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What is your favourite conspiracy theory?

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Jazzz said:
Badger Kitten - if you have found it entertaining going through illuminati stuff for hours, you might want to come along to David Icke on May 26th at Brixton Academy... nothing like hearing the lizard man himself, and it might be the last time he talks in the UK.
Thank fuck... I'll help him pack :mad:
I'm not sure I have a favourite. I used to find the subject interesting and entertaining before I started modding here. I read all of that fucking hippie Wilson's trilogy, too. I can tell you exactly where the dirty bits are.

I quite like chemtrails, and weather machines. Unfortunately a lot of the ones I see start going along the "it was the Jews" path and that just makes me angry.
It's a shame that thread had to be binned where Bernie Gunther said a lot of well-considered things about conspiracists.

Coming into contact with them for a while ha made me realise that it is far easy to believe something for which there is no evidence than something for which there is. Which is a depressing thought but an enlightening one at the same time.
editor said:
That's not true. We got a raise to $20 and a free trip to Florida every year.
Shit you guys work hard for your money, prostitution would be so much easier :)

The thing i find about avid conspiracy theorists is they're just too sirius. :D
Donna Ferentes said:
It's a shame that thread had to be binned where Bernie Gunther said a lot of well-considered things about conspiracists.

Coming into contact with them for a while ha made me realise that it is far easy to believe something for which there is no evidence than something for which there is. Which is a depressing thought but an enlightening one at the same time.
I have a (non-conspiracy) theory about this; the dependency of politicians on utterly unreliable evidence leads to people saying "well, you ask me to believe you about yellowcake when the evidence is shit, why shouldn't I believe Joe Vialls?" Lowering the boundary of acceptable evidence will result in some people accepting that lowered boundary but applying it to other theories. Which is of course the wrong way round; a rational response would be to say "no, I do not accept any of your nonsense, government or conspiraloon".

The thing is that a general lowered boundary will benefit the group who can shout loudest. The state isn't threatened by people believing in invisible missiles because they own the status quo and only have to convince a certain number of people to maintain power, which they manage to do quite effectively. The US government has been so amazingly profligate with the lie thing that this may bite them in the arse, but overall I imagine that it's going to be considered an effective tactic, particularly as the other side-effect is to cause general confusion, with people unable and/or unwilling to debate evidence on a sensible basis and thus relying on ideological alliegances.
FridgeMagnet said:
a rational response would be to say "no, I do not accept any of your nonsense, government or conspiraloon".

Spot on.

Badger Kitten said:
And I also blame the world wide intraweb

Doesn't help, it's so easy to get your 'evidence' from utterly barking, evidence free loon-sites ...

Which confirms this :

Donna Ferentes said:
Coming into contact with them for a while ha made me realise that it is far easy to believe something for which there is no evidence than something for which there is. Which is a depressing thought but an enlightening one at the same time.

Mainly depressing though ... :(
editor said:
I don't really have "favourites", but I did like jazzz's yarn about how two people supposedly saw two large aircraft flying "dangerously low and close" over a population the size of Greater Manchester.

They were headed for NYC. In the rush hour. And it was the day before 9/11.

Naturally, these two people were the only people - out of millions - to see the planes and they decided to not tell a single soul in the entire world about this incredible, dangerous and illegal sight, but instead elected to exclusively contact a web-publishing conspiraloon who guaranteed their anonymity.

You never stop mentioning that! It is always amusing how you fail to grasp the point that while Long Island may have the population of Greater Manchester, it is over 100 miles long, and thus much more sparsely populated. Also this was never an essential part of the 9-11 hypothesis proposed, it was simply quoted as a possibility.

The important thing about 9-11 is that there is precious little evidence for the official theory, and indeed you can easily discount it by considering such impossibilities as the mysterious collapse of WTC7, which was not hit by any airplane, or indeed the complete lack of seismic trace for the crash of flight 93. :)
Rad Nance said:
I agee. My one is about the number seven, its a number i like and the theory is something major happens in your life every seven years. :)

I could actually believe that one - the years when I was 17, 24 and 31 were particularly bad for me.

But my favourite theory is that the MoD started the foot-and-mouth outbreak to get back at the farmers for supporting the fuel strikes. Oh and the Holy Grail really is below Rosslyn Chapel. Honest.
I dunno if I can think of a "favourite" conspiracy theory, but I did come up with what I think is a much better version of the "remote controlled planes were used in 911" theory.

Remember the Marconi scientists die mysteriously stuff from many years ago? Well, most of those guys were working on various kinds of remote telemetry. Precisely the sort of thing you'd need if you were going to turn a large Boeing into a remote controlled cruise missile.

Let's pretend that some ultra-dodgy spooks connected to the people who later show up in the PNAC crew got hold of what they'd been working on under Star Wars contracts and bumped them off to make sure there were no tale bearers later. Maybe someone from the World Anti-Communist League, or Michael Ledeen's "strategy of tension" Italian neo-fascist pals, they know how to keep a secret. I'd see Ledeen as the obvious cut out for this stuff, 'cos he's connected to all of the PNAC gang, but he's also connected to serious neo-fascist terrorists and the P2 lodge (according to various Italian court cases that investigated all this stuff), he's tight with the most extreme Israelis and he's a big fan of Machiavelli and Mussolini. So if I were writing a conspiracy novel, he'd be a key character.

Next problem, having the technology is how to get it onto all of the planes. Nothing could be simpler. To do that, they'd just need to covertly fiddle with the (Israeli produced) software used to control maintainance on such planes, and get their kit installed during routine upgrades without arousing suspicion.

I think this is pretty unlikely, but I also think it makes a more satisfying narrative than anything the professional CT'ers have come up with so far.

What's worrying though, is that some other scientists got mysteriously killed if you recall, and the second wave of mystery scientist deaths were all germ warfare specialists or worked in closely related fields. So one seriously wonders what *they* have in mind next.
Alien abductions and subsquent probings.




I'm old-skool, me. My favourites by a mile are in the pre-internet stuff. When people had to put some effort in. It's like the difference between proper music that someone's sweated over for years, and someone humming along to the bossanova beat on their drum machine, for the first time.

Like the Nugget File.

I used to have two inches of it - posted to me anonymously. I gather that back then the whole thing was about a foot thick of photocopies, and growing fast.

Of course, if you copy a copy of a copy what you get is photocopy art. Alleged FBI Telexes reduced to dalmatian camouflage patterns ideal for hiding in a heavy hangover in a hailstorm.

As far as I could make out, it was largely about who killed Marilyn back in the day.

Of course it was what inspired that hippy Wilson to write his stuff. Which was a piss-take, people.
Surely the most ludicrous of all conspiracy theories is that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated president J.F. Kennedy, nobody could ever top that one for complete absurdity.
Jazzz said:
The important thing about 9-11 is that there is precious little evidence for the official theory, and indeed you can easily discount it by considering such impossibilities as the mysterious collapse of WTC7, which was not hit by any airplane, or indeed the complete lack of seismic trace for the crash of flight 93.
Blah blah blah deluded fruitloop drivel hot off the some evidence free site written by some idiotic loonspud website author with a book/CD/DVD to flog blah blah.

Get a grip for fuck's sake.

Oh, and of you continue trotting out the same old drivel, this thread's going straight in the bin. I could use the $20 from the CIA.
inferno said:
Surely the most ludicrous of all conspiracy theories is that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated president J.F. Kennedy, nobody could ever top that one...
But he was topped - by Jack Ruby!

It's all the Freemasons, I tell you.
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