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video debunking 9/11 conspiracies

Blagsta said:
Its not about that - its about the fact that you believe any old crap with no evidence.
Spot on!


DrJazzz said:
no, I didn't believe the official theory blagsta, which you describe perfectly... not for long, anyway


You believe any old conspiracy theory shit. Why? I worry about your sanity sometimes.
Dr Jazzz - does it really matter which "celebrity" people say they think there was a conspiracy? That doesn't amount to *proof* does it? Why should I think something just because Shayler, Pilger or whomever stands up and says "I believe it"? If they don't have any proof or even a decent argument to present then it is just guesswork or gut feelings on their behalf, and frankly anyone can do that for themselves.

You also seem to be under the false impression that either the USG version is 100% true or the conspiracy version is 100% true. The fact is that it is entirely consistent to distrust the USG *and* the conspiracy theories: it isn't an either/or choice where you have to either buy into one or buy into the other. Many people are willing to continue to ask questions about the war on terror and what might be happening behond the scenes without buying into any old rubbish. Again, I refer you to the Michael Moore movie, which was very sceptical about the whole war on terror, but didn't go down the idiotic holographic-missile-firing-WTC-rigged-with-bombs route.
The point about Shayler, Pilger et al. is that it should be making those posting up silly pictures and going on about moon landing hoaxes be feeling like right tits by now.

The question, TeeJay, is this:

The official theory is either true (it was Osama what done it, with his hijackers, and the USG was unable to stop him), or it isn't.

There is no 'middle ground' on that.

It is only a very few us that, so far, have been willing to publicly question the fundamental veracity of this theory. But the number is now growing. You will have to decide for yourself if you have your doubts about it or not. If you do, this poster welcomes you.

"They either let it happen, or they made it happen. And if they let it happen, they made it happen" Philip Berg
DrJazzz said:
The point about Shayler, Pilger et al. is that it should be making those posting up silly pictures and going on about moon landing hoaxes be feeling like right tits by now.
DrJazzz said:
...The official theory is either true (it was Osama what done it, with his hijackers, and the USG was unable to stop him), or it isn't.

There is no 'middle ground' on that...
Rubbish. The "official theory" consists of thousands of pages of information - the 9/11 commision, congressional reports, various statements by the USG and so forth. There may be large parts of this which are completely true, alongside other parts which might be false - as well parts which have simply be withheld and censored.

Moreover, the "loonspud" gibes have been thrown at people trying to claim all sorts of complex, convoluted and downright stupid theories, not at people who have simply expressed scepticism about the war on terror. Has anyone on u75 called Michael Moore a loonspud etc?

I am willing to speculate that parts of the USG were careless, that they were playing games with so-called terrorist groups and even that they were waiting to see what some of these people did - maybe hoping that a provocation or catching them "in the act" would provide excuses for both foreign adventures and increased defence/security/intelligence powers and spending. I am also willing to speculate that foreign states may have been involved officially or unofficially.

However this doesn't amount to the USG planning or executing the attack, knowing that NYC would be the target or that the attack would be so massive. "Letting" something happen can simply mean not really realising what you are watching happening until it is too late. That doesn't automatically imply you wanted it to happen or were helping it to happen.
Nonsense TeeJay.

Theories are either true or they aren't. You can't have, say, Osama held '50% guilty' by a court of law. Likewise, we were quickly presented with a theory of 9-11 by the media, which is that Osama Bin Laden planned the thing and nineteen or so hijackers carried it out, while the US military was caught off guard.

There is no halfway house - that official theory is either true or it isn't. And you are either willing to question it, or you are not. It is not necessary to commit to an alternative theory of what happened that day to doubt the official story.

So far, very few of us have; despite the inconsistencies and absurdities. But all this is changing.

