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Wear masks in shops

Ask them to what? Wear a mask? Or sanitise? You're probably more at risk jumping on the scab tills and touching a screen other customers have touched. They don't always get sanitised between customers.

Just wear a mask yourself and wash your hands when you get home. The whole point of wearing a mask in shops is to protect other people, ie me, from catching anything you may have. If I'm behind a screen without a mask why is that a problem? On the shop floor without one I'm a bit more on side.
I do always have since lockdown and I alcohol gel the touch screen and pay pad before and after! :p
Am I paranoid thinking that the 11 day wait for what is a really simple instruction that everyone's had months to prepare for is primarily to allow some of their mates to get a good angle on it and make a couple of quid? Expect Cummings and Gove brand masks in a shop near you soon.
Nah its to give people who don't have any a chance to get some. When I first tried a while ago it was impossible to order any. I tired again when the public transport announcement was made and was able to order some that turned up in a couple of days, but the estimated delivery time was about a week.
Not had the joy of shopping with a mask yet, but I'm guessing wearing one all day could be irritating/uncomfortable.
I think the more you wear one the more used to it you become.

For me the face heating aspect of it is the most strange, but it doesn't seem to fog up my specs so it is doable.
I think the more you wear one the more used to it you become.

For me the face heating aspect of it is the most strange, but it doesn't seem to fog up my specs so it is doable.
Really? I can't see a thing due to fogged up glasses! Not much of an issue setting on a bus but a bit more awkward when shopping.
Ask them to what? Wear a mask? Or sanitise? You're probably more at risk jumping on the scab tills and touching a screen other customers have touched. They don't always get sanitised between customers.

Just wear a mask yourself and wash your hands when you get home. The whole point of wearing a mask in shops is to protect other people, ie me, from catching anything you may have. If I'm behind a screen without a mask why is that a problem? On the shop floor without one I'm a bit more on side.
Cus aerosols can travel more then 2 metres and over and around screens.

All the key workers me included have been put in terrible positions and not been protected. I'm really clear about what I will and wont do in my job without the right equipment. I have to be because frankly management, my trust, the bosses are not fighting for the people at the sharp end so I have to protect myself.

If other people knowing the potential risks choose not to then fine! All one can do is what you feel the most confident doing and undoubtedly that will be varied.
Also want to lower the risk to myself.
This is why I wear one too, protecting everyone else is an added bonus. I have to wear a mask at work, sometimes for hours (dust). Your job must be loads more worrying and uncomfortable than it was, you have my sympathy and admiration, and thank you for the insights your comments provide.
Requiring shop workers to wear masks as well could open up the idea that all people working in enclosed spaces with others should be wearing masks, and that employers should pay for them. Which I don't think the Tories want to do.
That and the fudging of where the h&s limits are for an employer liability.
Yes my son was the same. Perhaps I don't put mine so high on my nose.
I've tried that and it helps but tends to slip off so I momentarily become one of those people who only covers their mouth. Probably depends on nose shape and mask design.
I've tried that and it helps but tends to slip off so I momentarily become one of those people who only covers their mouth. Probably depends on nose shape and mask design.
Do yours have a wire so you can shape them to your nose?

Mine actually don't which I thought might make them worse for the spec misting business but anyhow they work for me.
Yes from 24 July
Yes, but not till the 24th and without clearing up enforcement issues.
I suppose they have to give us some time to get masks seeing as so few people seem to have them.

The only reason I could think they didn't do it sooner is they didn't want to take masks from emergency workers PPE supplies. But we are past that stage now and masks seem available to all.
Requiring shop workers to wear masks as well could open up the idea that all people working in enclosed spaces with others should be wearing masks, and that employers should pay for them. Which I don't think the Tories want to do.

The more I see staff at my workplace interact, the more I think it is necessary to ask people who work outside their home in indoor environments to wear masks.

I really don't know what some of my colleagues are thinking (maybe I should ask them!), I am genuinely baffled if they think the whole thing is over or if they think it's okay to have a quick discussion at pre-covid distance if it's only for a couple of minutes...? And, as I said before, there might be a couple of people with more Tory/libertarian type of leanings among them, but on the whole I don't think our staff are at the most brazen end of this at all, so I dread to think what other workplaces are like.
Much like an unwired bra?

A small inconvenience. Could you do any less?

