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Boris Johnson must go on trial for 'lying and misleading' in Brexit campaign, judge orders

Why, that does not logically follow at all?
In fact you what you are doing is making politics into an expert field rather than battleground of opinions.

Not sure how it doesn't logically follow, to be honest. The offence is made out when a public office holder, acting as such, wilfully misconducts himself or neglects to perform his duty - there is no exception for MPs (or Mayors), nor is there an exemption for lies told in a political campaign.

So this will come down to whether an MP, minister or an elected Mayor is an public office holder (which they are), whether them knowingly lying during a campaign is wilful misconduct (which is less certain, though it is still probable that it would be), and if so whether Boris knowingly lied during a campaign (which is what they will have to prove beyond reasonable doubt).
I would be suprised if the DPP took it over and then stopped it. Would send the message MPs are beyond the law which would only increase public contempt. Also would be suprised to see the JR work. This could run and run.
Not sure how it doesn't logically follow, to be honest. The offence is made out when a public office holder, acting as such, wilfully misconducts himself or neglects to perform his duty - there is no exception for MPs (or Mayors), nor is there an exemption for lies told in a political campaign.

So this will come down to whether an MP, minister or an elected Mayor is an public office holder (which they are), whether them knowingly lying during a campaign is wilful misconduct (which is less certain, though it is still probable that it would be), and if so whether Boris knowingly lied during a campaign (which is what they will have to prove beyond reasonable doubt).

Might struggle with the bold bit.
Case thrown out.

Hardly surprising, but at least we had some entertainment out of it.

The High Court has thrown out an attempt to prosecute Boris Johnson over claims he lied during the 2016 referendum campaign by saying the UK gave the EU £350m a week.

The Tory leadership candidate challenged a summons for him to attend court on three claims of misconduct in public office.

Addressing Mr Johnson's barrister, Adrian Darbishire QC, Lady Justice Rafferty said: "We are persuaded, Mr Darbishire, so you succeed, and the relief that we grant is the quashing of the summonses."

Reasons for the High Court's ruling will be given at a later date.

Johnson misconduct case thrown out
"Reasons to be given at a later date" :hmm:

That's common in urgent cases.

In cases of urgency, the Court may render judgment, reserving reasons to be given at a later date. After the judgment has been handed down, the formal record of the judgment must be drawn up and perfected by sealing. The record of the judgment may be drawn up by the Court or by the parties.
It didn’t stand a snowball’s and has just given the fucker another anecdote to waffle on about.
Shame, but there is other evidence that Boris is a liar, he was iirc sacked from at least one newspaper job for making up quotes, and there was that business with his buddy wanting someone beaten up, not nice.
Plenty of the bodies are getting dug up now at least.

At a briefing meeting held in Boris' Office in 2011 during the Inquests into the deaths of the victims of the 7/7 bombings I was telling Boris how the Fire Authority was having to spend a sizable sum on lawyers (as were the Met , TfL and everybody else involved ) not least because Mrs Justice Hallett was cutting up rough as Coroner when he suddenly said " I blame Tony Blair for all this , he started it with the Marchioness (Inquest) " Guto Harri, who was Boris' Head of Communications and at the time absolutely devoted to Boris , said " Oh Boris they are really for the families (of the victims) benefit " To which Boris replied "Fuck the families , Fuck the families !" . I was having none of this and snapped at Boris " You didn't have to write eight letters of condolence to families of your constituents or attend the funeral of 31 year old Lee Baisden ( a Fire Authority employee) who had been blown to pieces at Aldgate and comfort his poor widowed Mother " .

After this meeting the ever loyal Guto Harri rang me up and said "it never happened Brian , it never happened" . Sorry Guto it did and I have witnesses .

Well since I left City Hall ( you were thrown out by the voters ED) , things have certainly changed sadly I don't think Boris has . As one female Boris aide said to me "Boris' trouble is he cannot keep it in his trousers" . Oh if that was his only problem .
Good point....

Good point....


See this post...

That bit is probably down to the computer system that the Met uses to despatch incidents (CAD), which will be 40 years old in 2024 (if it isn't replaced by then) and which uses codes to describe what sort of incident it is before any free text entries are made to elaborate further. There are two codes for domestics (non crime and crime) and a third for "concern for safety" - so if the incident went on as a concern for safety (which is what the statement says it went on as ), it would not turn up on a code search for domestics (which is the easiest way to find an incident on the system if you don't have the reference number but do have what time it happened and the area that the incident happened in).
The gift that keeps on giving as more Tories out themselves as utter cunts.

A minister and key Boris Johnson ally dismissed the police being called to investigate a screaming row at his home as a “non-story” and attacked the “lefty neighbours” who alerted them.

Ben Wallace, the security minister, later deleted the tweet after criticism – while a leading grassroots Conservative said the controversy would quickly “puff up and blow away”.
Tim Sinclair, a Conservative local elections candidate in Stratford-on-Avon, said the story would blow over, adding: “Despite his background, he's actually regarded as a man of the people purely because he acts normally – he speaks his mind, he does things and behaves in ways that normal people can look at.

“While this isn't what you might call normal, having police come to your door, actually it shows him to be a real human being; having a row that gets a bit out of hand.”

Tory minister attacks 'lefty neighbours' for telling police of loud altercation involving Boris, then deletes tweet
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