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Wear masks in shops

I've just come back from the shops, and I'm starting to think the whole mask thing is all but pointless. About half of the shoppers were wearing masks, and every one of them was touching it or lowering it to scratch their nose or wipe the condensation from their mouth, then picking up things off the shelf and putting them back down for the next customer to catch the virus from. One woman removed her mask and used the outside of it to wipe her face. Then, at the checkout, the girl at the till was wearing a mask, around her chin, and coughed into her hand as she was sorting the customer before me :facepalm:
I've just come back from the shops, and I'm starting to think the whole mask thing is all but pointless. About half of the shoppers were wearing masks, and every one of them was touching it or lowering it to scratch their nose or wipe the condensation from their mouth, then picking up things off the shelf and putting them back down for the next customer to catch the virus from. One woman removed her mask and used the outside of it to wipe her face. Then, at the checkout, the girl at the till was wearing a mask, around her chin, and coughed into her hand as she was sorting the customer before me :facepalm:

It is entirely, or almost entirely pointless. The main reason for it is to get people out of their houses again, by providing "something they can do".
I've just come back from the shops, and I'm starting to think the whole mask thing is all but pointless. About half of the shoppers were wearing masks, and every one of them was touching it or lowering it to scratch their nose or wipe the condensation from their mouth, then picking up things off the shelf and putting them back down for the next customer to catch the virus from. One woman removed her mask and used the outside of it to wipe her face. Then, at the checkout, the girl at the till was wearing a mask, around her chin, and coughed into her hand as she was sorting the customer before me :facepalm:

Exactly. It's not going to work. Like the till lady with the chewing gum in her mouth who I refused to let serve me. People keep forgetting, or just don't want to do it.

And I mean like for example going from my flat over to the shop and back it's easy to make sure I touch everything with my left hand, use my keys to push lift buttons etc. and not touch my face, but it can't be helped when people are sat for long periods at work.
It is entirely, or almost entirely pointless. The main reason for it is to get people out of their houses again, by providing "something they can do".

I thought the main reason was to prevent further spread now there's lots more people out and about shopping.
I thought the main reason was to prevent further spread now there's lots more people out and about shopping.

I think it's just to get as many out as possible. Little psychological crutch for those still feeling wary.
I expect it probably has some degree of tiny effect, just less than a lot of people imagine.

If they were used meticulously as per guidelines, probably more effect.
I couldn't believe the girl at the checkout. She could be infecting thousands of people today.
But please don't state it is all pointless because some people are too feckless.

Masks do help stop transmission. There will always be a few people who don't 'wear them well' or others who can't, but it a critical mass do then we will help protect the more vulnerable in society.

As said before it is a small sacrifice and is the least we can fucking do.
Makes sense.

I think very few people are doing the other stuff that goes with mask use re: washing the mask, changing them etc.
If that is followed then it might help you avoid infecting others during the asymptomatic phase.

To the best of my knowledge, anyway.
I think it's just to get as many out as possible. Little psychological crutch for those still feeling wary.
I expect it probably has some degree of tiny effect, just less than a lot of people imagine.

If they were used meticulously as per guidelines, probably more effect.
No. Our government punting herd immunity over public lives is 'getting as many out as possible'.

Masks reduce the spread of infection. Doctors and scientists say this and I will take their word over people who are trying to find reasons not to and share these 'reasons' with others.

Think on
No. Our government punting herd immunity over public lives is 'getting as many out as possible'.

Masks reduce the spread of infection. Doctors and scientists say this and I will take their word over people who are trying to find reasons not to and share these 'reasons' with others.

Think on

Plenty of scientists disagree. You can always find Doctors ready to parrot Government edicts.
Maybe you should do a little thinking yourself.
But please don't state it is all pointless because some people are too feckless.

Masks do help stop transmission. There will always be a few people who don't 'wear them well' or others who can't, but it a critical mass do then we will help protect the more vulnerable in society.

As said before it is a small sacrifice and is the least we can fucking do.
I wear one. I just wish other fucks would wear one (properly) too, and not spit all over my food.
Why do surgeons wear them?

Masks main focus is to stop you infecting others, the surgeon goes in as sterile possible and the mask stops moisture from his mouth infecting the patient.

Masks do work but they are reliant on plenty of people doing them. If your walking around in a shop and no other fucker is in a mask they are nearly pointless, especially if your touching them.
Just because some people are idiots about it doesn't make wearing masks pointless, it's not an all or nothing proposition. Everybody who wears a mask helps and there is no good excuse for not wearing one in crowded indoor places. Look up any reputable science website and they will come down on masks being among the most effective ways to stoping the spread of this virus. In Germany they've been mandatory in shops for months and I can't believe the UK, which has been affected so much worse, is still dithering about stuff like this.
Just because some people are idiots about it doesn't make wearing masks pointless, it's not an all or nothing proposition. Everybody who wears a mask helps and there is no good excuse for not wearing one in crowded indoor places. Look up any reputable science website and they will come down on masks being among the most effective ways to stoping the spread of this virus. In Germany they've been mandatory in shops for months and I can't believe the UK, which has been affected so much worse, is still dithering about stuff like this.

It looks like a whole rash of countries are only just saying wear masks, France is making them mandatory in August, which is just crazy.

Things here are not helped at all by the governments "wear them but not here, here, here, here or here, just in shops" and enabling the lazy fuckers to opt out when buying Costa or whatever.
It looks like a whole rash of countries are only just saying wear masks, France is making them mandatory in August, which is just crazy.

Things here are not helped at all by the governments "wear them but not here, here, here, here or here, just in shops" and enabling the lazy fuckers to opt out when buying Costa or whatever.

What we're lacking here is a catchy 3-word slogan.
I'm surprised Dominic Cummings has been so tardy sorting it out.

How about "MUZZLE UP, SUCKERS!!"
Just because some people are idiots about it doesn't make wearing masks pointless, it's not an all or nothing proposition. Everybody who wears a mask helps and there is no good excuse for not wearing one in crowded indoor places. Look up any reputable science website and they will come down on masks being among the most effective ways to stoping the spread of this virus. In Germany they've been mandatory in shops for months and I can't believe the UK, which has been affected so much worse, is still dithering about stuff like this.
Under the unspeakable Johnson anything is possible
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