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What is your favourite conspiracy theory?

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Jazzz said:
You never stop mentioning that! It is always amusing how you fail to grasp the point that while Long Island may have the population of Greater Manchester, it is over 100 miles long, and thus much more sparsely populated.

Fucking prick.

Ever been to Long Island, Jazzzzz?


I have, several times.

And I'm telling you - you're a fucking prick.
This is a light-hearted thread pk and I have reported your post. The length of long island (the clue is in the name) is not affected by you visiting it; much as authenticity of Osama videos is not established by your watching them on expensive video equipment.

I am tired with your obsession of abusing me.
Maybe one day the moderators will have the balls to actually sort you out instead of simply binning the threads you piss all over; I have no confidence that they will, but one lives in hope.
conspiracy theory.

The most favourite term beloved of those in power.

No-one's yet mentioned dr kelly who, except for the bbc website, was universally declared in the wonderfully free british media to have committed suicide. The bbc website to its credit always inserted the word 'apparant'.

For all those who deride people they call a 'conspiracy theorist', i'd remind you of the phrase 'there's no smoke without fire'...

The interesting thing about the likes of dr kelly, 9/11, et al, is the complete lack of investigative reporting on the subjects. Despite all manner of dodgy machinations.

Which leads me neatly to my own personal favourite conspiracy theory:

that the bbc and british press are impartial and free of censorship. Actually, just call it a great big fucking joke instead.
Jazzz said:
Maybe one day the moderators will have the balls to actually sort you out instead of simply binning the threads you piss all over; I have no confidence that they will, but one lives in hope.

He comes across as a very nasty character indeed mate, one who is verbally excessively violent. Luckily for you you only have to deal with him in short bursts when he comes here to abuse you. He has to live with himself 24/7...

You're up very early, hope you're not losing any sleep over this thread... :D
Oh change the record, please.

I'm tired of your abusing yourself, your life, by clinging to the ridiculous notion that this planet is being manipulated by Ickeadelic lizards.

The length of Long Island is of course unaffected by my visits, the fact that you insist that the planes that hit the World Trade Center instead fired holographic missiles and suddenly took a detour to the left and flew over rush hour traffic headed toward New York City could only be believable to someone who considers Long Island to be akin to some kind of long-lost Amazonian jungle where people refer to commercial aircraft as "iron-bird".

i.e. you.

And the authenticity of Osama videos are far more real to the eyes of those who know the difference between a Donald Duck cartoon and a piece of verified pool-fed digital video.

Plus I suggest you go fuck yourself for reporting my posts.

Lord knows if you were getting your dick serviced on a regular basis, you perhaps wouldn't be obsessing over the minutae held up as some kind of proof of wool over the collective eyes of the sane by the likes of Jeff Rense, and the thankfully dead and woefully discredited Joe Vialls.

Of course, I look forward to your next piece of bullshit regarding vaccines, terrorism, Jewish conspiracies, avian flu, or whatever else sends your tin-foil hat a-wibbling.

In the meantime, some of us have a life, and I'd be happy to take your "light-hearted" threads with a pinch of salt were you to admit you're completely fucking devoid of any kind of proof, truth, or hope for the youth.

Have a nice day, dickwad.
Jazzz said:
Maybe one day the moderators will have the balls to actually sort you out instead of simply binning the threads you piss all over; I have no confidence that they will, but one lives in hope.

Oh please remember - your threads based on anti-semitic fruitloop evidence are usually binned well before I get my teeth into them, and you know this.
fela fan said:
He comes across as a very nasty character indeed mate, one who is verbally excessively violent.

Oh please - it's the little ex-patriot living in a third world country who refuses to listen to mainstream media....

And you're a fucking hypocrite too.

A quick search of your posts garners such EXCESSIVELY VIOLENT quotes as this:

Fela Fuckjaw said:
"Now mate, listen, i'd like to tell you politely to FUCK OFF..."

"I was ASKING man. Don't you get that simple premise? What the fuck's wrong with you today?"

"In this post you ignore TWO question marks. I am asking mate, not pronouncing. Get that into your bloody head eh."

If you're going to be the token ex-British little twat who is the SOLE PERSON on these boards who believes anything the eternally shit-stirring DELUDED ANTI-SEMITIC PROPAGANDA PUSHING PURPLE CUNTBUBBLE has to say, at least stick to the script.
Tell you what though Jazzz, since we're on the topic of Long Island - I personally went to the Montauk station.

Here's a real conspiracy for you.

Seriously. Some weird shit going on over there and no mistake.