"letting it happen" (where I and other sceptics are concerned) means having foreknowledge, and failing to prevent it by design. I should have added 'on purpose' (LIHOP).
I do see that Pilger's endorsing the book (Amazon). And I like Pilger quite a lot. However, he's not written a "9/11 Conspiracy! It was a hoax!" type article, he's merely saying the book has some good points and is worth reading, which I'm sure it is.
DrJazzz said:
...Theories are either true or they aren't...
But the "official version" makes thousands of separate claims. Of course it is possible to believe some of these claims and disbelieve others!

Even if someone doesn't believe all the official claims, why on earth do they have to give any credibility to any old nonsense that is offered instead?

You have no proof whatsoever that the USG organised or carried out the attacks. There is a vast amount of proof that the planes were hijacked and crashed. The part where is gets murky is the fact that some of these terrorists seemed to have links with the Saudi government and that they were supposedly under some kind of survelliance previously. Excuses have been made and parts of reports censored, but this doesn't prove *any* of your theories.

The other thing Dr Jazzz: What are you trying to achieve anyway? Where do your theories lead, politically speaking? Why do you and others bother putting so much effort into this and what ultimately do you hope to achieve and how? And to achieve these things, is it really necessary for you to convince people that 9/11 was a conspiracy?

Sorry, but to me it is at best a waste of your time and at worse a distraction and cover-up in itself - discrediting proper sceptics and muddying the waters to the Nth degree.
What a load of utter shite.

Firstly, I'll choose to discuss the topics I wish to. 9-11, being the biggest and most extraordinary event of my time, I find quite pertinent to discuss. You can talk about bell-ringing if you wish.

I don't care about the mass of details - the official story is either fundamentally true or not. It's like Elvis - he's either dead or alive. He ain't somewhere in between (please, no Heisenberg).

You're talking nonsense, and to say that I am somehow getting in the way of the 'proper sceptics' (pray tell who they are, and what they have been questioning) is breathtaking.

But I better get used to it, because rather than the likes of you, Loki, editor, blagsta, pk admit that I was right all the way along, you will be saying you never believed the official story, and even though I was completely right about everything, I'll have been right in a wrong kind of way, whereas you were all wrong in the right way, and I'll have been getting in the way of your search for the truth!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p
DrJazzz said:
...Firstly, I'll choose to discuss the topics I wish to. 9-11, being the biggest and most extraordinary event of my time, I find quite pertinent to discuss. You can talk about bell-ringing if you wish...
I asked you what you are hoping to achieve.
I don't care about the mass of details - the official story is either fundamentally true or not.
Where is this "official story" btw?
You're talking nonsense, and to say that I am somehow getting in the way of the 'proper sceptics' (pray tell who they are, and what they have been questioning) is breathtaking.
I have already mentioned Moore several times and also stated some of the things I feel are the "real questions". Rather than just saying "utter shite" how about you try and engage in debate?
But I better get used to it, because rather than the likes of you, Loki, editor, blagsta, pk admit that I was right all the way along, you will be saying you never believed the official story, and even though I was completely right about everything, I'll have been right in a wrong kind of way, whereas you were all wrong in the right way, and I'll have been getting in the way of your search for the truth!
Where have any of us admitted you were right? Which one of your various claims has been proven? In fact. Do you have *any* evidence that the USG organised, engineered or otherwise spcifically allowed 9/11 to happen?

Can you summarise briefly what it is you are claiming and the specific bits of evidence that support your claims?
Since you seem to respect Pilger as a journo DrJazzz, why do you think he hasn't written a single article claiming 9/11 was an elaborate fabricated US conspiracy? Surely it would be the scoop of the century.
teejay - you weary me :rolleyes:

Loki said:
Since you seem to respect Pilger as a journo DrJazzz, why do you think he hasn't written a single article claiming 9/11 was an elaborate fabricated US conspiracy? Surely it would be the scoop of the century.

I've talked to the guy Loki! :rolleyes:

So far the climate has been that for a public figure or respected journalist to openly question the official story, it would mean the end of their career. Thanks to internet and grassroots campaigning, let's hope that will change.

