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What is your favourite conspiracy theory?

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Stobart Stopper said:
I am not talking about the bloke who supposedly killed her,I mean the background to her life and CND work.
She saw documents that concerned the possible deployment of nukes in the Falklands War.

I am fully conversant with the background to the case. My point still stands, where is the campaign to free the jailed man.
Jazzz said:
Probably the one which holds that 19 or so muslim fanatics with a penchant for lapdancers conspired to waltz four hijacked aircraft around the most heavily protected airspace in the world and a multi-$trillion US military was utterly powerless to prevent them hitting commercial and military targets. That's a good one! ;)
Why dont't you start a new thread expanding on what you think really happened then, if you don't believe the official version?
Stobart Stopper said:
Did yu say that about the Birmingham Six and Colin Stagg?

I bet some people here think Barry George (Bulsara) killed Jill Dando as well.

The prosecution case part 1:
Release the pictures of his flat to the public to show what a mental case he was - flat full of shite, magazines, cuttings, etc. Kept loads of copies of BBC magazine with articles about Jill in.
Summary of part 1: Messy nutcase obsessive souvenir keeper.

The prosecution case part 2
Mr. George was a ruthless assassin, who disposed of the murder weapon and any clothes he wore on the day so that there was absolutely no forensic trace of his shooting Jill Dando. Oh aye, except for that speck on the inside pocket of one of his coats. Which was removed from his flat by police, photographed by them FIRST (which in the process could have left the same residue/speck on the coat) and was then tested by the lab, who came up trumps.
Summary of part 2: Ruthless and disciplined assassin, and the boys in the lab found a speck.

Verdict: Guilty!
Favourite conspiracy theory ...

Mine (also that of others ;) ) ....

That many of the keenest conspiracy theories are financed/backed/encouraged/facilitated by the CIA/MI5/'international governing establishment' and their myriad paid stooges round the net etc. ...

So many of the 'alternative versions' are patently bonkers to any common sense observer -- including those who are instinctively suspicious of the establishment politicians and media, yet remain inconveniently rational and sane -- but these fairy tales still end up occupying a disproportionate amount of net and media space, partly because they're so sensational, and their tenets are more attention grabbing in their SHOCK! HORROR! UNPROVABLE SO MUST BE A COVERUP!! headline value.

Thus the popularity of these 'theories' helps to obscure and hinder reputable investigative journalism and evidence based historical enquiry, which methods would be far more effective at uncovering lies, coverups, etc. if all these fuckin '9/11' obsessed conspirabonkersologists weren't shouting so bleedin loud!! :mad:

Conspiracy theorists -- COVER UP AGENTS!!! :D
joram said:
Why dont't you start a new thread expanding on what you think really happened then, if you don't believe the official version?
Now, there's an idea :D

Anyway to contribute to this thread in the style to which it was intended, Rods take some beating - the mysterious winged possibly alien life form that zip across movie frames. Also I'm sure we were mighty relieved to find out that Planet X didn't come and pass close by Earth in summer of 2003, causing tidal disaster and pole shifts :eek:
I love them all and being a fan of Robert Wilson doesn't help much either :D
My fav of all time though is that the mods here get $5 from the CIA for every conspiracy thread that they bin :D
Last in :D
I think editor made that one up himself, and you are doing him out of $495 a thread :p. Although others have suggested he has clandestine ties (well, the Queen did invite him for tea :eek: )
friedaweed said:
I love them all and being a fan of Robert Wilson doesn't help much either
My fav of all time though is that the mods here get $5 from the CIA for every conspiracy thread that they bin :D
Last in :D

Au contraire. The CIA, I have it on good authority** :p offer $1000= to the starter of every conspiracy thread that lasts beyond a page in length ...

Known as 'distraction money' :D :p

**ie I read it on some random website run by a patent lunatic ...
Jazzz said:
Badger Kitten - if you have found it entertaining going through illuminati stuff for hours, you might want to come along to David Icke on May 26th at Brixton Academy...
£25 to listen to that bonkers nutjob?

Jazzz said:
and it might be the last time he talks in the UK.
Why's that then? He has got too close to the truth or something?
joram said:
Why dont't you start a new thread expanding on what you think really happened then, if you don't believe the official version?
He's already started millions and failed spectacularly to prove anything past how gullible he is when it comes to all things conspiraloonery.

We don't need any more threads on the subject, thanks.
peppery said:
That moon landing thing is my personal favorite followed by El-vis

I saw Elvis in The Olde Blue Bell last friday. He was drinking halves of lager and wearing Roy Orbison's shades.
friedaweed said:
My fav of all time though is that the mods here get $5 from the CIA for every conspiracy thread that they bin
That's not true. We got a raise to $20 and a free trip to Florida every year.
editor said:
£25 to listen to that bonkers nutjob?

Bwahahaha!Why's that then? He has got too close to the truth or something?
I wasn't inviting you. :p

No, the reason Icke rarely talks live these days is that he is too busy. When he comes to Brixton next May you can bet the Academy will be packed out.

Anyway, remember this is a light-hearted thread, at Badger Kitten's request
Jazzz said:
No, the reason Icke rarely talks live these days is that he is too busy.
Yes. You're right. It must be hard work dreaming up fresh nonsense for terminally gullible lizard-believers.
Badger Kitten said:
What is your favourite conspiracy theory, editor?
I don't really have "favourites", but I did like jazzz's yarn about how two people supposedly saw two large aircraft flying "dangerously low and close" over a population the size of Greater Manchester.

They were headed for NYC. In the rush hour. And it was the day before 9/11.

Naturally, these two people were the only people - out of millions - to see the planes and they decided to not tell a single soul in the entire world about this incredible, dangerous and illegal sight, but instead elected to exclusively contact a web-publishing conspiraloon who guaranteed their anonymity.



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