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Wear masks in shops

Went into town today. Hardly anyone wearing a mask, with the exception of Waterstones, where almost everyone was. Interesting. A few people in Primark with them on their chins (what's the point.)

Did you notice whether Primark are selling face masks?
I suppose masks in shops means that shop workers will also have to wear them?

The staff in my local shop never wore them, they flirted with gloves but that didn't last very long.

Now that I have reusable masks I am happy to wear them.
Cats :facepalm:
I left it printing last night with cats in the room. One of them decided to investigate, and I got up today to a ball of plastic wool.
It's printing again now. Third time lucky.
I should have done a time lapse.
Third time? :facepalm:
I'm now on the fourth attempt. The first print detached from the bed. The second print was scuppered by cats. The third print was scuppered by the expensive slicing software! :facepalm:
It printed... kinda, but what's supposed to be the best slicing software (simplify3D) made a complete bollocks of the supports! It didn't place supports where it should have, and I neglected to check them, so it was a fail.



So I've reverted to a free software, Cura, which has a new (ish) 'experimental mode', called 'tree-support'. It's slower and uses more filament but I'm hoping this will work. I've tried 5 or 5 slicers now, and they've all failed, miserably.

Third time? :facepalm:
I'm now on the fourth attempt. The first print detached from the bed. The second print was scuppered by cats. The third print was scuppered by the expensive slicing software! :facepalm:
It printed... kinda, but what's supposed to be the best slicing software (simplify3D) made a complete bollocks of the supports! It didn't place supports where it should have, and I neglected to check them, so it was a fail.

View attachment 222710

View attachment 222711

So I've reverted to a free software, Cura, which has a new (ish) 'experimental mode', called 'tree-support'. It's slower and uses more filament but I'm hoping this will work. I've tried 5 or 5 slicers now, and they've all failed, miserably.

View attachment 222712
Wouldn't it be quicker and easier just to buy some masks?
Went to Sainsbury's yesterday. Shameful to see less than half the customers wearing masks. Worse still less than a quarter of staff wearing masks.

Vague messages from our disgraced government is not an excuse. Waiting till the 24th of July is like saying you can't get pregnant the first time.
Went to Sainsbury's yesterday. Shameful to see less than half the customers wearing masks. Worse still less than a quarter of staff wearing masks.

Vague messages from our disgraced government is not an excuse. Waiting till the 24th of July is like saying you can't get pregnant the first time.
Also with shop workers not having to wear masks it would mean a situation where I would be working on the shop floor without a mask, finish work, clock out, walk back onto the shop floor to do my own shopping and have to wear a mask :facepalm:

Because obviously being a shop worker gives me some kind of magic immunity.... but only while working!!


Though tbf I think Sainsbury's are making masks mandatory for all their workers.
In a big Asda yesterday and saw only one customer not wearing a mask. Edinburgh people seem to have really taken the message on board.

Maybe 3 people in Morrisons the other night weren't wearing masks. 2 of these people were shopping together - maybe an older daughter and mum. What's the deal - are you allowed/meant to challenge people who aren't wearing masks?
Maybe 3 people in Morrisons the other night weren't wearing masks. 2 of these people were shopping together - maybe an older daughter and mum. What's the deal - are you allowed/meant to challenge people who aren't wearing masks?
I do. But usually it goes down very badly. Having said that, people usually then put their masks on.
I think the shop workers where I go do have some kind of special immunity powers. Every Sunday for the entire lockdown I have gone into town and used the same 3 shops (tescos, wilkies and poundland) for my mam's shopping. It's the same staff every week and since week 1 none of them have worn a mask and none have done social distancing - it is quiet on a sunday and they have time to stand in groups for a natter - yet they are all still there, quite healthy.

what is the secret? we need to know!!!

On a serious note, it is disheartening when you take time to clean your hands, clean the basket, wear a mask and then you see none of the staff doing anything.
Just had a slightly edgy shopping experience in Bristol 5. (generally speaking a "liberal bubble")
I'm working at the moment so having to shop on weekends.
the CooP has been very casual right from the start, so no surprise there, but the Polish shop was crowded today and not a mask in sight - for once I felt I was wearing mine for my own protection and evaluating how much the pickles were worth to me ...
Traffic is picking up too and I provoked a reaction from a hatchback of yobs when I pointed at them after they'd gone through red on a pedestrian crossing.
May I point out that coupled with your mask, gloves are a good idea?

