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Wear masks in shops

I have noted that a lot of the people crowing about how masks are 'dehumanising ' are also the ones who have been fond of saying 'Why are we bothering with all this when it's only old and ill people who are dying?' :hmm:

Indeed, and there also seems to be a fair bit of crossover between them and the kind of twats who like ranting on about the Blitz. Just wait til they hear about the masks people were issued with then!
Saw some footage of seriously dick-ish behaviour in Magaluf - not wearing masks & jumping on cars. Tbf, though, I can't see me going ahead with my Ibiza trip at the end of September if masks are still compulsory. Little point paying a lot of money to go on holiday if you can't relax.

I don't think there is anything else to do in Ibiza this summer than relax. There is no season in Ibiza this year.
Very true.

I pay little attention to the .gov as their failings seem so obvious, essentially we are all responsible for ourselves.

I was disappointed by the sheer number of people I saw yesterday who seemed to behave as if it's all over and back to normal without any social distancing/masks.
What should have been happening is the government, from the very beginning, should have put out clear and easy to follow instructions.
Don't walk into a shop and start questioning staff whether they're wearing a mask or not. I've had customers question me when I do wear one and when I don't wear one. Why not just buy your shit without comment and go again?

I will continue to question this, because as you have said the govt have been really unclear, but as far as I know a mask can help along with hand hygiene and distancing .

Because I'm interested to know why they are not wearing a mask when they are less then two metres away from hundreds of people passing through and concerned for them being put in positions without ppe. Also want to lower the risk to myself. I wear a mask in shops because I work in an acute hospital department and am round hundreds of different people most days, unable to distance.

Also in my local supermarkets the majority of staff are 60 + and or black so at higher risk.

The young eye roll and the others are glad someone cares enough to ask.

Also because of all the people not taking g any precautions I believe it is necessary.
Not had the joy of shopping with a mask yet, but I'm guessing wearing one all day could be irritating/uncomfortable.
Yes it is and causes spots but afaic I'd rather do it while there is a risk. I wear one all day at work apart from breaks and when I go Into a shop. Not outside.
I'm instantly suspicious that this isn't being covered in wider press but here you go:

Forgive me if I'm being dim but what does this even mean? “It won’t be a compulsory requirement because it won’t always be right for every setting in a retail environment, particularly those working behind the tills and so on.”
Forgive me if I'm being dim but what does this even mean? “It won’t be a compulsory requirement because it won’t always be right for every setting in a retail environment, particularly those working behind the tills and so on.”

I think this is to do with those already working behind perspex etc.
I will continue to question this, because as you have said the govt have been really unclear, but as far as I know a mask can help along with hand hygiene and distancing .

Because I'm interested to know why they are not wearing a mask when they are less then two metres away from hundreds of people passing through and concerned for them being put in positions without ppe. Also want to lower the risk to myself. I wear a mask in shops because I work in an acute hospital department and am round hundreds of different people most days, unable to distance.

Question it all you like but don't start wagging your finger at staff for not wearing a mask. If you're not doing that then fair enough but it sounds like you are and as someone who's worked throughout the whole thing I've repeatedly had either:

'Oh, why are you wearing a mask isn't that a bit dramatic? You look ridiculous'


'You should be wearing a mask you know. Aren't you worried you'll catch it/pass it on to other people?'

Yes! I'm fucking terrified and have been with or without wearing a mask! And yes I know it looks stupid, so do your stupid bent fucking glasses but I don't comment on them do I?

How about buy your shit and fuck off without saying anything like the sign says that I posted earlier? Do these people walk up to random people on the street and ask why they're not wearing certain clothes? Why they are wearing certain clothes? I just don't know what makes some people think they have a given right to pass comment.

I'm not aiming this all at you, Kali. Just people in general who have been doing this sort of thing since February. It's tiring and draining.

Also in my local supermarkets the majority of staff are 60 + and or black so at higher risk.

The young eye roll and the others are glad someone cares enough to ask.

Also because of all the people not taking g any precautions I believe it is necessary.

