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Wear masks in shops

They’ve gone very quiet on that front here.
Presume we can’t wear them as it’s illegal or they’ll have to reverse the law on face covering which everyone knows is impossible, so we’re fucked basically.
I'm on a bus for a max of 10 minutes and my mask is off as soon as I disembark.

Shops kick off my sensory issues. I get hot, sweaty, anxious. Because I can barely organise myself, it often takes me much longer to complete a shopping trip. The mask on top of that and..... :(
sorry to hear that
Bezos and other online giants will be rubbing his hands as this compulsory masks for shops will no doubt hurt retail.

I don't see why it would have a significant impact. In Japan, it's the norm (during flu season) and especially since maybe February, to wear masks. Small businesses like cafés, bars, family restaurants, have obviously been hurt because people are more wary about eating and drinking in small spaces. But straightforward retail shopping in bigger stores seems pretty busy.

The only folk over here complaining about loss of liberty are right wing Americans.
Police were out at my local Lidl first thing this morning (@8:30) - Didn't see anyone ticketed but a couple of people were being "advised" about face masks by a pair of fairly bored/dejected-looking officers.

They drove-off just before me and moved to a Tesco a bit further down the road, presumably to do the same thing.

Looks like they have given the restriction a few days to bed-in, then started doing something about being seen to enforce it.

We then went to a cafe and sat down unmasked outside for a bacon and sausage bap breakfast - the first time since all this started.
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The very simple solution to all of this is mandate that all customers entering a shop have to wear a mask/face covering. Mandate all shops have to put up plastic screens at payment points. If a member of staff is on the shop floor they need to wear a mask. If they're behind the plastic screen or not on the shop floor they can take the thing off.
It's been this way for weeks here in Spain. There's been a few who don't wear a mask in shops, this seems to be along the coast. Here it appears that 90+% of people are obeying the rules.

Interestingly those I noticed at the weekend not wearing masks were speaking English. Of course this might be coincidence and it might be that, being British, I noticed it more. It seemed as if the English really didn't want to obey the rules. With hundreds of police being moved to tourist areas there's going to be a lot of fines issued.
I don't see why it would have a significant impact. In Japan, it's the norm (during flu season) and especially since maybe February, to wear masks. Small businesses like cafés, bars, family restaurants, have obviously been hurt because people are more wary about eating and drinking in small spaces. But straightforward retail shopping in bigger stores seems pretty busy.

The only folk over here complaining about loss of liberty are right wing Americans.
Yes. As one who has always masked-up in shops - initially for my own protection, but latterly for others' - notably the shop staff, it will mean I am happier to shop for things other than food. My 'mask' is a doubled-up cycling bandana so offers me little protection from others in tight spaces.
It upsets me to see people marching into the supermarket maskless and not even using the hand gel or even wiping the handle of the basket.
I swear I get dirty looks sometimes..
On the day the pubs reopened I wore my mask all the time I was outside my house.
This whole thing reminds me a lot of the debate about wearing a cycle helmet. All sorts of justifications for not wanting to look like a bit of a twat / be slightly inconvenienced.

Oh, fucking bollocks. My decision to not wear a cycle helmet does not have any chance of causing some other poor fucker, who cannot wear a cycle helmet for medical reasons, to get their head caved in. Stupid comparison.
I stopped wearing my helmet about 10 years ago and latterly only considered wearing it again - along with not doing leisure rides for 3 months - largely due to discussions going on about minimising the tiny risk of tying-up the ambulance service, and less altruistically, risking catching CV19 in the process ...
I have never entered the supermarket without one and it feels weird that we aren't wearing them at work where risk assessment is king ... There, it's all about minimising the numbers of people in rooms, and as numbers pick up, there are one -way staircases and no lazily using lifts.
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This whole thing reminds me a lot of the debate about wearing a cycle helmet. All sorts of justifications for not wanting to look like a bit of a twat / be slightly inconvenienced.

I'm obviously not talking about people who have good reasons why it would be difficult.

except when you fall off your bike and give yourself a head injury you don’t randomly give 10 people around you brain damage

to recap, after 65 k plus deaths our gloriousleaders are still humming and haaaing about mandatory mask in public

UK PLC is fucked

How does a country become so stupid
They've FINALLY stopped dithering but we don't have to do it for a week and a half. Not sure why the long wait. I mean give people a couple of days to get hold of some or knock one up out of an old t-shirt but 11 days? They're widely available now.

Although it is, just about, the very, and I do mean, the very least that they could have done
So if someone is out of work living on a pittance and hasn’t got a mask/can’t afford one and needs a tin of beans from local shop - will they be refused entry or fined by mask police £100 they can’t pay?
Interestingly those I noticed at the weekend not wearing masks were speaking English. Of course this might be coincidence and it might be that, being British, I noticed it more. It seemed as if the English really didn't want to obey the rules. With hundreds of police being moved to tourist areas there's going to be a lot of fines issued.

Does seem there's a problem with British tourists not wearing masks, though it isn't only Brits.
So if someone is out of work living on a pittance and hasn’t got a mask/can’t afford one and needs a tin of beans from local shop - will they be refused entry or fined by mask police £100 they can’t pay?

Wrap an old t-shirt around your face.

Or buy masks from Amazon, I just did, 10p each.
They've stopped dithering but we don't have to do it for a week and a half. Not sure why the long wait. I mean give people a couple of days to get hold of some or knock one up out of an old t-shirt but 11 days? They're widely available now.
Masks are 100 for less than a tenner on amazon. Boots, B&M, Poundland and all the supermarkets have stock near me.

That said I still think government, local councils and the wealthy supermarkets should be giving them away free. Save with hand sanitiser. This is a small cost for big reward compared to money and time the government has already spaffed up the wall.
So if someone is out of work living on a pittance and hasn’t got a mask/can’t afford one and needs a tin of beans from local shop - will they be refused entry or fined by mask police £100 they can’t pay?

A face covering will be fine, stop asking dickhead questions that with 3 seconds thought you could answer yourself. <Sticks you back on ignore>
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