Pawn said:
think about the planet man !! all these plane journeys you take
It's OK. I use the CIA's special UFO shuttle service which runs on the hot air expelled by rabid conspiraloons.
Just to lighten things up a bit.......
The best conspiracy theory i ever read about was that the spice girls were made from a plasma that was found at the scene of the u.f.o crash at Rosswell years before :D

Apart from that i believe all the others :eek:
Favourite conspiracy theory..

Diana was murdered by Mossad/MI5/MI6/Prince Philip/CIA/DGSE/Lizard People (pls delete as appropriate) & not due to a drunk driver being pursued by paparazzi whilst being told to speed up by his boss & the only survivor was wearing a seat belt.

Oh & the FA/FIFA conspiracy against AFC Wimbledon.
The murder of Swedish PM Olof Palme in 1986. CIA job obviously. He once said: "I know that the Thatchers and the Reagans will be out in a few years. We have to survive till then." :(
Back in 1989 or so someone told me that London's Stoke Newington Police were not only complicit in the supply of Class A drugs to the local market, they ran the whole fucking show, and that the whole force was corrupt right up to the most senior level.

'Don't be daft', I said, 'No-one would put up with that level of corruption. They would never get away with it.'

Two years later, it was all over the papers and what little faith I had in the integrity of those in positions of power and authority was shattered. I had learned two very important lessons:

1) What gets reported in the papers is there not just because it's news, but because it's what somebody wants you to read. Stoke Newington could have been reported much, much earlier, but for some reason it wasn't 'news'.

2) Just because something sounds far-fetched doesn't mean it has no basis in truth.

That makes me sound like the kind of sap that gets sucked in by conspiracy theories, but I prefer to say that I keep an open mind. I don't believe that Al-Quaeda exists as an organisation, for example, but that doesn't stop it from being used by both sides as a propaganda tool in the 'War On Terror'. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that if Al-Quaeda didn't already exist, Bush would have had to invent it to get himself re-elected.

The first casualty in this war is the truth, because all objectivity is lost as soon as we are forced to take sides. In this war there are no civilians. 'You are either with US or against US', to use Bush's terminology. Freedom of speech? Just watch what you say. Thanks to Blair's sucking up to Bush, we are all footsoldiers in a phoney war and considered legitimate targets by desperate, misguided fanatics on the 'other side'.

Edited to add: It doesn't have to be this way, but unfortunately dissenting voices are drowned out by the shouting going on on either side. This dualistic thinking is a trademark of public skool debating societies and lazy journalism and is perpetuated both in politics and in the media. Until we learn to reject such dualistic thinking and embrace alternatives we are lumbered with populist politics pushing polarised points of view and we only have ourselves to blame, not Al-Quaeda, the lizards or the Men in Black.
shoddysolutions said:
Back in 1989 or so someone told me that London's Stoke Newington Police were not only complicit in the supply of Class A drugs to the local market, they ran the whole fucking show, and that the whole force was corrupt right up to the most senior level.

'Don't be daft', I said, 'No-one would put up with that level of corruption. They would never get away with it.'

Two years later, it was all over the papers and what little faith I had in the integrity of those in positions of power and authority was shattered. I had learned two very important lessons:

1) What gets reported in the papers is there not just because it's news, but because it's what somebody wants you to read. Stoke Newington could have been reported much, much earlier, but for some reason it wasn't 'news'.

2) Just because something sounds far-fetched doesn't mean it has no basis in truth.

That makes me sound like the kind of sap that gets sucked in by conspiracy theories, but I prefer to say that I keep an open mind. I don't believe that Al-Quaeda exists as an organisation, for example, but that doesn't stop it from being used by both sides as a propaganda tool in the 'War On Terror'. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that if Al-Quaeda didn't already exist, Bush would have had to invent it to get himself re-elected.

The first casualty in this war is the truth, because all objectivity is lost as soon as we are forced to take sides. In this war there are no civilians. 'You are either with US or against US', to use Bush's terminology. Freedom of speech? Just watch what you say. Thanks to Blair's sucking up to Bush, we are all footsoldiers in a phoney war and considered legitimate targets by desperate, misguided fanatics on the 'other side'.

Edited to add: It doesn't have to be this way, but unfortunately dissenting voices are drowned out by the shouting going on on either side. This dualistic thinking is a trademark of public skool debating societies and lazy journalism and is perpetuated both in politics and in the media. Until we learn to reject such dualistic thinking and embrace alternatives we are lumbered with populist politics pushing polarised points of view and we only have ourselves to blame, not Al-Quaeda, the lizards or the Men in Black.

Haven't time to do this better-than-average non-sceptical post justice right now, but alarm bells ring when you use the phrase 'open minded' ... you sound sensible enough to accept that taken beyond a certain point, 'open mindedness' about the more far fetched conspiracy theories can very easily shade into gullibility and credulity, and a tendency to swallow, unqestioningly and with complete lack of scepticism, any and every 'alternative version' just because there are gaps and inconsistencies in the 'official version'. Even when the glaring inconsistencies and utter implausibility and patent barkingness of so many CTs are far in excess of the gaps and inconsistencies in the 'official' versions.