That's their business though. If someone's black, over 60 or black and over 60 and they don't wanna wear a mask they don't wanna wear a mask. You're in a shop for a few minutes, we're in them working all day.

You might think you're being helpful but in reality, you're just saying the same shit 50 other people have said before you and it's tedious. It's not your job to be concerned about what precautions people take or not. It's akin to asking a couple you see kissing whether they intend to wear a condom or not when they get home and start having sex.

I know you might think you're being helpful, caring and understanding but you're just adding to the already stressful time work is at the moment. It's the government's responsibility to get everyone on side and wearing masks in the appropriate setting. It's the government's responsibility to properly legislate that and it's the government's responsibility to provide clear and easy to follow instructions. They've failed on all those fronts.

Governments across the world have managed this without issue and the citizens in those countries are happy to wear masks. Here it's this constant pissing about and moaning.
Forgive me if I'm being dim but what does this even mean? “It won’t be a compulsory requirement because it won’t always be right for every setting in a retail environment, particularly those working behind the tills and so on.”
Wow. I think people working on the tills and in small shops are at risk because they are unable to distance properly.

I mostly use the scab tills to lower the risk either way and also so I dont have more people that have failed to sanatise their hands between customers touch my stuff, cus Doctor Carrot if they dont I will ask them to as it's a reasonable request.
Wow. I think people working on the tills and in small shops are at risk because they are unable to distance properly.
I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm asking how can it ever be inappropriate for someone working on a till to have protection? That statement seems to suggest that it might not always be appropriate for them to wear protection.
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Question it all you like but don't start wagging your finger at staff for not wearing a mask. If you're not doing that then fair enough but it sounds like you are and as someone who's worked throughout the whole thing I've repeatedly had either:

'Oh, why are you wearing a mask isn't that a bit dramatic? You look ridiculous'


'You should be wearing a mask you know. Aren't you worried you'll catch it/pass it on to other people?'

Yes! I'm fucking terrified and have been with or without wearing a mask! And yes I know it looks stupid, so do your stupid bent fucking glasses but I don't comment on them do I?

How about buy your shit and fuck off without saying anything like the sign says that I posted earlier? Do these people walk up to random people on the street and ask why they're not wearing certain clothes? Why they are wearing certain clothes? I just don't know what makes some people think they have a given right to pass comment.

I'm not aiming this all at you, Kali. Just people in general who have been doing this sort of thing since February. It's tiring and draining.

That's their business though. If someone's black, over 60 or black and over 60 and they don't wanna wear a mask they don't wanna wear a mask. You're in a shop for a few minutes, we're in them working all day.

You might think you're being helpful but in reality, you're just saying the same shit 50 other people have said before you and it's tedious. It's not your job to be concerned about what precautions people take or not. It's akin to asking a couple you see kissing whether they intend to wear a condom or not when they get home and start having sex.

I know you might think you're being helpful, caring and understanding but you're just adding to the already stressful time work is at the moment. It's the government's responsibility to get everyone on side and wearing masks in the appropriate setting. It's the government's responsibility to properly legislate that and it's the government's responsibility to provide clear and easy to follow instructions. They've failed on all those fronts.

Governments across the world have managed this without issue and the citizens in those countries are happy to wear masks. Here it's this constant pissing about and moaning.

I can see you're upset and needed to vent. But a lot of this is a bit odd and doesn't make much sense you also seem to be singling out a poster when completely misunderstanding what they are saying?
Wow. I think people working on the tills and in small shops are at risk because they are unable to distance properly.

I mostly use the scab tills to lower the risk either way and also so I dont have more people that have failed to sanatise their hands between customers touch my stuff, cus Doctor Carrot if they dont I will ask them to as it's a reasonable request.

Ask them to what? Wear a mask? Or sanitise? You're probably more at risk jumping on the scab tills and touching a screen other customers have touched. They don't always get sanitised between customers.

