Campbell is trending at Twitter. He is busy playing his bagpipes live on the Orwellian telescreen rather than brushing up his defence case, the poor dear. He has 750,000 confused and troubled souls following him at Twitter. I wonder if he dreams idly about sexed up dossiers as his fingers slip sweatily on the bagpipes like Prince Andrew.

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From a guy called Paul at Facebook:

US / U.K. 20 year imperial adventure in Afghanistan is over: it cost $1 trillion, left 212,000 dead of which at lease 47,000 were civilians and failed miserably in its objective of defeating the Taliban, with 54% of Afghanistan still under Taliban control.
Might invest my new Republican currrency the Britcoin in some new threads for the trial like the good old Huguenots in France before the revocation of the Edict of Nantes and they all had to get to England.

Alistair Campbell who is still at large like Jack the Ripper has the sheer brass neck front to claim the Leicester Square scenes are 'awful' in a tweet to his 750,000 deluded followers.
Sadly, yes, dross.
All I think is dross is when I slipped up and said Boris should go to trial. It was a hot day when I wrote that. I don't think he should - I think he should go into opposition. I can't edit it for some reason and I reported it twice to editor but it didn't get deleted. As for Blair, he has to go to trial right away.
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