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Wear masks in shops

They're not that bad, people working in ICU have managed much more, surely others can for a potter round the shops without embarking on a marathon moaning session about how terrible it is ffs?

Highly skeptical there's that many people that can't wear them for health reasons either tbh. We're not talking a gas mask, a light face covering is fine.
I don’t understand why this is such a big issue in the U.K. It is causing some discussion here, some are anti, overall there’s a lot of support for masks.

I think the difference is that the rules here are clear, and enforcement is clear and visible.
I'd like to see some research for the effectiveness of visors tbh, especially given the more evidence that's coming out for aerosol transmission rather than droplet. Yeah they might be OK for someone coughing in your face, but that's a very big gap at the bottom, especially as people seem to push them up more and more as time goes on.

Found a couple:


Both seem to say they're OK for droplets on their own but less good for aerosol protection on their own without a mask. However, both are talking about front line health care workers dealing directly with sick patients.

This is why I've wanted mask wearing mandatory in shops. Sure, it's best I wear a mask as well as customers but masked up customers combined with face shielded workers doing social distancing, hand washing and so on is a pretty good settlement between comfort of worker and safety of everyone. That or I'm just wishful thinking and should wear a mask? Either way a visor is better than nowt.
I'm going on public transport later. I need to pop and buy some masks.
I have one of these, but would i look a tit wearing one on the bus?
Yeah this valve thing opens up a whole new can of worms (literally!)
There are loads of cloth masks with valves being sold now, and I don't even know if the valves can be opened and closed, and if people will know to close them in the relevant (i.e indoor) places🤔?
I've been in two different supermarkets since Friday when it became mandatory in Scotland and all the staff in both were wearing masks.
France will in the next few weeks make it compulsory for people to wear masks in shops and other enclosed public spaces to stop a resurgence of the COVID-19 outbreak, President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday.

The virus, which killed more than 30,000 people in France, has been on the decline, but Macron said it was spreading again in some places as France opens up beaches, bars and restaurants after a two-month lockdown.

"We have some signs that it's coming back a bit," Macron said in an interview with French broadcasters. "Faced with that, we must anticipate and prepare.

"I want us, in the next few weeks, to make masks compulsory in enclosed public places.

"I ask fellow citizens to wear masks as much as possible when they are outside, and especially so when they are in an enclosed space," Macron said.

Is it masks or coverings they are mandating?
He's a bit vague in his speech... he only says "masks" ...

But the French government as usual takes these things very seriously ...

I don’t understand why this is such a big issue in the U.K. It is causing some discussion here, some are anti, overall there’s a lot of support for masks.

I think the difference is that the rules here are clear, and enforcement is clear and visible.
It's all because of the many mixed messages from the shitcunts in Government. If they could just accept the scientific advice and not try to spin it for their own ends, then we wouldn't have this vascillation. But what do you expect from a PM who likes to wiff waff 🙄
Visited the village shop wearing my mask, I was the only person there wearing one, and come to think of it I have only seen two other punters wearing masks in there in the last 10 weeks.

The staff don't wear them.
I'd like to see some research for the effectiveness of visors tbh, especially given the more evidence that's coming out for aerosol transmission rather than droplet. Yeah they might be OK for someone coughing in your face, but that's a very big gap at the bottom, especially as people seem to push them up more and more as time goes on.
As a supermarket cashier I’m sitting at the till, so lower than the customers passing in front of me, and I think the visor is brilliant for protecting me from the customers. Aerosol droplets from my breath could possibly rise and spread sideways to the level of their faces, but it’s more likely my droplets will land on their groceries. To wear just a visor on public transport, for example, won’t negate the effect of gravity and all exhaled droplets are going to land somewhere, maybe on a surface touched by someone’s hand?

Our visors have a deep foam band across the forehead and buttonhole elastic at the back, they’re really comfortable but they mark easily. I use a microfibre cloth or J-cloth to wash and sanitise it, paper towels scratch.
He's a bit vague in his speech... he only says "masks" ...

Not planning on visiting France in the near future, cheers for the heads up.

When they rebooted public transport vague was coverings (think there was mask supply concerns at time, but has been largely followed and should beenough data to check impact)... Also starting to see growing number of 95"s as litter
I suspect this is going to be a bit of a legal minefield - even medically-approved masks can be worn badly ...
Does wearing a mask protect you from the till lady at the local Asda sticking her fingers in her gob to take her chewing gum out and then fettling all my shopping? I'm glad I only had a few items so could say fuck that I'll go on the scab till.
That’s repulsive, surely she should face a caution? My employers would not tolerate it.
That’s repulsive, surely she should face a caution? My employers would not tolerate it.
I doubt she did it on purpose; more like she just forget herself for a moment. On a similar note, my Father got his change from a cashier(not the same one) and put the note in his gob while he got his wallet out and I had to tell him about it. Easy to forget innit? Especially as ''getting back to normal''

Something like the till lady doing that wouldn't phase most people under usual circumstances.
Do we think this cunt actually does his own shopping ?

Yet Alistair Haimes, owner of a private investment company who joined the Tories a few months ago, said he is now leaving the party.

"They think that people will be more confident to go back to shops and offices if they wear them than if they don't," he said.

"I think people should be free to wear them. I just object to being told what to do."

Yeah, I particularly object to being told cutting this surplus cunt’s throat will lead to me being sanctioned.
Indeed, and there also seems to be a fair bit of crossover between them and the kind of twats who like ranting on about the Blitz. Just wait til they hear about the masks people were issued with then!

And there have also been reports of people whining that pubs and theatres and cinemas didn't close down in the war, apparently unaware that bombs are not the same thing as an infectious disease.
And there have also been reports of people whining that pubs and theatres and cinemas didn't close down in the war, apparently unaware that bombs are not the same thing as an infectious disease.


Needless to say, he was UKIP.
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