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Day of Action: 1st October 2022

I vaguely know someone who drums at a lot of London protests and pickets lines. He's a nice well-meaning older chap so I've never got up the courage to tell him I hate it. There's always about 20 or 30% of people who like it and give them lots of compliments anyway, so they can just tune into those comments. But imo no-one wants to hear a drum circle except the people in the drum circle, and most people don't like samba bands. I don't know how to get rid of them now though. Given I don't feel able to tell this guy my opinion I guess most other people don't either.
Bradford did a small Don't Pay thing burning bills, banner and leafleting in the city centre. Was pretty good for Bradford I think (low bar though tbh). Was nothing to do with EiE, but only as they don't really exist in the city and didn't do anything there.

There was a big thing in Leeds that was an EiE thing that have heard reports of that it was quite shit. Lots of people, but a bit of a meaningless slog on the pavements through the city. There was some bill burning at British Gas offices as well. Heard that Acorn have pissed a lot of people off by marshalling the event badly, claiming it as their own, and then suggesting join a union or Acorn as sole things for people to do (and that's not from anarchists, but a bunch of union folks and non-aligned people who I'd thought would be much more into it).

EiE and Acorn are going to have to put some effort into not seeming like the SWP for the 2020s if they continue like this.

WhatsApp Image 2022-10-01 at 18.32.38.jpeg
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Bradford did a small Don't Pay thing burning bills, banner and leafleting in the city centre. Was pretty good for Bradford I think (low bar though tbh). Was nothing to do with EiE, but only as they don't really exist in the city and didn't do anything there.

There was a big thing in Leeds that was an EiE thing that have heard reports of that it was quite shit. Lots of people, but a bit of a meaningless slog on the pavements through the city. There was some bill burning at British Gas offices as well. Heard that Acorn have pissed a lot of people off by marshalling the event badly, claiming it as their own, and then suggesting join a union or Acorn as sole things for people to do (and that's not from anarchists, but a bunch of union folks and non-aligned people who I'd thought would be much more into it).

EiE and Acorn are going to have to put some effort into not seeming like the SWP for the 2020s if they continue like this.
There's a thought, does anyone know how EiE in London relates to London Renters' Union? That feels like one indicative test.
EiE and Acorn are going to have to put some effort into not seeming like the SWP for the 2020s if they continue like this.
What would you suggest? Don't Pay had an effect on the 'slash energy bills' front, their campaign may have contributed to the Energy Price Guarantee:
Their 1 December strike could see a similar result for the planned lift next April, we'll see 🤞

On the 'decent homes for all' front there's the Renters Reform Coalition which ACORN is also a member of:
ACORN campaigned for stronger measures than the Bill as it stands today, but the sooner we get these reforms in place the better (particularly abolishing section 21 evictions).

Aware of ACORN's history in the US, and the Project Veritas situation goes unmentioned in the above article but it's fascinating reading. ACORN in the UK have won cases for individual renters, and against specific landlords/agencies. On a regional level there were wider wins like the joint campaign for public buses in Greater Manchester, and on a national level...well, we'll see what happens with the RRC.

I know this is my first post here, but please take this in good faith. If you have any recommendations on what Enough is Enough or ACORN could be doing but aren't, please let me know. Or if you think there is a more suitable alternative, or there ought to be. I'm as frustrated as anyone. Feel free to shoot me a message.
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