I take the car out every couple of weeks for fifty brisk miles and refill it to keep the tank as condensation free as possible.

The car is 'clean', everything outside the car is 'dirty'. Gloves and mask on, fill car, pay for petrol, discard gloves and mask in bin before getting back in the car.

I didn't think that barrier nursing techniques would be so useful in ordinary life.
May I point out that coupled with your mask, gloves are a good idea?

I take the car out every couple of weeks for fifty brisk miles and refill it to keep the tank as condensation free as possible.

The car is 'clean', everything outside the car is 'dirty'. Gloves and mask on, fill car, pay for petrol, discard gloves and mask in bin before getting back in the car.

I didn't think that barrier nursing techniques would be so useful in ordinary life.

That's not how loads of people use gloves though. Plenty of people seem to think wearing them gives them some kind of immunity from doing anything else to avoid infection, like they stop the virus burrowing it's little virusey fangs through your skin or something.
Are gloves inexpertly worn any better than gel and handwashing ?
I'm off up the chemist in a bit to see if I can do better than my doubled-up cycling bandana - I have at least half a dozen of those somewhere but can only find one ...
That's not how loads of people use gloves though. Plenty of people seem to think wearing them gives them some kind of immunity from doing anything else to avoid infection, like they stop the virus burrowing it's little virusey fangs through your skin or something.

As an ex-nurse, wearing gloves is a reminder that you are in a contaminated environment, so you take more care. Disposable vinyl gloves are something w always have in, when you have cats, you have cat puke. :) They are both hunters, so you don't take chances with the puke.
Are gloves inexpertly worn any better than gel and handwashing ?
I'm off up the chemist in a bit to see if I can do better than my doubled-up cycling bandana - I have at least half a dozen of those somewhere but can only find one ...

It is difficult to wear them 'inexpertly'. The gloves go on in a clean environment, and are discarded before returning to the clean environment.

I have no choice but sit this out, everyone who doesn't do what they should is making a return to 'normal' life even longer for those of us who really cannot afford to catch the virus. Our whole line is shielding, 137 is over 70, 138 has COPD, 139 has asthma and COPD, 140 (me) lung problems various. In normal times, you wouldn't think there was anything wrong with any of us.
It is difficult to wear them 'inexpertly'. The gloves go on in a clean environment, and are discarded before returning to the clean environment.

No it's not. People are wearing them the whole time, not how you described there. Touching themselves, everything around them, their faces, other things. How you are wearing them is definitely not how you see people out and about wearing them. Those people would be much better not wearing them and washing and alcohol gelling their hands frequently like we're told. And there's good reasons why as part of the government advice gloves do not feature for the public.
It is difficult to wear them 'inexpertly'. The gloves go on in a clean environment, and are discarded before returning to the clean environment.

I have no choice but sit this out, everyone who doesn't do what they should is making a return to 'normal' life even longer for those of us who really cannot afford to catch the virus. Our whole line is shielding, 137 is over 70, 138 has COPD, 139 has asthma and COPD, 140 (me) lung problems various. In normal times, you wouldn't think there was anything wrong with any of us.

Have you relaxed your shielding then recently, as if you're shielding you weren't supposed to be going to the shops or to fill up with petrol etc.?
This stuff is just retrospective justification when it's not mandated but people have heard it might be a good idea so feel the need to say something that defends their everyday position. As soon as it's mandated, in 95% of cases folk will be all "oh well of course it's sensible" and pretend they were always in favour, for the exact same reasons. There's no real ideological push against masks in the UK imo, just a few loons - it's just avoiding the old cognitive dissonance.
Bollocks, I wear a mask at work(the only one) and in shops ( usually the only one), but dismissing real concerns around masks helps no ones. The mask becomes a surface upon which the virus can live, people can adjust them, wear them as hammocks for their chins and think they're fucking invincible. This needs to be in the open and discussed or wearing them will do shit all.
Have you relaxed your shielding then recently, as if you're shielding you weren't supposed to be going to the shops or to fill up with petrol etc.?

I've been out four times. Masked, gloved and well away from other people. Mrs Sas doesn't drive, so she cannot do it.

You can't leave your car for months without it moving. It knackers the tyres as well as gumming up its innards.
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