Probably won't bother me doing my 30 minute dash round Tesco in a mask, but have no real desire to take part in inessential activities while mask wearing is forced. Bear in mind I'm in Scotland, where incidence of the virus is very low and I do feel safe maskless on that dash round Tesco. (Would feel differently if crushed up against people on public transport.) I really do hope that the environmental impact (vs the health benefits) of masks is factored in when forcing people to wear them and advising on what sort should be worn.
Was being very mature in my role as calm educator of the public of the necessity of face masks today...
(Maskless) customer (pointing at my mask): "Do you have to wear that thing all the time now?"
Me (in my cattiest voice): "Well, we don't know about shop staff yet, it's CUSTOMERS who will definitely have to wear them". Meow!
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I'm instantly suspicious that this isn't being covered in wider press but here you go:

Would have thought it was pretty straightforward to require that shop staff wear masks while they're on the shopfloor as distinct from being in the loading bay or goods yard. Big stores already have their own rules on wearing PPE depending on the situation, e.g. everyone has to put on hi viz tabards when the forklift is doing its rounds. Masks on the shopfloor would be an extension of that.
Idiots on Twitter already ranting about 'muzzles.' :facepalm:

Oh well, those who seem to regard a facemask as some unconscionable assault on their liberty look to be the kind of morons who voted for BJ in the first place, so in finally doing the right thing the government has also pissed off some of its own supporters.

And right on cue...

Most of 'em will slink back with their tails between their legs, of course, but even so it's mildly amusing to watch the twats have a meltdown.
What is it with the media these days. They take one random fuckwit's tweet and turn it into catastrophic event. I guess it sells papers/subscriptions.

Tbf you don't need look very far on Twitter to find quite a lot of Tories and erstwhile 'Boris' voters spitting their dummies about it. I only picked the Indie story because it was easier than linking to a string of tweets.
I'm instantly suspicious that this isn't being covered in wider press but here you go:

hmmm ... not heard this, but cant see how i can get out of wearing one. I dont mind wearing a mask, but its going to mean wearing it for 10 hours a day (2hours commute + 8 hours work), and id rather that were not the case

i might get a visor instead tbh = not sure which will be the most breathable
hmmm ... not heard this, but cant see how i can get out of wearing one. I dont mind wearing a mask, but its going to mean wearing it for 10 hours a day (2hours commute + 8 hours work), and id rather that were not the case

i might get a visor instead tbh = not sure which will be the most breathable

Visors are definitely better. I've been wearing one of them on and off throughout and you soon get to a point it's barely noticeable.
I work evenings as a supermarket cashier. For weeks the official line on the staff intranet was that PPE was relevant only to the healthcare profession and PHE England did not recommend its use generally. Then disposable gloves were made available for any staff wanting them, then hand sanitizers (though I’ve taken my own for as long as I’ve worked there). Then Perspex screens were fitted as distancing markers were placed around the store, alternate tills taken out of use, a one way system in the staff corridor, and the number of customers restricted. In May we had visors available to any staff wanting one - not single-use, they’re signed for and are to be sanitised and reused, not to be worn in the toilets nor taken off the premises, they’re brilliant, lightweight and comfortable. Still the line on masks was “not recommended, but if you want to wear your own, you can”. Two weeks ago they got black fabric masks, three per staff member, signed for, plus unlimited disposable masks. I had already bought pleated cotton masks with a muslin lining and pocket for a filter, from a local charity initiative. Now only the store-supplied masks can be worn at work. The fabric ones are so thick customers can’t hear what I’m saying so now I wear a disposable mask, and the visor. Several of the older female cashiers wear the visors, masks, or both. Not one of the youngsters do. The teenagers don’t use the hand gels, or face coverings, neither do they bother with social distancing. I sanitize my hands between customers, sanitize the card reader every time it’s used, and my touch screen, chair adjustment levers, security tag remover, the belt, dividers... the young cashiers roll their eyes...
Lots of customers wear various types of face coverings, I counted 50 or so customers wearing one through my 5 hour shift yesterday. Customers wearing masks seldom comment on my mask and visor, unless bemoaning glasses steaming up, but non-wearers often say, “Don’t you get hot?” and attempting that level of conversation means my mask gets damp as I’m talking. One yesterday said his father is a doctor who says masks shouldn’t be worn for more than two hours at a time. I’ll need to take three for my shift instead of one! Kalidarkone, how long do you wear one before changing it?

Staff intranet today suggests even night staff will have to wear them, though details aren’t confirmed. There is resistance already and that’s just staff grumbling, let alone policing the public.
Yes it is and causes spots but afaic I'd rather do it while there is a risk. I wear one all day at work apart from breaks and when I go Into a shop. Not outside.
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