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When precisely does the war crimes trial of Anthony Charles Lynton Blair begin in the Hague?

I’m a bit worried that you don’t sound mentally well. I really do wish you all the best. Best thing now I think is for you to talk to people you know and trust in your life. I mean carry on writing here by all means. But one of my brothers has psychosis and when he is unwell, I know that the best thing is being around calm people who love him. Sorry if I’ve got the wrong end of the stick. Take care

I’m a bit worried that you don’t sound mentally well. I really do wish you all the best. Best thing now I think is for you to talk to people you know and trust in your life. I mean carry on writing here by all means. But one of my brothers has psychosis and when he is unwell, I know that the best thing is being around calm people who love him. Sorry if I’ve got the wrong end of the stick. Take care xx
All this soliciitous mental health concern does make the Chief Constable smile in quiet amusement Edie like when I played chess against a superior ranked player at school and my Bobby Fischer sharp attacks and Tigran Petrosian defensive lines won me the game and the poor chap ended up crying which made me laugh.

I am not as good as Magnus Carlsen but have been playing ferocious chess against Blair's collapsing control system for many years and I will not rest until the ultimate victory of checkmate has been achieved and Blair and his henchmen are safe in the Hague.

Poor old collapsing Blair like Mussolini's collapsing Republic of Salo as the Allies under Churchill's command roared and surged and gushed in actually managed to display some hypocrtiical remorse for all the people he had murdered at some stage. Please don't watch it if you have a stomach complaint and run out of antacids.

I wonder if he gets to prison whether he will spend the rest of his life crying.

I post this video with the warning that it might be offensive to listen to the words of the very very worst Prime Minister in British history, even worse than William Cavendish-Bentwick from 31st March 1807 to 4th October 1809.

For all its faults and its violence and abuse the men of the 19th century British empire made a thorough study of the literature and culture of India in Sanskrit before piling in. Blair didn't even know the capital of Afghanistan was Kabul when he ordered British soldiers to die for no purpose there.

The British soldiers who died in Afghanistan did so for no reason and everybody has totally forgotten them. As usual the Chief Constable will have to single-handedly do all the work in this country and pay for Sean Binnie's memorial bench at his primary school which nobody has funded. Everybody has forgotten about these soldiers like all the poor unemployed working class people Blair didn't care about one iota in his appalling administration that ruined this country from top to bottom.

If only Hazel and Leo Blair had disciplined Tony as a toddler but he must have just been allowed to run amok daubing his dreadful graffitti all over the kitchen walls.

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Now deep undercover in Cumbria directing operations.

Blair may be located in his main palace in 29 Connaught Square.

All police constables should proceed there with immediate effect.
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Poor old Blair's command structure is collapsing faster than Mussolini's Republic of Salo.

His men installed in the United Nations and the Tony Blair Institue and the Tony Blair Faith Foundation are disappearing off in their droves to the JobCentre Plus to get sanctioned. With Blair on their CV I suspect they may be in food banks for the rest of their lives.
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Private detective Hercule Poirot just transferred to Chief Constable of the Police Force of the Moon and is directing operations from the Sea of Tranquility.

All officers in the field searching for Blair.

29 Connaught Square, Westminster is the primary objective.
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now in deep cover in Leamington Spa library directing operations.

Just picked up my 15th trophy wife from my Turkish harem. After 15 years without a woman I am suddenly devastating to them.

Just kidding, I'm still single.
Haven't quite checked the reports but I believe still at large like Eddie Large and on the loose like Let Loose.

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Alistair Campbell trending hard at Twitter. Nobody fears him anymore and everybody is jackbooting the fascist cunt off to the Hague.
A pity no updates to this thread: a proper mass murderer with not an iota of shame, who is treated with deference by the fawning media
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