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Wear masks in shops

Just been in my local supermarket and was surprised to see 100% compliance from both customers and staff - before it was only ever about 30% of people wearing a mask but now it's mandatory everyone is just getting on with it. :thumbs:

Mrs Sas was in ASDA in Livingston yesterday, despite them handing out free masks at the door, about half the people weren't wearing one.

You mention mandatory, I've been looking for the legislation behind that, and can't find it. Holyrood has only passed two Bills this year, neither to do with Covid. I've written to my MSP for clarification.
Mrs Sas was in ASDA in Livingston yesterday, despite them handing out free masks at the door, about half the people weren't wearing one.

You mention mandatory, I've been looking for the legislation behind that, and can't find it. Holyrood has only passed two Bills this year, neither to do with Covid. I've written to my MSP for clarification.
Emergency legislation Sas, it doesn't have to go through Parliament.

There seems to be a particularly English pedantry/deliberate awkwardness about this whole mask thing. The number of times I've heard the 'wearing a mask makes you touch your face more' thing. No it doesn't. In fact having a bloody great mask on it helps you remember not to touch it if anything. And I've heard government 'scientists' twice come out with the line 'well 80% of infections are at home so you'd have to wear them at home as well' NO YOU FUCKING WOULDN'T, in fact it means that every infection stopped outside the home stops four more at home! At least the American nutters who won't wear them are doing it to fight communism or something. Meanwhile the English aren't because they think it's 'silly'. Wankers.
Give the fact they have no real economic cost, you already have to use them on public transport, there's growing evidence they do help reduce the spread, and they'll also probably help with people's confidence to go out/back to work, seems bonkers not to make them mandatory in shops.
Mrs Q and I have just returned from the garden centre, it was busy but not excessively so. Mask wearers in a definite minority less than 10% certainly.
Interested to note that mask wearers were all women. The sole man with a mask on was myself. Torn between asserting my manhood and taking it off and my well founded fear of Mrs Q's reaction.
Definitely needs making compulsory and enforcing in my view.
I think the gov will wait for the number of infections to start going up again before implementing mask wearing in shops.

Time and time again the useless cunts in office have shown themselves to be reactive, not pro-active. The appeal to "common sense" is an excuse for laziness. Well, unless they actually want more people to become sick and die. Wouldn't put that past 'em either.
I am up for face coverings becoming mandatory in English shops.

It is something positive we can all do and will likely have a small effect on the spread of the virus.
Mrs Sas was in ASDA in Livingston yesterday, despite them handing out free masks at the door, about half the people weren't wearing one.

You mention mandatory, I've been looking for the legislation behind that, and can't find it. Holyrood has only passed two Bills this year, neither to do with Covid. I've written to my MSP for clarification.
At supermarket in Fife today my experience similar to weepiper - almost everyone wearing some form of face covering.
How will this affect the pubs an restaurants that have just reopened? You can't wear a mask while eating and drinking.
Was just in a video call with my brother in law who manages several of Chicago's Starbucks restaurants, and asked him the same thing.

Customers are required to be masked up when they enter and are assigned a table. They wait til food has been served then they can demask and eat. When they leave or if anyone goes to the bathroom they are required to mask up again. Tables and customers are distanced
There seems to be a particularly English pedantry/deliberate awkwardness about this whole mask thing. The number of times I've heard the 'wearing a mask makes you touch your face more' thing. No it doesn't. In fact having a bloody great mask on it helps you remember not to touch it if anything. And I've heard government 'scientists' twice come out with the line 'well 80% of infections are at home so you'd have to wear them at home as well' NO YOU FUCKING WOULDN'T, in fact it means that every infection stopped outside the home stops four more at home! At least the American nutters who won't wear them are doing it to fight communism or something. Meanwhile the English aren't because they think it's 'silly'. Wankers.
This stuff is just retrospective justification when it's not mandated but people have heard it might be a good idea so feel the need to say something that defends their everyday position. As soon as it's mandated, in 95% of cases folk will be all "oh well of course it's sensible" and pretend they were always in favour, for the exact same reasons. There's no real ideological push against masks in the UK imo, just a few loons - it's just avoiding the old cognitive dissonance.
its the right thing of course, but its going to be shit commuting 2 hours in a mask and then working 8 hours in a mask day in day out
Wearing a face covering in shops and supermarkets in England is to become mandatory from 24 July.
Those who fail to comply with the new rules will face a fine of up to £100, the government is to announce.

I wonder if we get any protestors like in America holding up ‘my body my choice’ signs?:facepalm:
How long will this rule about wearing masks in shops be in place for? I can manage on buses with one, but in shops will be a mission. Until its withdrawn, I'll have to stay home only do shopping etc when totally necessary.
This whole thing reminds me a lot of the debate about wearing a cycle helmet. All sorts of justifications for not wanting to look like a bit of a twat / be slightly inconvenienced.

I'm obviously not talking about people who have good reasons why it would be difficult.
Bezos and other online giants will be rubbing his hands as this compulsory masks for shops will no doubt hurt retail.
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