So, teachers (and students) are forbidden to wear masks from September and I do kind of understand, because they make communication really difficult, especially in a noisy room.
But I’m clinically vulnerable and have concerns.
Is there any point in me wearing a visor? We think the school would be ok with it, but is there any point?
Ftr, in secondary, although the students are in year group megabubbles they won’t be distancing. Teachers are not in bubbles and the only concession to our safety is guidance to remain at the front, 2m away from kids. I teach drama, and that’s not going to happen, because they won’t be sitting nicely at desks. Over the course of every two week period I will have worked in an room with between 300-400 students, with a new minimum lesson length of 100 mins.
I’m just going to have to accept that I will get this, right? And hope I don’t die.