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Wear masks in shops

Got a call from office today whilst I was at work claiming Amazon have had complaints from customers that a number of drivers, including me, haven’t been wearing face masks when delivering! Absolute joke - my mask is virtually glued to my face all day :mad: - are customers confusing their Amazon delivery drivers with their DPD drivers (the latter who don’t wear masks?):hmm: Anyway, the boss is going to be doing some spot checking from now on - bring it on, I always wear my mask 😷

I delivered to a number of shops today including Morrison’s, O2 and Amazon lockers in shopping malls - quite a few people wearing masks, tho quite a few not.
the big supermarket up the road has totally scrapped distancing by the looks of it. They still have the arrows, but the security man with the ticker counting people in and out has gone. The other big supermarket(I haven't been for a while) simply had a young woman offering sanitiser spray for the trollies
Yup, that's about the size of it. I got funny looks for wearing a mask, but I just grinned back. I trust that the grin showed in the eyes :D
Got a call from office today whilst I was at work claiming Amazon have had complaints from customers that a number of drivers, including me, haven’t been wearing face masks when delivering! Absolute joke - my mask is virtually glued to my face all day :mad: - are customers confusing their Amazon delivery drivers with their DPD drivers (the latter who don’t wear masks?):hmm: Anyway, the boss is going to be doing some spot checking from now on - bring it on, I always wear my mask 😷

I delivered to a number of shops today including Morrison’s, O2 and Amazon lockers in shopping malls - quite a few people wearing masks, tho quite a few not.

ye I'd noticed that the amazonian drivers aren't wearing face masks. All the other companies are, especially DPD, and they wear gloves.
I had an Amazon delivery today and I have no idea whether the guy was wearing a mask because he was like ten metres away from me when I opened the door, and moving on to the next place. I just waved and said "cheers mate".
I had an Amazon delivery today and I have no idea whether the guy was wearing a mask because he was like ten metres away from me when I opened the door, and moving on to the next place. I just waved and said "cheers mate".

Yeah. They don't usually come close enough to be a risk so I don't care whether they wear masks. they should have them when delivering inside shops, yeah, or if they do have to get close to a customer, but otherwise, it's just putting an extra unnecessary requirement on low-paid workers.
ye I'd noticed that the amazonian drivers aren't wearing face masks. All the other companies are, especially DPD, and they wear gloves.

What? Haven’t you got it the other way around?

All Amazon delivery drivers have to wear face masks, Amazon provide them with hand sanitiser and surface wipes for free.

Ive not seen any other delivery company including Royal Mail wearing masks.
I've ordered loads of the things of eBay in preperation. Not happy - I'd've prefered the 2m rule (and the associated entrance limits to various establishments) to stay in place and be rigidly enforced. Despite being ridiculously predisposed towards colds, I haven't had one in six months (A couple of suspected sore throats ultimately amounted to naught). Social distancing works, and the masks are completely replacing that. 1m+ doesn't mean shit - it's business as usual.
We touched briefly on the subject of valves in masks yesterday - I only found out about it in the last couple of days, and I reckon it needs a lot more attention.
Been seeing lots of people out and about in them, and there are loads of them for sale, including by the company I work for (I will be highlighting the issue with them).
In the context of the Gove-not-wearing-one-in-Pret-debacle (therefore now official government line being they are not needed in takeway food places :facepalm: ), Sunak was pictured emerging from a Pret in what the Guardian called a "snazzy mask". They do look sort of snazzy, but apparently are ill-suited to protect other people, which is the whole rationale for making everyone wear them.

Article explaining this here. While googling for that article that I had found earlier today, I also just found this article from yesterday in the Independent, picking up on a government video ad promoting the new guidance but seemingly featuring a person with a valve mask...
ive had an amazon delivery this week and 1 last week neither of them had masks on. same with iceland delivery.

noticed some local shops that used to smell disinfected soon as you go in are now not even masking up or anything. someone openly sneezed in the queue to go in the chemist with no mask or even a hand/elbow to the mouth and then laughed at everyone who jumped. funny looks and laughs in my direction when im the only fucker with a mask on. doing my fucking head in
There's a wee guy who does parcel deliveries in an unbadged white van round here who has parked half in the bus lane and half on the already quite narrow pavement right outside my flat three nights this week, thus making it impossible for a wheelchair or pram to pass and impossible for pedestrians to social distance, and causing traffic to back up every time a bus comes. He always has a mask on. Very considerate.
I think I have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating as a means of comparing what is happening here v the U.K.

