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Wear masks in shops

perhaps people should have the options clearly explained, offered the opportunity to make a decision and supplied with the equipment needed for their choice

But we have a government which mixes messages and obfuscates.

If being told now is the only way perhaps it is always the only way.
They're also incapable of framing the message in a communitarian sprit that focuses on the main point that in a pandemic my risk is your risk and vice versa.
So what about the workplace. Millions will work in close proximity to others for hours eachday, are they now going to be forced to wear a mask.
We have been given a 'Back to work' bag, with a branded, yes , branded Face mask, sanitiser and disposable face masks, but we are only in phase 1 ( of 4 ) of returning to work ( 10% of the building in at any one time).

I came back off furlough yesterday and in a meeting I asked , if the govt's constantly changing position will cause any issues with the company's plans, I was told , the business is sorting it out for themselves as the govt cant be relied on and not to expect to be back in the office full time and to work from home for the foreseable future and unless we have our own office , I dont , masks to be worn at all times.
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I wasn't confusing them for a second. When you grow up in England with a Scottish mum you learn not to.
Nah. I thought FridgeMagnet might be having that problem, not you. You remarked on a possible preference in England not to have compulsory wearing of masks, and FridgeMagnet suggested that there was not really a thing against masks in the UK.

FridgeMagnet said:
This stuff is just retrospective justification when it's not mandated but people have heard it might be a good idea so feel the need to say something that defends their everyday position. As soon as it's mandated, in 95% of cases folk will be all "oh well of course it's sensible" and pretend they were always in favour, for the exact same reasons. There's no real ideological push against masks in the UK imo, just a few loons - it's just avoiding the old cognitive dissonance.

Replying to a post about whether England would do it with a reply about the UK seemed a bit sort of not-really-accurate.
When do the 'Baby Eating Anarchists' masks get released?


Plenty on Etsy

Not when there’s hardly any there, no. We will be there and won’t be careful, but so far it’s nearly all German yoots running amok there.
Unfortunately that would not seem to be the case. Last weekend there were reports of passed up young Brits staggering around vomiting in the streets on the Costa. Locals are becoming increasingly anti Brits coming back, fearing they'll bring CV19 with them.

We do not want it back and if to prevent it we have to stop Brits coming I, for one, support that.
... I asked , if the govt's constantly changing position will cause any issues with the company's plans, I was told , the business is sorting it out for themselves as the govt cant be relied on and not to expect to be back in the office full time and to work from home for the foreseable future and unless we have our own office , I dont , masks to be worn at all times.

So the government's advice is about as clear as Glastonbury mud, then? :eek:
Nah. I thought FridgeMagnet might be having that problem, not you. You remarked on a possible preference in England not to have compulsory wearing of masks, and FridgeMagnet suggested that there was not really a thing against masks in the UK.

Replying to a post about whether England would do it with a reply about the UK seemed a bit sort of not-really-accurate.
I don't think there is a popular ideological thing about masks in the U.K., and I don't think there's a difference between the English and the Scots on this. People are influenced by their environment, and Scottish official guidance/regulations/attitudes are different to English ones here which makes for a different environment, but that's as far as I'd go.
I've been wearing a face covering in shops now for quite a while, probably since early May. Up until a few weeks ago I felt like I was the only one and getting some really strange looks as if I must have the virus or something.

In the last week or so I have noticed a definite uptick in the amount of masks being worn, I'm seeing quite a lot of observance out there. I do think there is an element of the government yet again being late to the pass just as they were going into lockdown and as they are coming out of it.

Look, we've expended thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of words here on the ineptitude of the government but they're not going anywhere and they're not going to suddenly become anything other than grossly incompetent and selfish to the absolute core. We got to fix this ourselves because winter is coming...

I am very very worried about winter. There are warning sirens everywhere in the world and unfortunately far too many people I see have slipped into a 'oh well that's over now, back to normal' mode. We need to get a very clear message out now that it is not over we are simply in the eye of the storm. We need to get back to the basics of distancing and good hygiene and compulsory wearing of masks in shops is a good start. Whether they do much good is suddenly not as important as the giving people a constant reminder that the virus is here to stay for the foreseeable and we need to come to terms with that.
I have noted that a lot of the people crowing about how masks are 'dehumanising ' are also the ones who have been fond of saying 'Why are we bothering with all this when it's only old and ill people who are dying?' :hmm:
Do shop staff and bus drivers have to wear them too?

I've not seen it clarified anywhere but I really think they should be encouraged to wherever possible. A lot of shop workers are younger people late teens and 20's exactly the age group that are under the microscope in Florida at the moment. We're in a very dangerous position where people who can spread it are feeling immune from it.
I've not seen it clarified anywhere but I really think they should be encouraged to wherever possible. A lot of shop workers are younger people late teens and 20's exactly the age group that are under the microscope in Florida at the moment. We're in a very dangerous position where people who can spread it are feeling immune from it.

Obviously most govt rules re coronavirus dont make much sense but it would be madness for the people at the tills and in the warehouse and shop floor and bus drivers not to. Should have been wearing them from the start. I always question the till workers about their lack of mask. I'm used to the ol roll eye now!
perhaps people should have the options clearly explained, offered the opportunity to make a decision and supplied with the equipment needed for their choice

But we have a government which mixes messages and obfuscates.

If being told now is the only way perhaps it is always the only way.
Very true.

I pay little attention to the .gov as their failings seem so obvious, essentially we are all responsible for ourselves.

I was disappointed by the sheer number of people I saw yesterday who seemed to behave as if it's all over and back to normal without any social distancing/masks.
I refer back to my earlier post. Make it mandatory for all customers and make it mandatory for all shops to have a screen up. When staff are behind the screen, no mask. When they're on the shop floor a mask has to be worn. As a shop worker I'd be really happy with this arrangement.

The enforcement angle may awaken the little Hitler that slumbers within :hmm:
Unfortunately that would not seem to be the case. Last weekend there were reports of passed up young Brits staggering around vomiting in the streets on the Costa. Locals are becoming increasingly anti Brits coming back, fearing they'll bring CV19 with them.

We do not want it back and if to prevent it we have to stop Brits coming I, for one, support that.

Saw some footage of seriously dick-ish behaviour in Magaluf - not wearing masks & jumping on cars. Tbf, though, I can't see me going ahead with my Ibiza trip at the end of September if masks are still compulsory. Little point paying a lot of money to go on holiday if you can't relax.
Obviously most govt rules re coronavirus dont make much sense but it would be madness for the people at the tills and in the warehouse and shop floor and bus drivers not to. Should have been wearing them from the start. I always question the till workers about their lack of mask. I'm used to the ol roll eye now!

What should have been happening is the government, from the very beginning, should have put out clear and easy to follow instructions.
Don't walk into a shop and start questioning staff whether they're wearing a mask or not. I've had customers question me when I do wear one and when I don't wear one. Why not just buy your shit without comment and go again?
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