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Feb 1st 2023 Right to Strike Day of Action

Are you involved in any industrial action or just criticising from afar? Because it is pretty amusing if that is the case.
Just an honest view of how things have seemed to me, but I didn't say I was definitely right and I hope I'm wrong - which I could well be. Unlike certain others on here I don't think I know everything and I don't think I'm always right.
I thought they sort of were? Map of events here:
I'm guessing the London one will be broader than just NEU?
Talk of connecting the strikes, extending the strikes, leads me back to thinking it's a tragedy Enough is Enough didn't become what it promised. The failure to get a continuing link between workplace action, communities and others is one of the enduring failures of British Labourism.

That's not having a go at E is E again and I did see they had an event yesterday, it's more that on days like today you particularly feel the absence.
Having said all that, I only realised a couple of hours ago that it was on today and thought it was a bit late to nip round the local school to see if there was a picket. Particularly as I'd already had a spliff and whisky. :oops: Ah, retirement...
Bristol march and rally was quite jolly and big enough to stop the traffic on College Green for half an hour when they were setting off. The great thing about teachers being out is that it means there's a ton of kids and parents with nothing much to do aside from turn out and support the strike :oldthumbsup:
Bulk of people were NEU but there was a big bloc from the PCS and UCU. ASLEF had smaller numbers but I guess their pickets weren't quite so accessible for a march in town. Even my own IWW turned up to successfully lower the tone :cool:
Usual Trottery round the edges. Accepted some Swappie material on the basis that if I did then that would be someone else saved from feeling obliged to read it
I'm on strike today but have just tested positive for covid. I suppose calling in sick would be scabbing.

I was at a teacher training conference yesterday (I was symptomless btw but I suppose I may well have been spreading covid around) and every person I spoke to (about a dozen I suppose) was striking today. I was genuinely surprised how many were.
It's not scabbing. If you're sick, you're sick. Make the fuckers pay for not turning up.
Pretty much. I do a bit of teaching down in that London, though I've finished my Teesside job. It was an ill health thing really but I'm so ancient there was nothing to gain going down that route.
Sorry to hear about the ill health. I'd retire tomorrow if I was able to. I can't believe I've got potentially another two decades to go. Not even sure I'd make it that far! :D
Just an honest view of how things have seemed to me, but I didn't say I was definitely right and I hope I'm wrong - which I could well be. Unlike certain others on here I don't think I know everything and I don't think I'm always right.
I like your posts as my politics aren't massively far away from yours. But there is a difference between recognising what is pragmatic in the present, or just doing the anarchist playbook of why unions are shit and won't deliver libertarian communism.
Everyone at my school is in the non-striking union. Only person who was off was home looking after their own kids and various others whose schools were closed.

As I'm agency staff I'm not technically allowed to go on strike. Which is bollocks and which I'd have happily ignored if anyone else was going out today.
Gets on my nerves how strikes can be split by different unions. I don't like ASLEF who feel they can just negotiate for drivers as trains not going out is the most power. They may have wished to have been RMT when driverless trains start appearing.
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