The scoop of the century has already been available on the internet. The 9-11 revolution will not be televised.
DrJazzz said:
So far the climate has been that for a public figure or respected journalist to openly question the official story, it would mean the end of their career. Thanks to internet and grassroots campaigning, let's hope that will change.

oh fuck off, i'm not having that. regardless of the rights and wrongs of your theories about 9/11, to claim that Pilger of all people wouldn't risk expressing his views for fear of career repercussions is a weak, fallacious and utterly dishonest argument.

bollocks, dr jazz, frankly. and i suspect that you know it
DrJazzz said:
Oh what about John Pilger then?

Christ you guys are ridiculous! It should be so obvious now!
Does Pilger support your fruitloop view that the WTC towers were detonated from within and that they were hit by a pretend passenger aircraft firing missiles from an invisible pod while a team of Mike Yarwood's instantly fooled loved ones with perfect faked phone calls?

I think not, dreamer.
DrJazzz said:
So far the climate has been that for a public figure or respected journalist to openly question the official story, it would mean the end of their career.
Utter shite.


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Here's the actual quote as supplied by the publisher to Amazon:

John Pilger said:
"Nafeez Ahmed's understanding of the post 9/11 power game, its lies, illusions and dangers, is no less than brilliant. Everyone should read this wise and powerfully illuminating book."

(My emphasis. :) )
Loki said:
Since you seem to respect Pilger as a journo DrJazzz, why do you think he hasn't written a single article claiming 9/11 was an elaborate fabricated US conspiracy? Surely it would be the scoop of the century.
The proof of their belief is evident in their not writing about their belief. This is how it works.
i've said this before, as have others, but i don't think for a minute we know the whole truth about 9/11, but any interest or enthusiasm for finding out what actually happened drains from me when i realise the amount of this bullshit you have to wade through.

the remote controlled robot invisible kite tinfoil plane alien Dr Jazzz shit clearly has nothing to recommend it, but has hijacked any possible oddities or suspicious aspects to what happened that it has become impenetrable.

indeed, if the US govt (or the lizards, or the Bildeberg Group) really wanted to draw attention away from any possible fuckups, lies or whatever that surround 9/11, people like Dr Jazzz are doing a brilliant job for them
yes, a ringing endorsement of a 9-11 conspiracy book. Thanks for that laptop. I think it should be pretty clear from that that John Pilger takes the 9-11 truth movement (nafeez is a fellow member, I get emails from him) pretty damn seriously - and that he will pick his moment carefully to weigh in fully himself.

And let me repeat, I've spoken to Mr. Pilger personally.

Oh and did we forget George Galloway agreeing that a staged terror attack to facilitate invasion of Iran was 'a very real possibility'?

These guys will speak freely when the public shows they are ready to listen. Will you lot ever be? Who knows. And don't forget, they are probably getting up to speed themselves!
DrJazzz said:
Oh and did we forget George Galloway agreeing that a staged terror attack to facilitate invasion of Iran was 'a very real possibility'?

ah, george galloway. the anti-abortion, pro-capital punishment opportunist extraordinaire. what a GREAT guy to have on your side.

DrJazzz said:
Will you lot ever be? Who knows. But others will.

fuck off, you patronising arsehole. thing is, i AM willing to listen. but i can't hear any opinions or theories that make sense over the incessant and insane dronings of you and your cohorts
dubversion - about five posts happened in the time I was replying to an earlier posts by butchersapron. I wasn't including you in that comment.
DrJazzz said:
dubversion - about five posts happened in the time I was replying to an earlier posts by butchersapron. I wasn't including you in that comment.
But when you spoke to Mr Pilger did he explicitly agree with what you've put forward on these boards. Or did you just talk to him. And then try and use that to offer some cred to those same views. That would be a tad dishonest if you did.
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