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When precisely does the war crimes trial of Anthony Charles Lynton Blair begin in the Hague?

In answer to to the the thread title about the same time you end up putting every UK serviceman on the hook, which, given the evisceration of "only following orders" as a defence at Nuremburg would be a problem.

I must mug up on Nuremberg at some stage. What a dificult job for the judges to do. Not my job though, thank heavens. What on earth are the poor judges going to make of what confusion comes out of poor Anthony Charles Lynton Blair's cakehole? Will he have been watching so many orgies and bukkake sessions with Cherie on the internet that he blunders and fucks up his lines? And will he be weeping hot streaks of tears as he thinks about those million dead people in Iraq or whatever it was? His testimony will be fasccinating for the poor old judges to forensically analyse. Unless he is keeping up with developments and slips away to Argentina dressed as a penguin and hides under the name Colin de Rottingham and lives in a little shack in the woods without heating or elecricity or plumbing or hot water fearing immediate arrest every single day of his life. Will he manage to slip away or is he just not keeping up with developments? And how is that police force doing? Are they still as racist as Emperor Caligula King Philip the First and not managing to keep their eye on the ball and police abject criminality? Is Cressida Dick still in charge and if so did she get promoted because of her incredible work murdering Jean Charles de Menezes?
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How's Cressida Dick doing? Has she sent her cop cars to track Anthony now he's busy logging out of his porno session with Cherie and sweating like totally innocent Prince Andrew and running off all higgdly-piggedly into the lanes to get to Argentina as we speak? And what is Bismarckian Iron Chancellor James Gordon Brown up to? Has he caught on or is he still counting his little collection of thimbles and tiddlywinks and garden gnomes and not working out that the Heat are closing in?

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How is poor old confused 'Lord' Andrew Adonis doing? Is he so busy admiring his narcissitic reflection in his awful ermine fur robes that he isn't concentrating? What on earth did he mean recently when he slipped up and tweeted that it's time for poor old Anthony Charles Lynton Blair to re-enter politics? Why is he living in the awful days of 1997? And is he ready to be shipped off on the HMS Britannia to the Hague in that jolly fun litttle bumper tag ream of all of them? What delivcious fun they will have on that ship polishing up their defence cases and remembering the good old days with all those lovely little toy soldiers doing their bidding all the time.Imagine the laughs they used to have about depleted uranium and looking down on dear old Brian Haw. And how is Edward Balls doing? What on earth was his slip up on Twititer with Ed Balls Day? Does he understand the internet or he is a bit confused by it because he's so busy with Yvette's anus horribilis?
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Bono is a fuckwit but U2's song "Beautiful Day" helped me through all the pain. It'll be a beautiful day when those tyrants are off to the Hague at last.

Poor old Anthony Charles Lynton Blair must have felt like such as Great Man of History when he went for his meetings with Empress Caligula Nero Lizard Elizabeth II Lillibet Meghan Markle Kate Middleton Prince Andrew Sweaty Nonce and got told precisely what to do. I note with interest that he has slipped up again and is mulling 'a return to politics'. Poor chap - looks like he might not slip away to Argentina after all. Poor old Anthony. Poor Cherie is going to miss his wonderful repartee and fine Ciceronian rhetoric when she never sees him again if found guilty by the poor old judges. What incredible discourses that pair must have had whilst smoking their post-coital Marlboros and chuntering down their 8,271,990th bottle of whisky of the evening.. He's just had his 440,182,138th bottle of red wine of the day and is so drunk he can't smell his own toes. What on earth will Anthony and little George W Bush say to each other when they first meet again? Howdy? Aloha? Buongiorno? WIllkommen? Salutations? YO BLAIR?