At the start of the easing of lockdown I went to Primark, Córdoba. Very strict distance rules were in place, everyone counted in and out to maintain occupancy levels, everyone obliged to wear gloves, masks and to use sanitizer.

As I stood in the queue to pay, again tightly regulated to ensure distancia, a girl behind me came very close to me trying to look at something. I turned, she looked up, apologised repeatedly and stepped back.

Now, a few weeks later, the local Springfield is still being this strict on entry etc. I’ve not been back to Córdoba so don’t know how it is there.

It is only at the beaches and tourist areas that I see any level of disregard for the rules. And many of these areas are getting increasingly strict again.

If we can do it here in 40º heat, why can’t you do it in the U.K.? Is it only because here the rules are strictly applied and fines are issued? Is it just because the rules here are very clear?
Just to add, our local Carrefour still has gloves and sanitizer, you must still wear a mask. There’s still some poor bloke in full coveralls, head to toe, gloves, mask, face shield cleaning every trolley after use. There’s a security man directing people to the clean trolleys and where to leave the used ones.

We’ve had days of 38 to 42 temperatures. The cleaner must be so uncomfortable, but he’s always there doing his job.
If we can do it here in 40º heat, why can’t you do it in the U.K.? Is it only because here the rules are strictly applied and fines are issued? Is it just because the rules here are very clear?

We were told right at the beginning that masks weren't much use and could be counterproductive if not used correctly. This was not just the UK government, but the UK govenment following the advice of the WHO.

This was also in the context of a shortage of masks for NHS workers i.e. don't wear them as you might be depriving someone of a mask who needs it more.

I was reading the official covid guidelines for re-opening pubs last week, it says something like, 'well, you can wear a mask if you like, but there isn't much evidence that they work'.

So I'm still kind of clinging to the original science.

I live in one of the least hit regions in the UK, I shop later when the shops are less busy, I instinctively step back if someone invades my 2m security zone but I very rarely wear a mask.
I went up to the local Screwfix branch earlier to pick up some click and collect bits. I stood by the barrier outside while waiting to be allowed in. I popped my mask on and went in to the counter. I had a senior moment when the assistant asked if I had a text response, as I tried to access my iPhone and realising that facial recognition doesn’t work through masks!!
A few weeks ago at least half the people in our local Asda had masks on - earlier this week, I was pretty much the only one!
Popped in my local Asda this morning.
Hardly any of the staff or customers had masks on, less than a third for sure.
To be honest they have been pretty slack for a few weeks now.
We were told right at the beginning that masks weren't much use and could be counterproductive if not used correctly. This was not just the UK government, but the UK govenment following the advice of the WHO.

This was also in the context of a shortage of masks for NHS workers i.e. don't wear them as you might be depriving someone of a mask who needs it more.

I think it was also a case of the devil is in the detail of exactly which question about masks was being answered when they were described as potentially counterproductive.

Yes, masks only provide partial protection to the person wearing them, but they do provide more protection to others. So it can be counterproductive if someone dons a mask and then feels invincible so goes out into crowded places mixing with lots of people they would have avoided if they hadn’t put the mask on. However, if nearly everybody wears masks then the collective protection level is much higher, so if there are enough masks available and people can be persuaded to use them, then it’s beneficial to mandate the wearing of them.

Back in the early days you mentioned, yes masks were in short supply and it was also still thought that true airborne transmission, rather than spreading via droplets was the main infection mechanism.

Overall, I don’t see any case for you to rarely wearing a mask as you said you do. What you’re really saying by “clinging to the original science” is you’re choosing to make decisions based on worse information than is currently available. Your choice, but not very wise IMHO.
Overall, I don’t see any case for you to rarely wearing a mask as you said you do. What you’re really saying by “clinging to the original science” is you’re choosing to make decisions based on worse information than is currently available. Your choice, but not very wise IMHO.
This is pretty fair. After all we were (are still?) pushed into a herd immunity which has not been good and seems less likely to offer immunity.

Science has been largely ignored by this government.
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