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video debunking 9/11 conspiracies

Stobart Stopper said:
Even my hamster wants to shoot herself.

I want :) :cool:
DrJazzz said:
Charming. :)

Well, I shall leave the thread as you wish. You did start it after all. If only I could demand the same of other posters on my threads!

Just because this thread is a load of shit, it doesn't make your threads smell any sweeter.
Jebus, your worse than that absolute crackpot on the peak oil thread who thinks oil is constantly made deep underground and is, in fact, unlimited. :rolleyes:

UFO's, Ghosts, Spontaneous Human Combustion, 9/11 conspirasy, fake moon landings etc etc etc are all made up by people who can't face up to that fact that lifes just not that interesting!! Theres a big wide world out there, don't waste your life rambling on about 9/11 on internet message boards. :(
There's one that is a vid. of a jet crashing into a brick wall that debunks a lot that has been said about the Pentagon CT. ?.... But are you referring to one particular video or a bunch of video's on a website?

'Cause the only one I can think of that is one video is the one about the JFK assassination ... but obviously that's got nothing to do with 911.


kitty's got his new hat on :eek:
i might know what you're on about, i've got a 10 min video which debunks in plane site and tells how the so called pods are just shadows, i'll try and remember where i dl'd it from.
Blagsta said:
I'm asking for a link to a specific video that debunks your crackpot shite.

I have a video of a load of aliens in my kitchen taking turns in the washing machine and the microwave .. ha ha ha like .. :rolleyes:
They aint all that .. issues about their looks and no penis or fuckall .. pfft
laptop said:
That's the one I found, too. The site it comes off is... not obviously concerned with debunking. Can some kind person with a grasp on the nature of evidence watch if for us and report back? :D
It's nothing special; it does however make these conspiracy idiots look very puerile in that they're trying to make their conclusion from indiscernible, low-resolution footage. It does debunk a number of complaints such as the utterly stupid 'pod' idea but no doubt said people can come up with some more to replace them.
mauvais mangue said:
It does debunk a number of complaints such as the utterly stupid 'pod' idea but no doubt said people can come up with some more to replace them.
So you didn't see the invisible pod, then?

editor said:
So you didn't see the invisible pod, then?

Nor the invisible explosions, missiles, Richard Nixon's dismembered head, Lottery hand or giant cyborg Elvis, I'm afraid. :(
mauvais mangue said:
It does debunk a number of complaints such as the utterly stupid 'pod' idea but no doubt sad people can come up with some more to replace them.


So it's part of the internecine war between those who speculate about conspiracies?
laptop said:

So it's part of the internecine war between those who speculate about conspiracies?
Its biggest failing is that it takes these paranoid idiots seriously, and in doing so perhaps lends extra credence to them.

However in a moment of inspiration I've cleverly developed my own anomaly from watching that debunking video. In showing that there's no pod on the aircraft, they show pictures of 'another' 767 which is alarmingly similar - not only this, but it is clearly in a totally different place where one can visually see, with one's eyes, that it is not crashing into a building. Ergo, it cannot have been involved in 9/11!
There was a program on two days ago debunking the fruitloop 'Moon Landings Were A Hoax' conspiraloons.

The arguments of the conspiracy theorists were torn apart into tiny little pieces, yet still people are willing to believe the their unqualified ramblings.
rorymac said:
I have a video of a load of aliens in my kitchen taking turns in the washing machine and the microwave .. ha ha ha like .. :rolleyes:
They aint all that .. issues about their looks and no penis or fuckall .. pfft

It's what they get up to with fabric conditioner that gets on my nerves.......................

editor said:
There was a program on two days ago debunking the fruitloop 'Moon Landings Were A Hoax' conspiraloons.

The arguments of the conspiracy theorists were torn apart into tiny little pieces, yet still people are willing to believe the their unqualified ramblings.

Oh shit. I noticed that in a program guide but was only skim reading it. I just saw its title and thought it was supporting the conspiranoids so didn't bother watching :rolleyes: .
mauvais mangue said:
Nor the invisible explosions, missiles, Richard Nixon's dismembered head, Lottery hand or giant cyborg Elvis, I'm afraid. :(

Tricky Dicks head? Where? I'd believe ANYTHING if you could show me a flying Nixon head!!

And I think we've broken the sandia link cuz it ain't working no more...
AverageJoe said:
Tricky Dicks head? Where? I'd believe ANYTHING if you could show me a flying Nixon head!!

And I think we've broken the sandia link cuz it ain't working no more...
Thought that was just me, or maybe i broke it... :(
editor said:
There was a program on two days ago debunking the fruitloop 'Moon Landings Were A Hoax' conspiraloons.

The arguments of the conspiracy theorists were torn apart into tiny little pieces, yet still people are willing to believe the their unqualified ramblings.

oh aye I saw that, it was really interesting actually - I thought it would a typical fruit-loop supporting program but it was quite well done.

There was re-enactment of similar photo scenes in the desert, the data on the moon rocks (chemical composition, age of rocks, formation of these glass bead-like globules from meterorite impacts and their age at like, 400 million years or something), plus the REALLY interesting bit (that all the sad flat earthers ignored) was the the lasers being fired at the moon and reflected back from equipment left on the moon to work out distances etc ... that was really neat.

total dissection of the saddo 'moon landings were fake', nicely done

of course, fruitloops just repeat "it was all faked because I know it so" rubbish ...

some people just want to live in a bubble b/c they're fucked up and can't cope with the big wide world
sorearm said:
some people just want to live in a bubble b/c they're fucked up and can't cope with the big wide world

Additionally, in Planet Conspiratoid :

Those who are sceptical about patently and obviously bonkers theories are gullible dupes who unquestioningly lap up everything 'the establishment' and the establishment media throw at them ... :mad:

That very common tendancy of CTists, to sneer at their detractors/sceptics for their 'gullibility', is maddening -- they NEVER address the proper issues relating to the nature of evidence, the credibility (or not!) of sources, and the possibility that the most ramblingly incoherent of conspiracy theories tend to discredit genuinely investigative research and compromise real exposure of scandals.

From which I conclude : Conspiracy theorists are in the pay of the CIA/MI5/MI6/the KGB etc etc :: :D

<well they must be, innit? ... :p >
AverageJoe said:
Tricky Dicks head? Where? I'd believe ANYTHING if you could show me a flying Nixon head!!

And I think we've broken the sandia link cuz it ain't working no more...
I'm afraid this is the best I could do:

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