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Woke up bright and early and bushy-tailed like Beatrix Potter's Peter Rabbit and I note with interest from the state broadcaster the BBC's snooze site that poor old Anthony is still at large and probably watching a really great BDSM porn film with his Cleopatra, Cherie. I bet wonderful old Cherie is yelling her safe word at the top of her lungs right as we speak as good old Anthony wraps her up in yet another rope and flogs her with a jolly nice little whip. Gold star for Cressida Dick the murderer and the hopelessly racist and corrupt Metropolitan Police force! Jolly good show! Just as good as that great work on Stephen Lawrence in the Macpherson Report! And well done on raping and murdering poor old Sarah Everard and then bullying and abusing those people who went to her memorial! And well done for endlessly kettling democracy activists and holding them in a circle of cop heavies for no reason whatsoever! Great policing guys! Well done Holmes and Watson and Maigret and Poirot and Miss Marple! Just as well done as that great job you did on wonderful Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG and Sir Edward Richard George 'Ted' Heath KG MBE! So very impressed! Well done on finally getting your act together with Operation Yewtree but why on earth didn't it happen decades before?
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9,28am. The pigs and the filth and the cops and the fuzz and the Heat still haven't done the job. Which lucky Plod is going to be the first one to slap on the cuffs and bundle Anthony into the van wrapped in a small thin cashmere blanket and weeping saline and brine tears from his eyes like poor old Julian Assange? Poor Plod - he'll feel like the poor chap who had to go and inspect Jeffrey Dahmer's fridge for all those skulls. But he'll be worthy of a special prize for his work from murderer Cressida.
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Just got a Boost energy drink from the Atif superstore across the road from my council flat in Woking where the poor workers are still working for the Pound Sterling Tyrant Coin and so are working for no money whatsoever the poor chaps. Hope the hardworking gents get flushed with the new currency of the Republic, the Britcoin.
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Had a great morning. Woke up at 5 bright eyed and bushy tailed. Now the coast is clear from Emperor Philip Adolf Hitler Fred West I can just get on and do my job and read my books and think about them. Enjoyed Hipploye Taine on the havoc of the French Revolution, Christopher Hill's "God's Englishman" on Cromwell at last, finally Adolf Hilter's terribly boring "Mein Kampf" that just drones on and on an on like his speeches, and finally some Churchill. But it's the biographies of Attlee and Bevan and Keir Hardie I am most looking forward to. So really starting to enjoy life in the infant Republic.
Meeting Eno and family in the Battle of Sedgefield was incredible. All was Heraclitean flux and action and we were suddenly in the car and he was playing Public Enemy and telling me he wanted to get a farm in Oxfordshire. Then we went and knocked on doors to wake up the zombies with his daughters Irial and Dala. I bumped into Irial later in a bookshop iin London. The worst of the zombies was a Jehovah's Witness who said she didn't do politics - how fair is that when they knock on doors palming off their lflipping religion all the time? In the pub when we had a break his wife asked "why don't you lead us?" which provoked me. But I am no leader - just a humble writer. A writer who has studied, read, thought, analysed, written furitously for 43 years and lived in utter obscurity in the underclass doing menial jobs and going hungry like dear old George Orwell in the days when he was down and out in Paris and London.

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Now on some Jack London at last on the abysmal conditions of the working class.

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I would love to see what sort of bollocking Clement Attlee would have given to Anthony Charles Lynton Blair in a private room.

Qucik peek at BBC News and they are leading with 'hopeless' Matthew 'Tony' Hancock and his aide. Still no news.

If I am right I understand that 176,000 people are reported missing like Sarah Everard to the police every year. No wonder the police aren't getting their act together and arresting Anthony. And that 176,000 might be an underestimate.

I suppose the police are so busy failing to get a grip on the rape epidemic that they are not arresting Anthony.

From a quick Google search:

The conviction rate in 2016-17 was 57.6%, almost the lowest on record. Following this the Centre for Women's Justice, on behalf of EVAW, brought a legal challenge against the CPS, accusing it of adopting a secret policy in rape investigations in order to boost conviction rates.
I never knew till today that Anthony had taken the JP Morgan shiling. He must have had great fun conversing with his comrade Sajid Javid there.

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