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video debunking 9/11 conspiracies

sorearm said:
total dissection of the saddo 'moon landings were fake', nicely done
No rational person could still maintain that the landings were faked after that show. Part by part it tore apart the ludicrous 'proof' served up by the conspiraloons who - notably - all seemed more than a little odd (one went on about how the CIA 'tried' to kill him several times. So why didn't they finish off the job?!)
lies! lies!

yes, one I hadn't referred to for several pages of thread. Great work pk! :p

Anyway, I had part of my letter published in the Guardian re: the Mumps article editor posted, so that means I win the thread. ;)
editor said:
No rational person could still maintain that the landings were faked after that show. Part by part it tore apart the ludicrous 'proof' served up by the conspiraloons who - notably - all seemed more than a little odd (one went on about how the CIA 'tried' to kill him several times. So why didn't they finish off the job?!)
Yes, and the fact the the original hoax programme was published by FOX NEWS should tell you all you need to know - it was bogus conspiracy stuff designed to discredit the real stuff.
DrJazzz said:
yes, one I hadn't referred to for several pages of thread. Great work pk! :p

One you hadn't referred to since reading the links I provided showing your "facts" to be nothing but a crock of shit designed to scare young parents, you mean.

Great work Dr Jazzz!

i saw a good website once which took apart some of the moonlanding was faked theories (the one about angles of shadows) using lego folk.
anyone who saw it, what were they saying about the flag blowing in the "wind" in the airless atmosphere, or about the crosshairs on the photo having things (mebbe the flag again) blocking them out?
well if ed would rather entertain us with hilarious photos than enlighten us wi iwhat the program was sayin but those things, anyone else got a link to a good website which covers the same ground?
neilh said:
well if ed would rather entertain us with hilarious photos than enlighten us wi iwhat the program was sayin but those things, anyone else got a link to a good website which covers the same ground?
What bit do you want to know? The flag 'flapped' around because that's what things in zero gravity do when they're twisted into the ground.

The fact that it didn't flutter at all when astronauts bounced right past it proved that the video was shot in an airless environment.
editor said:
What bit do you want to know? The flag 'flapped' around because that's what things in zero gravity do when they're twisted into the ground.

The fact that it didn't flutter at all when astronauts bounced right past it proved that the video was shot in an airless environment.
but it wasn't zero gravity, just less than earths, which would suggest it would fall slowly till it was hanging down. what about the crosshairs, did it mention them?
neilh said:
what about the crosshairs, did it mention them?

That's bollocks as well. The crosshairs 'washed out' when directly over a white object. There's plenty of photos in which this happened (one in particular of the US flag in which it is very apparent) which the conspiracy theorists themselves disregard because they disprove their own argument.
Kolya said:
That's bollocks as well. The crosshairs 'washed out' when directly over a white object. There's plenty of photos in which this happened (one in particular of the US flag in which it is very apparent) which the conspiracy theorists themselves disregard because they disprove their own argument.
was this what the program the other night was saying?; a program i saw years ago on the telly was saying it was impossible for the crosshairs to be washed out like this becaust they were actually physically cut into the film at some point, after the photo was taken iirc. but i really don't know much about the whole process of photos like that so mebbe he was just talkin shite about it and i'd be none the wiser.
as for the flag thing, what was it saying on the program the other night about it?
i wish i had seen it.
mauvais mangue said:
Maybe 9/11 was carried out from the Moon in 1969, and that's why the photos were faked!
:D hah, they got some mad secret timetravel thing goin on too?
neilh said:
was this what the program the other night was saying?<snip>

Actually I didn't see the programme either, sorry. Go onto Wiki, there's good links to sites providing rebuttals to all of the conspiricists' claims, which I'm guessing the same are as the TV prog contained.


I did look for that photo of the flag I was talking about but couldn't see it, sorry. There should be other examples on the Wiki links though. :)
Kolya said:
Actually I didn't see the programme either, sorry. Go onto Wiki, there's good links to sites providing rebuttals to all of the conspiricists' claims, which I'm guessing the same are as the TV prog contained.


I did look for that photo of the flag I was talking about but couldn't see it, sorry. There should be other examples on the Wiki links though. :)
thanks a lot - that's the kind of thing i was after - should have thought to check the wiki. plenty of stuff there, i'll give it a read.
neilh said:
thanks a lot - that's the kind of thing i was after - should have thought to check the wiki. plenty of stuff there, i'll give it a read.

Cool. P.S. found a photo (there are dozens) just quickly, to demonstrate.

The moon landing hoax stuff is a load of nonsense.

Unfortunately that has little to do with 9-11, which was a very real crime. And top of the suspect list has to be those who would benefit. Except that we don't want to think about that... :rolleyes:
DrJazzz said:
Unfortunately that has little to do with 9-11, which was a very real crime. And top of the suspect list has to be those who would benefit. Except that we don't want to think about that... :rolleyes:
Time for the loons again.


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