Just wear a mask yourself and wash your hands when you get home. The whole point of wearing a mask in shops is to protect other people, ie me, from catching anything you may have. If I'm behind a screen without a mask why is that a problem? On the shop floor without one I'm a bit more on side.
I can see you're upset and needed to vent. But a lot of this is a bit odd and doesn't make much sense you also seem to be singling out a poster when completely misunderstanding what they are saying?

Yes I do need to vent and if I've misunderstood then fair enough.
The reason it irks me is because customer comments about the whole thing have quietened down. Now, because this latest round of messaging is once again clear as mud all the comments will start up again.

'Why aren't you wearing a mask?'
'That mask is no good you should wear this type of mask'
'Why can't I come in without a mask'
'Let me speak to your manager'
'Why aren't you selling masks?'
'You should have perspex up'

x50 of each of those statements in the coming weeks.
Yeah, I get that. btw kalidarkone is a healthcare professional so will have a good handle on the spread of germs and viruses etc. Asking questions about what will and won't be done and why seems reasonable to me.

And that's great. Ask them to management though or higher up maybe? That's all I'm saying. I'm just at a point where I want to serve people with as little interaction as possible, especially when it's interaction about virus related stuff.
The reason it irks me is because customer comments about the whole thing have quietened down. Now, because this latest round of messaging is once again clear as mud all the comments will start up again.

'Why aren't you wearing a mask?'
'That mask is no good you should wear this type of mask'
'Why can't I come in without a mask'
'Let me speak to your manager'
'Why aren't you selling masks?'
'You should have perspex up'

x50 of each of those statements in the coming weeks.
The public can be very annoying yes. You're going to have to just suck it up!!
Question it all you like but don't start wagging your finger at staff for not wearing a mask. If you're not doing that then fair enough but it sounds like you are and as someone who's worked throughout the whole thing I've repeatedly had either:

'Oh, why are you wearing a mask isn't that a bit dramatic? You look ridiculous'


'You should be wearing a mask you know. Aren't you worried you'll catch it/pass it on to other people?'

Yes! I'm fucking terrified and have been with or without wearing a mask! And yes I know it looks stupid, so do your stupid bent fucking glasses but I don't comment on them do I?

How about buy your shit and fuck off without saying anything like the sign says that I posted earlier? Do these people walk up to random people on the street and ask why they're not wearing certain clothes? Why they are wearing certain clothes? I just don't know what makes some people think they have a given right to pass comment.

I'm not aiming this all at you, Kali. Just people in general who have been doing this sort of thing since February. It's tiring and draining.

That's their business though. If someone's black, over 60 or black and over 60 and they don't wanna wear a mask they don't wanna wear a mask. You're in a shop for a few minutes, we're in them working all day.

You might think you're being helpful but in reality, you're just saying the same shit 50 other people have said before you and it's tedious. It's not your job to be concerned about what precautions people take or not. It's akin to asking a couple you see kissing whether they intend to wear a condom or not when they get home and start having sex.

I know you might think you're being helpful, caring and understanding but you're just adding to the already stressful time work is at the moment. It's the government's responsibility to get everyone on side and wearing masks in the appropriate setting. It's the government's responsibility to properly legislate that and it's the government's responsibility to provide clear and easy to follow instructions. They've failed on all those fronts.

Governments across the world have managed this without issue and the citizens in those countries are happy to wear masks. Here it's this constant pissing about and moaning.
Well thanks for saying it's not aimed at me I was starting to wonder :D

I dont wag my finger at anyone and have just enquired gently. I've ended up having some really interesting conversations and what is apparent is people are unclear about how it is transmitted and how to stay safe or dont believe it.

Because of the lack of clarity and where I work and that I believe that we dont yet know enough about this virus I choose to believe everyone is covid positive in the absence of a test and act accordingly. Also I AM a pain in the arse at work because frankly people that should know better like Doctors and nurses can be crap at basic infection control.....and yeh I'm fucking on it!😍
I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm asking how can it ever be inappropriate for someone working on a till to have protection? That statement seems to suggest that it might not always be appropriate for them to wear protection.
I know I was echoing you and saying wow about the article.....not you x
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