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Day of Action: 1st October 2022

Did they really think a million people were going to do this?

Now they're claiming it a victory that the disgusting price hike is going to be less than expected. Still a hike!
The only aspect of the cost of living crisis where this insanely right wing govt has taken any action at all is on energy bills.

Direct Action * gets the goods .

*or the threat of it.
Posted to twitter about 20 minutes ago (twitter link)

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Why does the focus of a national day of action always have to be a rusty crusty drum gaggle? Isn't this why no one responds to this sort of direct action seriously?
It's all a bit funky festival sniffing for me and if ever there's been an argument for cultural appropriation it's got to be this sort of thing. :facepalm:

1990 has called and it wants it's Djembe and it's Cuica back.

Just riot kids, leave the snareskin at home.
Why does the focus of a national day of action always have to be a rusty crusty drum gaggle? Isn't this why no one responds to this sort of direct action seriously?
It's all a bit funky festival sniffing for me and if ever there's been an argument for cultural appropriation it's got to be this sort of thing. :facepalm:

1990 has called and it wants it's Djembe and it's Cuica back.

Just riot kids, leave the snareskin at home.
tbh resistance to rhythms was something i first saw at rts does in the mid-90s. don't blame 1990 for it!
Why does the focus of a national day of action always have to be a rusty crusty drum gaggle? Isn't this why no one responds to this sort of direct action seriously?
It's all a bit funky festival sniffing for me and if ever there's been an argument for cultural appropriation it's got to be this sort of thing. :facepalm:

1990 has called and it wants it's Djembe and it's Cuica back.

Just riot kids, leave the snareskin at home.
Do a lot of rioting yourself today?
The only aspect of the cost of living crisis where this insanely right wing govt has taken any action at all is on energy bills.

Direct Action * gets the goods .

*or the threat of it.
I agree re: direct action.

I'm not convinced the campaign forced their hand. More likely it was the possibility that half the country would endure blackouts and the workfroce would be fucked.

I'm happy the campaign exists and I hope it achieves all its aims
The Don't Pay campaign itself was a bit of a damp squid it never got a fraction of the support it needed and I think the planned action isn't going to happen now. That's not to say it was a total waste of time, the powers that be must have been aware of its existence. It wasn't the only factor and certainly not the main one but whose to say that it wasn't another bit of pressure added to the need to do something?
IMO today wasn't really about direct action at all, it was a mix of a symbolic show of strength, a chance to get together on the streets to show a visible face to the anger floating about, and a little bit of a chance to make connections between people and groups to build things in the coming weeks and months.
Sorry to be a bit of a downer. Plymouth was crap. 300 people at most . The usual faces. Nice lunch at the dementia café afterwards, though.
The Don't Pay campaign itself was a bit of a damp squid it never got a fraction of the support it needed and I think the planned action isn't going to happen now. That's not to say it was a total waste of time, the powers that be must have been aware of its existence. It wasn't the only factor and certainly not the main one but whose to say that it wasn't another bit of pressure added to the need to do something?

That's defeatist bollocks I think. The plan is to try and build to 1 million still (and it's nearly 1/4 of the way there now) and then strike. There's still months of difficulty to come, writing it off now is premature imo. It's not the be all and end of all resistance at all, but clearly energy bills are a weak point we can push on, both to win victories now but to show the total fucked-up-ness of the system and the way it runs and for whose benefit, as well as to build a more generalized resistance. There's also the reality that someone was going to take action on energy bills, and if the left didn't then it could well have been something taken up by the right/alt-right, giving them traction and power with people who should be on our side.
Sorry to be a bit of a downer. Plymouth was crap. 300 people at most . The usual faces. Nice lunch at the dementia café afterwards, though.

I have no idea and feel free to shoot me down, but a demo of 300 people in the hotbed of revolutionary zeal that is Plymouth sounds OK? I mean sure there's plenty of work to do, but when did Plymouth last have a demo co-ordinated nationally on this kind of broad 'capitalism isn't working for us' basis? Our demo where I live was pretty small and lame as well (more like 30 tbh), but it felt OK, people were angry, not the usual lefties, chatted and made connections with folks and more stuff is to come. It's much about about the mass of demos everywhere and what we do next isn't it, rather than about whether you or me had a great day?
I have no idea and feel free to shoot me down, but a demo of 300 people in the hotbed of revolutionary zeal that is Plymouth sounds OK? I mean sure there's plenty of work to do, but when did Plymouth last have a demo co-ordinated nationally on this kind of broad 'capitalism isn't working for us' basis? Our demo where I live was pretty small and lame as well (more like 30 tbh), but it felt OK, people were angry, not the usual lefties, chatted and made connections with folks and more stuff is to come. It's much about about the mass of demos everywhere and what we do next isn't it, rather than about whether you or me had a great day?
We had a climate demo at the end of last year with more people, not just the usual. Plymouth gets me down sometimes, the seemingly complete lack of interest from most people. How can that be? Now?
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We had a climate demo at the end of last year with more people, not just the usual. Plymouth gets me down sometimes, the seemingly complete lack of interest from most people. How can that be? Now?

It's really hard I agree. Decades of being collectively and politically broken. Individually exhausted and people being in survival mode. No easily accessible or convincing paths to show how change might happen. Most radical left politics being marginal, sub-cultural and weird. And very weak. All that and loads more? Take your pick of why things are hard!
Why does the focus of a national day of action always have to be a rusty crusty drum gaggle? Isn't this why no one responds to this sort of direct action seriously?
It's all a bit funky festival sniffing for me and if ever there's been an argument for cultural appropriation it's got to be this sort of thing. :facepalm:

1990 has called and it wants it's Djembe and it's Cuica back.

Just riot kids, leave the snareskin at home.
I find it frankly embarrassing and definitely unappealing. Festival as protest pretty much ended 20 odd years ago.
I attended and leafletted an Enough Is Enough meeting in Canterbury yesterday. To be honest it was depressing. I agree with much of what Martin Wright said about yesterdays demos and rallies etc in his video today.
I think there's always a place for protest-as-festival/festival-as-protest, it's just that samba bands feel a bit protest-as-shit-festival.
Problem is that as soon as the "festival" bit starts the protest starts to feel associated with something that many people wouldn't want to/ couldn't be arsed to attend. Obviously the state loves to use music and parades to reinforce their spectacle, but I wonder what would be good in 2022. I wouldn't mind brass bands making a comeback ..
We had a climate demo at the end of last year with more people, not just the usual. Plymouth gets me down sometimes, the seemingly complete lack of interest from most people. How can that be? Now?

It's not cold yet. Nobody is a grand or two worse off that they can't afford yet. People have trouble envisaging stuff until it actually happens to them. Give it time.
What really pissed me off at the Kings X protest ( apart from the myriad Trot sects and the slavish adulation for Corbyn) were the pillocks who periodically let off noxious flares that gassed the crowd, worse than the crap samba bands that periodically drown out chants and conversation. Think that the flare lighting shit originated in the anarkid/Ninja antifa scene.
I think they're from Ultras more then the antifa scene. I like flares and smokes though, gives it all a nice Apocalypse Now vibe. ;)
Despite what I said about EIE I still feel that anarchists and left libertarians should still try to communicate our ideas at these Enough Is Enough events, though we don't necessarily have to focus soley on that. But there are those from the working class at these events.
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