The polarisation between CT welcomers and CT sceptics is based much more on the patent cobblers which so many CT websites print up untested by any proper principles of evidence, rational enquiry, evaluation of sources and their credibility, and due scepticism -- all these SHOULD be applied equally when analysing official AND 'alternative' versions.

CT sceptics like myself get particularly pissed off with the constant deeply insulting insinuation from many CTers that CT-sceptics are gullible dupes of the Government, estalishment media, etc., when scepticism and rational doubt is so often the VERY LAST thing applied by the more committed CTers to their OWN 'versions'
Shoddysolutions (in particular) -- I don't know whether you've looked at this long thread concerning Conpiracy Theories/Theorists in the Theory, Philosophy, History forum, but it's worth checking out.

Particularly Post 29 (by Donna Ferentes), Page 2 -- an excellent summary of how so many of the more committed CTers deeply undermine their own credibility at every turn.

If anyone can continue to promote an 'alternative version' without showing ANY of the 'Ten Characteristics of Conspiracy Theorists' that Donna highlights, and in such a way that erudite, rational, informed and knowledgeable sceptics like DF, Bernie Gunther and laptop** are able to give the 'Theory' the time of day, then I'd be the first to congratuate them.

**Neither of whom can with any validity at all, be described as 'gullible dupes of the establishment'

I'm not holding my breath though.
William of Walworth said:
Soddysolutions (in particular) -- I don't know whether you've looked at this long thread concerning Conpiracy Theories/Theorists in the Theory, Philosophy, History forum, but it's worth checking out.

Hope that typo wasn't deliberate :mad: ;)

Yes, good thread that one. You seem to have fallen into the trap of siding me with the conspiraloons though, when the intention of my post was to sit myself down in the middle and blow raspberries at both sides.

I just wanted to point out that sometimes it pays to keep your mind open to different possibilities, some theories are obviously worthy of far more merit than others, while others are outright fruitloopery.

When I say 'keep an open mind', I mean 'in the light of existing evidence'. There are clear circumstances (such as 9/11) where overwhelming evidence means that the 'truth' (of planes crashing into the WTC) cannot be denied. No remote control planes or CIA cover-ups. The argument that remains however is to find out who planned the attacks and why, which is where we will run into problems because the only people who know the real 'truth' about 9/11 died in the attacks.
fishfingerer said:
The murder of Swedish PM Olof Palme in 1986. CIA job obviously. He once said: "I know that the Thatchers and the Reagans will be out in a few years. We have to survive till then." :(

That wouldn't surprise me.

One I need to read up on is collusion in Northern Ireland. Henry MacDonald's point against that one was 'where are all the dead republicans' - i.e. if collusion was state-sponsored why weren't more chucks killed? That's a good point, but I don't think it gets the state entirely off the hook. The whole point of targetted killing is to hit some and not others.

But as for the daddy of them all. . . I still think that not only did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone, he was a good comrade who rid the world of an imperialist war criminal.
shoddysolutions said:
You seem to have fallen into the trap of siding me with the conspiraloons though, when the intention of my post was to sit myself down in the middle and blow raspberries at both sides.

Sorry for typo -- I'll edit it :oops:

I'm very biased though and I freely admit it .... to me, 'objectivity' between CT versions and Official versions would be fair enough IF the same level of scepticism is applied to the CT versions by their proponents, as to the official ones. But they almost never do.

I just wanted to point out that sometimes it pays to keep your mind open to different possibilities, some theories are obviously worthy of far more merit than others, while others are outright fruitloopery.

.... I struggle to find many alternative 'versions' at all that AREN'T patent fruitloopery and which aren't pushed by the sort of people who display one or more of Donna's ten characteristcs ...

If there are such credible cases around, their proponents can do the credibility of their own and their theories many, many favours by explicitly dissassociating themselves from the more barking versons of the same events -- eg refusing to link to clearly mad websites, only taking 'evidence' from reputable sources, applying proper principles of fact-based anaysis, etc.
In other words operating like those of the more reputable investigative journalists who expose establishment lies, etc., rather than like Joe Vialls.
Sorry, wasn't aware of Jazz's history on here.
Still freedom of speech and all that.
I think the old conspiracy theories are often the best.
In the mid/late sixties there was a rumour going round which is still believed by some today that Paul Mccartney had died and the bloke that took his place and we see today is an imposter.
The logic behind it is as far as I can gather was all about maintaining the continuity of the Beatles when they were on the verge of mega stardom.
Paul dying at an inconvienient time ect.
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