Are you shouting at me?
When you talk about "the rest of the left" who do you mean? Probably you are thinking of the IMG, SWP, Workers Power, Socialist Organiser and the RCP. Check out the post on page 18 from
hitmouse where he provides links to 2 Anarchist groups whose commentary pointed out the reactionary nature of the Mullahs, It really was not so difficult to see how reactionary the Mullahs were. The Trot left failed because of their formulaic, knee-jerk anti-imperialism.
The problem for a serious political group was what to do, and here the Sparts failed just as dismally as their ORO competitors:
"Only the intervention of an Iranian Trotskyist vanguard party can push the strike movement beyond its current demands and win the proletariat to a program for power: the revolutionary struggle for an Iranian workers and peasants government." - see the article I linked to in my previous post.
This was pure fantasy, utterly disconnected from reality - the usual meaningless call for every uprising to follow the same path as the Russian October revolution.
Iran is the last gasp go-to for those who want to salvage something positive from their virtual-reality experience with the old pick-pocket Robertson. I made the point in an earlier post in this thread (and alluded to it at the end of my reply to Riley) - had the Sparts dropped all the "we are the party of the Russian Revolution" bullshit and stuck to political commentary they may have been able to contribute something. But this wasn't Robertson's game.
ETA - and I would add, there is a difference between looking at a political situation and getting it wrong, which certainly most of the Trot left did on Iran, and believing you are Napoleon Bonaparte, or Vladimir Lenin, or Leon Trotsky, or the predestined leadership of the revolutionary vanguard of the working class, which is how the Sparts thought of themselves (well maybe not Napoleon!).