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Boris Johnson must go on trial for 'lying and misleading' in Brexit campaign, judge orders

Businesses making statements in their advertising are regulated by the Advertising Standards Authority regulations (iirc), businesses are required to tell the truth.

An interesting exclusion to these regulations iirc is that political parties are not subject to these rules. For them anything goes. Perhaps this misconduct in public office might be the only way politicians can be brought to book.

I have always thought politicians should not be excluded from these rules.

The argument would presumably be that Johnson was not acting on behalf of any political party as during the referendum campaign he wasn't actually doing either of his day jobs.
Really interesting. Since BJ has such form for being a liar and general arse it could be the perfect example of a "very British coup" both the speaker and the judiciary lining up to prevent a no-deal.
Malfeasance in public office. Up to life imprisonment.

I know it won’t get far, but wouldn’t it send a message to those narcissists who are attracted to power over the rest of us?

It’s not ‘a public office’ it’s ‘public office’ but I think this is the bar they will find it difficult to get over. Hopefully a lawyer will becslong soon to give us a view...
This is clearly the result of a left-wing conspiracy. I can’t believe no one here can see it.
The legal gymnastics are amusing, and I would like to see BJ hammered, but the precedent set by a conviction would change British politics for ever.
Any politician found to have lied to the public could be taken to court, that meaning politicians would be forced to tell the truth all the time or risk being sent down.
Imagine a country where a lie from a politician is a criminal offence - The UK would have the quietest parliament in the world.

Saying that - I quite like the idea ... both ideas. BJ in prison would be pleasant, but no lies from politicians would be very nice.
Perhaps the US could follow the lead.
I quite like this piece

How much does Britain really pay into the EU budget?

It clearly states "Leave" lied, but also tells us "remain" also lied, thus any conviction against BJ could spark action against remain campaigners as well.
Talk about Pandora's box.
I'm sorry you've missed where this has been dealt with, yer man has said he'd take action against remain people if there was the evidence. It is not enough to have lied, the lie must be flagrant and demonstrable. So Johnson kept changing his story but someone who held to the same tune would be more difficult to prosecute
Yes its a poltical stunt. I seriously doubt he will stand trial.
I suspect it will make fuck all difference either way - it will just reinforce what people already think -

a. bullshitting, self aggrandising wanker


b. a charismatic maverick being persecuted by the remainiac establishment for his political views.
he's also the author of a great big history of the hundred years war
I'm liking the precision of his language.

I don't suppose he'll discuss this case as it's live and his words could influence a jury.

Finding jurors who don't have a pre-existing view won't be easy :)
Yes its a poltical stunt. I seriously doubt he will stand trial.
I suspect it will make fuck all difference either way - it will just reinforce what people already think -

a. bullshitting, self aggrandising wanker


b. a charismatic maverick being persecuted by the remainiac establishment for his political views.
c. bullshitting, self aggrandising wanker being persecuted for being a bullshitting, self aggrandising wanker.

Seriously though I honestly doubt anything will come of this, it will probably end up with some judge ruling that whoever is bringing this case is setting unrealistically high standards since politicians (sadly) so not fall under the Trade Descriptions Act.
As the guy bringing it had any death threats yet? anonymous death threats from internet weirdos seem to be a badge of honour these days.
Seriously though I honestly doubt anything will come of this, it will probably end up with some judge ruling that whoever is bringing this case is setting unrealistically high standards since politicians (sadly) so not fall under the Trade Descriptions Act.
this isn't being brought under the trade description act
as is clear if you've followed the case it's one thing if you tell a lie once. or if you tell a lie and stick to it. so you could, if pressed, go whoops my bad. but when you have, as johnson has, changed your story so often it's clear you don't give a fuck whether it's true or not then there's a chance of him being banged to rights.
Misconduct in Public Office | The Crown Prosecution Service
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