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When does Buffy get good?

Wow! It was utter shite back then and I can't think how much more shite it will seem today!

The only reason folk watched it back then was for the eye candy of either sex. It can't have been for what little it had by way of storylines
Never watched it tho never really enjoyed any of the ā€œaimed at young peopleā€ American tv imports
They were always on channel 4 in the Sunday morning ā€œhangover tv to watch under a duvet on the sofaā€ slot but instead I chose either to go back to bed or drink more
I reckon if I was faced with American TV, I'd be back on the booze, rather sharpish.
I know, Iā€™m 30 years late. But I thought it was a kidsā€™ show when it came out. Ive just watched 5 and a bit episodes of season one, and itā€™s getting worse and worse. Itā€™s like a play put on by the Crackerjack team.

When people say itā€™s good, do they mean actually good, or is this some postmodern meaning. And if it really does get good, when does that start? Because Iā€™m going to skip to there.

(From the La Brea thread).
There is singing eventually. You'll like that...
A more serious answer to before:

a) someone earlier said it was dated. Thatā€™s true in more ways than one, and one way is that the more ground breaking parts are lost now. TV and film is now full of waify action girls but it wasnā€™t then. Likewise series arcs werenā€™t as common place as they are now.

b) series 1 is very monster of the week. Series 3 is largely arc based, and series 2 is somewhere in the middle. So I would probably advise new watchers to skip series 1 (as I would Star Trek TNG) and start with series 2 and skip certain episodes that donā€™t take the story any further. Nobody needs to watch Inca Mummy Girl.

c) now as an adult, I appreciate the metaphors for teenage life stuff even if they are a bit basic. Admittedly they are more common in the early seasons.

d) donā€™t watch Angel. Itā€™s shite.

e) I still hold that the musical episode is the best/only watchable musical episode of a TV show that isnā€™t specifically all a musical, and I will die on this hill.
A more serious answer to before:

a) someone earlier said it was dated. Thatā€™s true in more ways than one, and one way is that the more ground breaking parts are lost now. TV and film is now full of waify action girls but it wasnā€™t then. Likewise series arcs werenā€™t as common place as they are now.

b) series 1 is very monster of the week. Series 3 is largely arc based, and series 2 is somewhere in the middle. So I would probably advise new watchers to skip series 1 (as I would Star Trek TNG) and start with series 2 and skip certain episodes that donā€™t take the story any further. Nobody needs to watch Inca Mummy Girl.

c) now as an adult, I appreciate the metaphors for teenage life stuff even if they are a bit basic. Admittedly they are more common in the early seasons.

d) donā€™t watch Angel. Itā€™s shite.

e) I still hold that the musical episode is the best/only watchable musical episode of a TV show that isnā€™t specifically all a musical, and I will die on this hill.
She knows whereof she speaks
b) series 1 is very monster of the week. Series 3 is largely arc based, and series 2 is somewhere in the middle. So I would probably advise new watchers to skip series 1 (as I would Star Trek TNG) and start with series 2 and skip certain episodes that donā€™t take the story any further. Nobody needs to watch Inca Mummy Girl.
Further to this, I think you could do worse than starting at S2E3 and skipping S2E4 (the aforementioned Inca Mummy Girl), whilst being aware of Buffy stopping breathing (ie dying) and being resuscitated by Xander at the end of S1 because thatā€™s relevant for later.
"Hush" and "Band Candy". Though watching them without any prior knowledge of the characters probably wouldn't work.

"Once More, with Feeling" - marmite
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