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Wear masks in shops

hmmm ... not heard this, but cant see how i can get out of wearing one. I dont mind wearing a mask, but its going to mean wearing it for 10 hours a day (2hours commute + 8 hours work), and id rather that were not the case

i might get a visor instead tbh = not sure which will be the most breathable
In my experience, having worn masks+goggles+ear defenders for extended periods, visor will be best. Dusty and noisey? then a face shield with a hood and skirt that hangs down to the neck is most comfortable, although this will steam up too after a while. The condensation is the main irritant, steams glasses, soaks skin, turns any dust to muddy dirt. Looks like a Bond villain in a lab too.
Does anyone know the viability of just wearing a visor? I remember reading a study sying that they're good on their own, obviously better with a mask though. I've been wearing a very flimsy one off and on for a while so I supsect it's disposable and should only be worn once. If I'm to buy a reusable one which one do I get? I just looked on Amazon but they all look more or less the same and there's no way of knowing if they're reusable or not.
Does anyone know the viability of just wearing a visor? I remember reading a study sying that they're good on their own, obviously better with a mask though. I've been wearing a very flimsy one off and on for a while so I supsect it's disposable and should only be worn once. If I'm to buy a reusable one which one do I get? I just looked on Amazon but they all look more or less the same and there's no way of knowing if they're reusable or not.
pure guess, theyre all reusable, in that chucking them doesnt help any - just give it a good clean with antiviral spray at the start and end every day
Does anyone know the viability of just wearing a visor? I remember reading a study sying that they're good on their own, obviously better with a mask though. I've been wearing a very flimsy one off and on for a while so I supsect it's disposable and should only be worn once. If I'm to buy a reusable one which one do I get? I just looked on Amazon but they all look more or less the same and there's no way of knowing if they're reusable or not.
Good on their own better with a mask is right. Wash in hot soapy water probably enough, Bag at end of shift for transporting.
So, teachers (and students) are forbidden to wear masks from September and I do kind of understand, because they make communication really difficult, especially in a noisy room.
But I’m clinically vulnerable and have concerns.

Is there any point in me wearing a visor? We think the school would be ok with it, but is there any point?

Ftr, in secondary, although the students are in year group megabubbles they won’t be distancing. Teachers are not in bubbles and the only concession to our safety is guidance to remain at the front, 2m away from kids. I teach drama, and that’s not going to happen, because they won’t be sitting nicely at desks. Over the course of every two week period I will have worked in an room with between 300-400 students, with a new minimum lesson length of 100 mins.
I’m just going to have to accept that I will get this, right? And hope I don’t die.
So, teachers (and students) are forbidden to wear masks from September and I do kind of understand, because they make communication really difficult, especially in a noisy room.
But I’m clinically vulnerable and have concerns.

Is there any point in me wearing a visor? We think the school would be ok with it, but is there any point?

Ftr, in secondary, although the students are in year group megabubbles they won’t be distancing. Teachers are not in bubbles and the only concession to our safety is guidance to remain at the front, 2m away from kids. I teach drama, and that’s not going to happen, because they won’t be sitting nicely at desks. Over the course of every two week period I will have worked in an room with between 300-400 students, with a new minimum lesson length of 100 mins.
I’m just going to have to accept that I will get this, right? And hope I don’t die.
That’s disgraceful :( :mad:
Ftr, in secondary, although the students are in year group megabubbles they won’t be distancing. Teachers are not in bubbles and the only concession to our safety is guidance to remain at the front, 2m away from kids. I teach drama, and that’s not going to happen, because they won’t be sitting nicely at desks. Over the course of every two week period I will have worked in an room with between 300-400 students, with a new minimum lesson length of 100 mins.
I’m just going to have to accept that I will get this, right? And hope I don’t die.
one sliver lining, if theres an outbreak on any scale we'll all be going back to lockdown before very long
I worked in a junior school setting and getting splashed with kid spittle from happy enthusiastic pupils was just one of those things. Unavoidable. If i was still there I'd have a visor and wear it when in close proximity but not all the time.
I'd like to see some research for the effectiveness of visors tbh, especially given the more evidence that's coming out for aerosol transmission rather than droplet. Yeah they might be OK for someone coughing in your face, but that's a very big gap at the bottom, especially as people seem to push them up more and more as time goes on.
What’s the alternative though, really? The mental health fallout from lockdown is already a massive concern (I meant students, but actually, staff too).

The alternative is schools do go back, but it a very different way, and maybe some classes/subjects won't be able to be taught? Sports are going to be very different, why not some subjects?
What have the school said about that? The school I know is not allowing some of the stuff you're doing. Have you contacted the union as well?
It’s literally the only way to keep the kids in these year team bubbles. Teachers go to them.
Yr7-9 will have a two week timetable but each lesson will be a double.
yr10-13 will have a one week timetable and be taught in triple lessons.
Hard to interpret the govt policy doc in any other way, tbh.
You've said there's guidance about staying 2m away at the front, but then said that won't happen as you teach drama. Sounds a bit like you need to accept/say you can't teach the way you used to, and follow the guidance?
The alternative is schools do go back, but it a very different way, and maybe some classes/subjects won't be able to be taught? Sports are going to be very different, why not some subjects?
Cutting subjects doesn’t solve the problem. Or rather, it might solve one set of logistical problems, but will make things worse for kids’ mental health, careers progression etc.
20Bees I wear the mask non stop between 6.50am till 12 ish have a 30 min break then a new one till my next 30 minute break. So usually 3 masks for a 12 hour shift.
You've said there's guidance about staying 2m away at the front, but then said that won't happen as you teach drama. Sounds a bit like you need to accept/say you can't teach the way you used to, and follow the guidance?
Ahh. With you.
We can try with that stuff. It’s hard to imagine how it would work, but the stuff about drama isn’t policy, it was me being cynical.
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Ahh. With you.
We can try with that stuff. It’s hard to imagine how it would work, but the stuff about drama isn’t policy, it was me being cynical.

I think lots of people are starting to realize many things are going to be very different long term tbh, even though on some level we have known and been told this all along. I guess the way things are starting to turn towards thinking about the winter and a possible second way is also fueling this.
Just been to my local supermarket and have to say already quite a high percentage of shoppers wearing face coverings, probably 90%. As I mentioned earlier though, it has been rising steadily recently anyway.

Following on from this conversation the thing that was really apparent was that hardly any of the staff were wearing any sort of face covering, maybe 5%. It just looks plain odd when all the customers are.

I think we need to learn from the lockdown experience and understand that things like this only really work if there is a high level of compliance. Its pretty easy to pinpoint the moment many people started giving up on lockdown to the Cummings affair. Once it reaches a critical mass its all fucked and no one bothers. I think it will be very difficult for stores to justify let alone enforce if it only applies to some...

I know it will be difficult for store workers and maybe even unpleasant but its not beyond the wit of us to find better face coverings that can be work comfortably for longer hours. All our options are shit we just have to get through as best we can.

ETA: I should add I think those working behind a perspex screen are probably OK its more the shop floor workers.
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