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What's currently good on 4OD?

I loved this and was waiting for the last episode and then realised episode 6 was the last one :mad: clumsy, disappointing with too many unexplained things left......obviously hoping for a second series.
Same. I enjoyed it and thought "oh the next episode must be next week then" but it was actually the end. It didn't end at all.

Even if people are hoping for a second series they usually have the decency to end the first one rather than just stop dead.
On episode four of Somewhere Boy.

It's alright, probably would've watched it all tonight if I'd started it earlier
On episode four of Somewhere Boy.

It's alright, probably would've watched it all tonight if I'd started it earlier

I did watch it all. It's good. Some good performances and think I've only seen a couple of the actors before.
On episode four of Somewhere Boy.

It's alright, probably would've watched it all tonight if I'd started it earlier
I've just watched this and thought it was excellent. The two leads are really good.

Especially the guy playing Aaron. He was just so perfectly confused and unsure of himself. It was beautifully played.
A wholehearted and enthusiastic recommendation for a film on 4OD, called Night of the Kings. Watched it last night and was gripped.

Yeh, you have to put up with the adverts, but it's totally worth it. Fantastic story, great collage of all manner of arts, really interesting and entertaining. Thought it was very Shakespearean but not a direct link, just in tone.
I mentioned it on the "Boris Johnson is a cunt" thread, but it's worth further noting here. Dispatches doc on how Johnson bent over backwards to get Evgeny Lebedev a peerage, and Lebedev's and his father's links to Putin.
Anyone see this? Sounds worth a look.

I'm surprised there wasn't a government minister on the programme saying how good it is is that people are taking responsibility for feeding their families.

Gotta say, those premium steaks did look good.
Becoming Elizabeth - some great performances including Oliver Zetterström channelling Joffrey Baratheon for his portrayal of Edward VI and John Heffernan really pulling off the Duke of Somerset who by contemporary accounts "lacked the easy charm of his younger brother Thomas". Bella Ramsey also makes an appearance as a smug Lady Jane Grey.

Screenshot 2023-08-10 110440.png

The plot might seem to be taking liberties, but Thomas Seymour really did marry Henry VIII's former wife and then flirt outrageously with her 14-yo step daughter Elizabeth.

I also learned about Pedro de Negro which was cool.
Partygate, a dramatisation of the SPADS during the various lockdowns, and their shenanigans, interspersed with PM press conferences and accounts from those who lost loved ones.

We found that like watching paint dry. With hindsight I'm not sure why we ever thought it might be interesting, given that it's hardly scintillating subject matter but we didn't even make it through the first episode.
Partygate, a dramatisation of the SPADS during the various lockdowns, and their shenanigans, interspersed with PM press conferences and accounts from those who lost loved ones.
Just watch it tonight. I thought it was really good! Really shows how the 1% view the 99% - rules are for them and not us.

It was a bit heavy-handed somehow (shades of The Thick Of It but with less wit), but made its points about the hypocrisy and arrogance well. The real life clips of those who had not been able to see relatives in their last days, and had been fined huge amount for a lesser party, were tragic and anger-inducing. How the fuck did those involved in Partygate get away with only paying £50 when some were fined c. £10,000? And they're still being fined, which I didn't know.
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married at first sight - my wife has been watching and ive got drawn in - its pretty interesting once the people taking part drop the perforamtive stuff and start grappling with trying to make relationship work . Features a self styled crystal botehring yoga guru - whose now revealed as a controlling, manipulative, gas lighting tossrag. Some of the shit he comes out with is jaw dropping - and really quite creepy. Had him pegged as a wrongun from the start.
Is it just me who finds watching All4 almost impossible? I pause and rewind a lot as I get distracted and All4 makes this very difficult. The screen greys out sometimes and you have to stop and resume to get back to normal. You can’t fast forward through ads. If you pause, adverts pop up, so you can’t freeze frame to check a detail.
This may be because of the interface I use - the app on the PS4. Or is it the same on smart TVs or Freeview?
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